Romney was 100% right

And Romney voters knew what Obama voters STILL, for the most part, haven't figured out.

Romney was the better man for the job.

The proof of this will follow on the heels of this post, if they haven't already posted their continued support of Obama, demonstrating their poor judgment, in this thread.

a better man for the job only if you wanted to see far right wingnuts run the country.

it isn't poor judgment that's the problem... it's the rightwingnut base. if Romney hadn't sucked up to the wackos, he'd have probably won.

Gosh you repeat the same old worn out talking points as if they were true. Do you have just one, ONE, original thought of your own?

Romney was less right of center then Obama and McCain was even further to the left. You just can't keep making up BS and expect any kind of respect.
You're right. I am confused by magic underwear. I wonder what the point is, and how grown adults can believe something so fucking stupid.
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

Romney would have invaded Iran

Romney would not have invaded Iran. Romney has common sense, unlike many of you liberal/socialists. Romney would have kept the sanctions in place until Iran's economy collapsed, and/or Iran gave up the idea of making a bomb.

Personally, I would bomb Iran back into the stone age. I would take out all six of their oil refineries, and all of their electrical generating stations. I would put them on foot, and in the dark. I would keep them there until they had a change of government. Hard to enrich uranium without a large amount of electricity.
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

Romney would have invaded Iran

Romney would not have invaded Iran. Romney has common sense, unlike many of you liberal/socialists. Romney would have kept the sanctions in place until Iran's economy collapsed, and/or Iran gave up the idea of making a bomb.

Personally, I would bomb Iran back into the stone age. I would take out all six of their oil refineries, and all of their electrical generating stations. I would put them on foot, and in the dark. I would keep them there until they had a change of government. Hard to enrich uranium without a large amount of electricity.
Well, we'll never find out what Mormney would do because Mormney lost and is never going to matter again.

Also, would you support a democratic government in Iran? The reason I ask is because of Operation Ajax in 1953, in which the CIA helped overthrow the democratic government of Iran which led to the fundamentalist government that the world has had to deal with ever since.
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tell us again how romneycare and obamacare aren't the same thing.

then tell me about being a moron.

Romneycare was for a liberal state he that was in favor of the program. Obamacare is federal and applies to all Americans despite little support.

I am sure you would have a lot more to tell us about being a moron. After all, doubtless you have the experience.

no. that would be you.

and the rightwingnut objection to the ACA is NOT that it's a federal program.... it's that it is this PRESIDENT'S program. you know, since the wingers never said a word when it was introduced by the heritage foundation. as a final note, even buying your argument about Romney's liberal state... this president won by 52% of the vote and by a huge electoral margin. so the bill WAS for his constituency. you wingers would have chewed off your own arms before you'd have supported even a heritage foundation plan if the president liked it.

surely even someone as vapid as you can see that.

but no doubt your little friend appreciated you rushing to his aid.

The right wing opposition to Obamacare is that it does not work, and will not work, regardless of how many changes are made to it. It does not solve the problem of the uninsured, and it does not lower costs. The only reason you loons favor it is because it was brought forth and passed by Democrats. If Republicans had passed it, you would be espounding on its horrors.

You console yourself with the idea that people oppose Obama's policies because Obama is Black. That is pure BS, and only a dumbass would think so. Most of us oppose Obama's policies because they are bad policies that hurt the country.

Yes, Obama did get reelected, and part of that reelection was pure lies, told by Obama and supported by the lame stream press. He lied about Obamacare. He lied about Benghazi. In fact, there is not much that he did not lie about, and the sad truth is that the media knew he lied and hardly ever mentioned it.

Romney did not lose because he was too far right. He lost because too many right wingers did not think he was far enough right. Many of them did not come out to vote.
Romney would have invaded Iran

Romney would not have invaded Iran. Romney has common sense, unlike many of you liberal/socialists. Romney would have kept the sanctions in place until Iran's economy collapsed, and/or Iran gave up the idea of making a bomb.

Personally, I would bomb Iran back into the stone age. I would take out all six of their oil refineries, and all of their electrical generating stations. I would put them on foot, and in the dark. I would keep them there until they had a change of government. Hard to enrich uranium without a large amount of electricity.
Well, we'll never find out what Mormney would do because Mormney lost and is never going to matter again.

Do you mean Romney?

You really can't disagree with the man's politics without bringing bigotry into it? Really? Are you really JoeB-level stupid?
The cold war ended 30 years ago. That is a perfectly logical reason to think that Russia is no longer a threat. That is if you are a naïve frat boy. Hell even Palin got it right. Man it must hurt to realize Obama, with all his administration to help, is dumber then Palin.

What would Romney have done to keep Russia out of the Crimea?
Be specific.

Don't know, don't care that is not the subject.

lolol, of course it isn't, because there is nothing Romney would have done that would have kept Russia out of the Crimea.

Your Obama derangement is getting boring. Seriously, it was entertaining for awhile, but, jesus, give it rest, Corky.
Although Romney was wrong in one aspect. He said Iran was the biggest threat to national security when the biggest threat has turned out to be the policies of the Obama administration.

Romney would have invaded Iran

Romney would not have invaded Iran. Romney has common sense, unlike many of you liberal/socialists. Romney would have kept the sanctions in place until Iran's economy collapsed, and/or Iran gave up the idea of making a bomb.

Personally, I would bomb Iran back into the stone age. I would take out all six of their oil refineries, and all of their electrical generating stations. I would put them on foot, and in the dark. I would keep them there until they had a change of government. Hard to enrich uranium without a large amount of electricity.

Good one. Romney has the common sense not to do to Iran what you would do.

seriously, who is writing your material?
Obama is a dumbfuck that only reads what he is told to read.

He has been ignoring Russia from day 1, he is more occupied with obamacare, illegals getting amnesty, ruining the US military, calling the GOP racists, etc than actually facing evil on this planet in Iran, China, Russia and Islamic terrorism.
What would Romney have done to keep Russia out of the Crimea?
Be specific.

Don't know, don't care that is not the subject.

lolol, of course it isn't, because there is nothing Romney would have done that would have kept Russia out of the Crimea.

Your Obama derangement is getting boring. Seriously, it was entertaining for awhile, but, jesus, give it rest, Corky.

Seriously can you read? The subject is Obama mocking Romney when Romney said Russia was a threat. Obama was wrong, more stupid then you think is Palin. It is way too funny how partisan hacks will defend anything concerning Obama. It really is quite boring you are correct. You changed the subject and then when I don't take your bait you go on as if I had. Quite the hack you are.
Russia is a threat to the Ukraine, not us...Try and remain calm, change your fear mongering bs channel, hater dupes....Romney was and is an over-ambitious idiot...pure greedy 1 percenter.
Russia is a threat to the Ukraine, not us...Try and remain calm, change your fear mongering bs channel, hater dupes....Romney was and is an over-ambitious idiot...pure greedy 1 percenter.

I see you're still an illiterate buffoon.

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