Romney's Bain Lie

You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?

So common it is that I brought up a guy I ride the train with.

Sorry, that's a "prove water is wet" game.

You dont get to just throw out a random name. LINKS. Evidence PROVING your claims.

You got any?

cause I posted the SEC filings. Ive got PROOF of my statements.

You've got SEC filings showing that every CEO of an LLC or LLP exerts direct operational control?


Of course you do, sparky...

Youve provided NOTHING contradicting those claims but baseless attacks on other posters. Get some evidence and provide it.

Im prolly the ONE person you could get to change his position on this forum, but youve yet to give me a single piece of actual evidence to do so.

Dude, millions of companies have that structure. Owner incorporated with an LLC to protect assets, worked for years building the business, moves on to other interests leaving someone else to manage it.

Not below 0 degrees centigrade it isn't.
You know.............I'm pretty sure that Uncensored doesn't know of any power structure like that in any company.

But............then's the Trump strategy, saying something stupid, and then saying that "people" share the same view, no names, just the word "people".
You know.............I'm pretty sure that Uncensored doesn't know of any power structure like that in any company.

But............then's the Trump strategy, saying something stupid, and then saying that "people" share the same view, no names, just the word "people".

exactly. An empty gun.
You know.............I'm pretty sure that Uncensored doesn't know of any power structure like that in any company.

But............then's the Trump strategy, saying something stupid, and then saying that "people" share the same view, no names, just the word "people".

exactly. An empty gun.

An empty gun strategy is a pretty piss poor one. Even Barney Fife carried 1 bullet.
You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?
You must have supported Bush - if you've nothing to hide.....
It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?
You must have supported Bush - if you've nothing to hide.....

So his assessment logical answer to his sensible question.
You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?

No, GayPinhead doesn't have a logical answer, to any questions, just deflection.

But one of Meat's former Bain colleagues had an answer, since he was a Bain exec, who had to report, directly to W. Meat Obamney.

The reason wingpunks want the President's transcripts is Meat happens to have made valedictorian, of Young U. Meat then got into a combined Harvard program, which graduated Meat, with both an MBA and an LLD.

But wingpunks are fucktards, and Meat starts thinking he can get away, with all kinds of shit, on anybody's watch. THAT is why he is a liar, who is in more trouble, than when he was mean to his dog or those kids in prep school, over hiding his tax returns, since they likely show a lot of details, about his lying to the SEC and all of us.

He has his fucktards all ranting up a shitload, for getting the President's transcripts, since no way did black Obamney beat white Obamney, at raw grades. White Obamney learned more about bullshit, than did most people.

When white Obamney was Governor Meat, he let it be known global warming was causing climate change, and he kept this up, for a couple of years, until the time came, for him to enter into a long-planned carbon reduction agreement, but Meat got cold feet.

What can you say? Meat's former Bain colleague Marc B. Wolpow explains, he reported directly, to W. Meat Obamney, 2002. Meat is this go-for-it LIAR, since he knows his toads are all sociopathic liars and weasels, so he ducked on global warming and healthcare and womens' rights and anything else he used to support, and now, he's a FLOPSIE!

Meat's toads wouldn't have him, any other way.

... former executive, Mark B. Wolpow, says: ''I reported directly to Mitt Romney ... '' - Democratic Underground

And a former executive, Mark B. Wolpow, says:

“I reported directly to Mitt Romney . . . You can’t be CEO of Bain Capital and say, `I really don’t know what my guys were doing,’” Mr. Wolpow said of Mr. Romney role at the company during his leave.


Bain 1999 Press Release Heralded Romney’s “Part-Time Leave Of Absence” « Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Bain Capital wanted its clients to know that Mitt Romney wasn’t leaving the company when he went to the Olympics, as Romney now claims was the case.

The press release, which was obtained through a simple Nexis search…appears to contradict claims by both Romney and Bain that he had no involvement in the company’s day-to-day operations after February 11, 1999.

In his most recent financial disclosure form, Romney said he had retired from the firm in February of 1999. “Since February 11, 1999,” the document states, “Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.”

According to this press release, however, Romney was the firm’s part-time CEO at least through July of 1999, contradicting the Romney campaign’s claim that SEC filings listing him as the firm’s CEO and sole owner were simply a “quirk in the law.”

And a former executive, Mark B. Wolpow, says:

“I reported directly to Mitt Romney . . . You can’t be CEO of Bain Capital and say, `I really don’t know what my guys were doing,’” Mr. Wolpow said of Mr. Romney role at the company during his leave.


