Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

Obama has been a horrible President. Why on earth would we expect him to be better second time around?

That's a lie the right keeps repeating to hopefully con under informed voters into believing. Voters who may have forgotten that McCain and Romney were saying things were fine when Bush was in office and we were bleeding 700,000 jobs a month.

Now we are adding 300,000 jobs enough. Would be a fuck of a lot more if it weren't for Ryan and McConnell.

My question is, do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth or are you a rich liar trying to con ignorant middle class folk into believing your lies? Because you are either not being intellectually honest or you are stupid. Maybe other people will let me know what I am dealing with here. I don't know you from Adam. But you just said a really ignorant thing.
Obama has been a horrible President. Why on earth would we expect him to be better second time around?

That's a lie the right keeps repeating to hopefully con under informed voters into believing. Voters who may have forgotten that McCain and Romney were saying things were fine when Bush was in office and we were bleeding 700,000 jobs a month.

Now we are adding 300,000 jobs enough. Would be a fuck of a lot more if it weren't for Ryan and McConnell.

My question is, do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth or are you a rich liar trying to con ignorant middle class folk into believing your lies? Because you are either not being intellectually honest or you are stupid. Maybe other people will let me know what I am dealing with here. I don't know you from Adam. But you just said a really ignorant thing.

wambulance? or a paper bag?
Okay, since wingnuts won't directly address the OP, let me sum it up for them: ANYONE BUT OBAMA.
80% of all GOP SuperPAC money came from 100 billionaires.

Republicans represent the oil companies and the super rich......that's it.
Romney's scam is trying to convince the people there's another free lunch. It failed under Bush, and brought us to our knees. Romney is still selling the same bill of goods. How stupid are right wingers?
Romney's scam is trying to convince the people there's another free lunch. It failed under Bush, and brought us to our knees. Romney is still selling the same bill of goods. How stupid are right wingers?

5 Facts About The Massachusetts Economy Under Mitt Romney

By Travis Waldron

Here are five facts about the Massachusetts economy from Romney’s 2003-2007 tenure:

1. Ranked 47th in job growth: Despite Romney’s professed expertise in creating jobs, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job growth during his time as governor.

2. Suffered the second-largest labor force decline in the nation: Only Louisiana, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, saw a bigger decline in its labor force than Massachusetts during Romney’s tenure as governor.

3. Lost 14 percent of its manufacturing jobs: Massachusetts lost 14 percent of its manufacturing jobs during Romney’s time in office, according to Sum. The loss was double the rate that the nation as a whole lost manufacturing jobs.

4. Experienced “below average” economic growth and was “often near the bottom”: “There was not one measure where the state did well under his term in office.

5. Piled on more debt than any other state: Romney left Massachusetts residents with $10,504 in per capita bond debt, the highest of any state in the nation when he left office in 2007. The state ranked second in debt as a percentage of personal income.

More: 5 Facts About The Massachusetts Economy Under Mitt Romney | ThinkProgress
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

On the other hand, you believe being a "community organizer" and socializing with known terrorists makes you qualified to be president.

Enough said.
Governor Romney created more jobs in Mass than Barry Hussein created in the entire Country.

Link please.


"community organizer"

Idiot rw's. This is the United States. We value those who fight FOR our rights. Unlike the frigge rw's who only want to take rights away.

Those of you who believe "community organizer" is a BAD thing, what have YOU done to help qualified and eligible voters to VOTE?

I can answer that for you. You have done EXACTLY what the GObP/pubs/bags have done.


Not a fucking thing because you're all about taking rights away from American citizens and the worst is, you don't have a clue what you're doing.
Romney's scam is trying to convince the people there's another free lunch. It failed under Bush, and brought us to our knees. Romney is still selling the same bill of goods. How stupid are right wingers?


Whoa there guys.

So what if it hasn't worked since Reagan first forced it on us. That's only 25 years or so. Maybe THIS is the year that tinkle down will finally produce its first job.

Can anyone name one person who is STOOPID enough to believe that?

Just one ...

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