Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

I don’t know who all of his advisers are, but I’ve seen some of the names and some of them are quite far to the right, and sometimes they, I think, might be in a position to make judgments or recommendations to the candidate that should get a second thought. For example, when Governor Romney not too long ago said that the Russian Federation is our number one geo-strategic, well… Come on, Mitt. Think. It isn’t the case.

Colin Powell’s Advice To Mitt Romney: ‘Come On, Mitt. Think.’ | Mediaite
If Romney were to simply be judged based upon his track record as governor, true conservatives would not give him the time of day. Yet, they seem more than willing to “hold their nose” and vote for a proven liberal because they have taken up the same mantra that the left did during the last election. Only this time, instead of the cry being, “Anybody but Bush,” it’s “Anybody but Obama!”

Who Is The Most Dangerous Man In America?*|*Front Porch Politics
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

So you justify voting for Obummer based on what?

Several justifications, but most of all because the alternative is too dangerous for America and the world.

You wouldn't know dangerous if it bit you in the ass, Obummer has defined the word to a T...
this thread is stupid, just another one spammed with left wing kook sites and nothing else..

shouldn't feed the trolls..
this thread is stupid, just another one spammed with left wing kook sites and nothing else..

shouldn't feed the trolls..

Why don't you try to "factually" disprove this so-called "spam" from "kook" sites...?
this thread is stupid, just another one spammed with left wing kook sites and nothing else..

shouldn't feed the trolls..

Why don't you try to "factually" disprove this so-called "spam" from "kook" sites...?

why bother, so you can go dig up some more bullshit from alterered world or don't want to hear what people have to say, you just think your sites have all the post six links at once and then tell people to disprove're a joke
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Obama has been a horrible President. Why on earth would we expect him to be better second time around?
In other words, you wingnuts don't wish to address the OP in a factual manner...
In other words, you wingnuts don't wish to address the OP in a factual manner...

We are addressing it. We are addressing your attempts to avoid Obama's record by attacking Romney's record, which is significantly superior.
In other words, you wingnuts don't wish to address the OP in a factual manner...

We are addressing it. We are addressing your attempts to avoid Obama's record by attacking Romney's record, which is significantly superior.

Maybe you don't understand how message boards work. Ya see, this thread is about Romney, so if you wish to discuss Obama - start a thread. It ain't that difficult...
A terd would make a better choice than Obama! At least it would just sit there and stink instead of trying to fundamentally take us into socialism!

He looks the part, is the rights best option, and will do whatever the corporations tell him to do. Same as Bush.

Remember we were impressed with Bush and Chaney's business experience? :lol:

They didn't fuck us enough on Defense contractors and oil in Iraq, right at the end they let the bankers/wallstreet fuck us one good too. And now righties want to put Mr. Vulture Capital in the White House? They think his business experience qualifies him to be President? What a fucking joke!

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