Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

5 Facts About The Massachusetts Economy Under Mitt Romney

By Travis Waldron

Here are five facts about the Massachusetts economy from Romney’s 2003-2007 tenure:

1. Ranked 47th in job growth: Despite Romney’s professed expertise in creating jobs, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job growth during his time as governor.

2. Suffered the second-largest labor force decline in the nation: Only Louisiana, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, saw a bigger decline in its labor force than Massachusetts during Romney’s tenure as governor.

3. Lost 14 percent of its manufacturing jobs: Massachusetts lost 14 percent of its manufacturing jobs during Romney’s time in office, according to Sum. The loss was double the rate that the nation as a whole lost manufacturing jobs.

4. Experienced “below average” economic growth and was “often near the bottom”: “There was not one measure where the state did well under his term in office.

5. Piled on more debt than any other state: Romney left Massachusetts residents with $10,504 in per capita bond debt, the highest of any state in the nation when he left office in 2007. The state ranked second in debt as a percentage of personal income.

More: 5 Facts About The Massachusetts Economy Under Mitt Romney | ThinkProgress

Mitt is a failure in the ways that matter - yes, he's a really good Robber Baron), and the R's work only to force our country into bankruptcy ...

And yet, Obama's FOUR MILLION PLUS NEW JOBS AND SAVING COUNTLESS EXISTING JOBS - well, they just don't count.
Please provide some "credible" proof of your claim.

If Romney created even 1 single job.. it is more than Obamalama.. who has a NET LOSS OF JOBS SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE


Really? Got any credible proof? The DOL says differently.

Well it's "Romney Logic".

His defense of his performance of governor is "He inherited a bad economy, a huge deficit and a big debt". So he wants to be judged in terms of those bench marks.

Of course he wants Obama judged stricty after 1/19/2009. Because before then..nothing happened. History in this country started on that date.

Just what we need, a W clone with no personality...

Dave, heard of the Booosh Depression? Half the dupes haven't...
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Romney is a warmongering chickenhawk who has never served his country in the military.

Romney tells vets dangerous world demands powerful military | Reuters

Like Obama? :lol:

What wars did Obama start that cost the lives of American troops?
he is in charge has,nt stoppped the war in afganistan

if your not part of the solution your part of the problem .
when did obama serve in the military ?you dimocrats (spelt correctly )make me laugh its alright if your leader didnt serve but not okay if the republican didnt
Obama was not a very good State Senator or U.S. Senator but for some reason people thought he would be good President so I'm willing to give Romney the same benefit of the doubt Obama was given.
Obama was not a very good State Senator or U.S. Senator but for some reason people thought he would be good President so I'm willing to give Romney the same benefit of the doubt Obama was given.
he was he a bad * community organizer *as well
Oh i forgot obama did ,has served in the military .
he is part of the socialist army thats trying to take over america
Romney has never been a good anything.

Except a bullshit artist.

Or as my GF said, "I thought Mormoms weren't supposed to lie?"

Bless her.
Romney has never been a good anything.

Except a bullshit artist.

Or as my GF said, "I thought Mormoms weren't supposed to lie?"

Bless her.

Apparently it's okay for Mormons to lie in politics - because Romney sure does a lot of it.
Romney has never been a good anything.

Except a bullshit artist.

Or as my GF said, "I thought Mormoms weren't supposed to lie?"

Bless her.

Apparently it's okay for Mormons to lie in politics - because Romney sure does a lot of it.

Let me see now
ill close quantanamo bay said obama
ill create jobs said obama
obama care wont make insurance rates increase said obama

ill work with the opposition and not pass legislation behind closed doors said obama
il not have any lobbiest in my cabinet said obama

lies lies lies lies ant theres more
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Governor Romney created more jobs in Mass than Barry Hussein created in the entire Country.

You mean....The Mitt finally settled on a consistent-number??!!!


Doesn't matter......​


For the benefit o' you Teabaggers.....​


calamitous: being, causing, or accompanied by calamity

calamity: 1: a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss

2: a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering
If Romney created even 1 single job.. it is more than Obamalama.. who has a NET LOSS OF JOBS SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE


Really? Got any credible proof? The DOL says differently.

Well it's "Romney Logic".

His defense of his performance of governor is "He inherited a bad economy, a huge deficit and a big debt". So he wants to be judged in terms of those bench marks.

Of course he wants Obama judged stricty after 1/19/2009. Because before then..nothing happened. History in this country started on that date.


Yeah.. :rolleyes: OK :rolleyes:

How many times have I criticized Bush's fiscal policy? The handling of domestic issues? Etc??

The fact remains that Obama has a net loss of jobs... spends like a drunken sailor.. and wants more big government 'solutions' that will lead to even more spending... the job front will not be bright as long as Obamalama's policies lead the way
Man, Obama had 2 years in the senate and didnt do squat and you voted for him... oh wait you're right it was a disaster, but I got hope and that hope is for change! Do you have a shirtless picture of Obama?
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.
I see everything in Romney's past that qualifies him for President.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica] No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 – ratified February 27, 1951
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
Romney had his chance as a statesman, but performed poorly.


Well, you being the loser you are.....probably needing Obama Money to survive can't bring yourself to really address things in a way that is consistent with what is good for America.

You'd starve to death.

He has done quite well at many things and has done a whole lot more than Obama (except maybe get his wife a job that amounted to a bribe).
Governor Romney created more jobs in Mass than Barry Hussein created in the entire Country.

Well no.

But do keep up that lie.

If you tell it enough..maybe someone will believe it.


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