Romney won't seek re-election in 2024

Unmanly Mandates

The 1%'s Constitution forces us to vote for or against 100% of a candidate's stands on issues.
Nobody forces you to vote for a candidate. Of course nobody forces you to believe that vaccines are poison, there was massive voter fraud, or that orange billionaires care about the average American. These are all things you choose to believe.
As a real Conservative I did not vote for the RINO for President in 2012 just like I didn't vote for that other RINO dipshit McCain in 2008. Both times I voted for Ron Paul. He was on the ballot both times in Florida.

Queer Barry was a terrible disaster for this country and either McCain or Romney would have been better but the difference was nothing to brag about. Just like Bush was a better choice than that nutcase Gore and that asshole traitor Kerry but the country could have done a lot better.
Wow, as a bitter Olde white guy I accept fascism to protect me.
Considering the only alternative to Mitt was a Kenyan Marxist, anyone can be excused for voting for Romney in 2012
It must suck to have to try to explain how you voted for someone you now despise.

I don’t have that problem. c'est la vie for conserve-hate-ives.

Romney knows he has no chance at getting re-elected.

The part I loved the most is when he said that he and others are too old to be in office but he wouldn't rule out a future run.

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