Romney was 100% right

Shit-eater, you had to throw in some "1%" bullshit in your insane rant. :cuckoo:

I guess if a liberal is raping/robbing/killing someone else and not don't feel the need for the police to be called to help.

Russia is a threat to the Ukraine, not us...Try and remain calm, change your fear mongering bs channel, hater dupes....Romney was and is an over-ambitious idiot...pure greedy 1 percenter.
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

I think you dropped the soap and bent over in the in the shower once to many times grampas while you were in the big house :eusa_whistle:
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

I think you dropped the soap and bent over in the in the shower once to many times grampas while you were in the big house :eusa_whistle:

I think as a typical troll from the left you got nothing of substance to offer so you waste bandwidth with this nonsense.
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

Romney pulled way too many punches. Hopefully we can nominate a guy like Cruz, because he doesn't play nice with moonbats.

He beats them.

The great thing about nominating Cruz is we'll hopefully get the term, "natural born citizen," legally defined.
And Romney voters knew what Obama voters STILL, for the most part, haven't figured out.

Romney was the better man for the job.

The proof of this will follow on the heels of this post, if they haven't already posted their continued support of Obama, demonstrating their poor judgment, in this thread.

a better man for the job only if you wanted to see far right wingnuts run the country.

it isn't poor judgment that's the problem... it's the rightwingnut base. if Romney hadn't sucked up to the wackos, he'd have probably won.

Gosh you repeat the same old worn out talking points as if they were true. Do you have just one, ONE, original thought of your own?

Romney was less right of center then Obama and McCain was even further to the left. You just can't keep making up BS and expect any kind of respect.

Why is it the right can't put up a Conservative for president?
Well he got the 47% number right. Of course he was wrong about who the 47% was and what they supported.

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