Romney's Bain story unraveling quickly - The Maddow Blog

Back in 2002 when he was running for Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney and his aides had no problem admitting he retained his position as CEO of Bain Capital after 1999. Press articles from the time describe how Mr. Romney was on a "leave of absence" after 1999 and had not fully cut ties with the private equity firm. [...]

Mr. Romney being on a "leave of absence" would explain the discrepancy and it doesn't mean he played any role in managing the company, however, according to at least one former Bain Capital executive, during a prior leave of absence, Mr. Romney still remained in a very active role with the company.

In 2002, a Boston Globe article quoted a former Bain Capital executive named Marc B. Wolpow who said Mr. Romney remained in a very active role at Bain Capital while he was supposedly on a leave of absence for his Senate race. Wolpow specifically said of Romney's role, "I reported directly to Mitt Romney.... You can't be CEO of Bain Capital and say, 'I really don't know what my guys were doing,'"

Daily Kos' Jed Lewison, meanwhile, highlights a Bain press release from July 1999 -- several months after Romney claims to have given up his role at the firm -- that describes Romney as being on "a part-time leave of absence" to work on the Olympics. What's more, Dave Weigel notes Bain materials that said Romney would continue to have "input on investment and key personnel decisions" after his alleged departure.

Making matters slightly worse, the Huffington Post has a report this afternoon, noting a federal disclosure form Romney filed in August 2011 that said Romney, after February 1999, "has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way." The article added, "That is false."

And making matters worse still, BuzzFeed has published a 2000 document, uncovered by our pal James Carter, that identifies Romney as being "principally engaged in the business of serving as sole stockholder of BCI VI, Inc. (Bain Capital Investors VI)" -- materials signed by Romney that clearly contradict other disclosure forms filed with the FEC. (Update: By "other disclosure forms filed with the FEC," I mean materials like these.)

The challenge, then, becomes figuring out which entity Romney was lying to: the SEC, the FEC, voters, or some combination thereof? Given the contradictions, and the fact that Romney's version of events clearly don't add up, his stories can't all be truthful.


The wingpunks who can't spell have made Meat their boss, like those empty-headed, naked zombies made Keannu Reeves their daddy, in CONSTANTINE.

Donald Trump has called, for the President's transcripts. WTF are they gonna do, with THOSE? Do black Obamney's school antics compare, with those, of the awesome MEAT? I think not!

Does Donald Trump SUCK? He sure does! It isn't time for the President to reveal school records! It's time for Meat Obamney, to reveal, why he is a LYING LIAR, with his pants on fire, going LIE-LIE-LIE-LIE-LIE-LIE-LIE, like it's a fucking chorus, to a song.

Trump: Romney Shouldn’t Turn Over Tax Records Until Obama Turns Over College Records « Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Mitt will release the tax returns, once they are filed. Meanwhile the peanut gallery continues to try and distract. Priceless.


Sure, Meat's gonna whip out 1999 through 2009, just because we want him to.

Teeheehee, "once they are filed." Do ya think? If they weren't filed, the IRS would BBQ Mr. W. Meat Obamney, right away.

Meanwhile, Marc Wolpow reported directly, to W. Meat Obamney, CEO of Bain Capital.

Unusual? No. But Marc was a Bain exec, 2002. Doink!
Comprehension is not your friend, apparently. :eusa_whistle:

Tell me how Romney retires "retroactively". Statements such as this should disqualify him for being an idiot.

Romney knows what is in those documents. He has made the judgement that disclosing them will bring more damage than hiding them.

If he had nothing to hide...............................

Speaking of " If he had nothing to hide...." Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts?

Not to mention the F&F docs. Whatcha hidin' Bobo?
You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It's true, hater.

Of course, you wished harm on the daughter of the employee Mitt was trying to find when he shut down the firm to look for her, so you ain't exactly a source of unbiased objectivity.
Mitt will release the tax returns, once they are filed. Meanwhile the peanut gallery continues to try and distract. Priceless.


Sure, Meat's gonna whip out 1999 through 2009, just because we want him to.

Teeheehee, "once they are filed." Do ya think? If they weren't filed, the IRS would BBQ Mr. W. Meat Obamney, right away.

Meanwhile, Marc Wolpow reported directly, to W. Meat Obamney, CEO of Bain Capital.

Unusual? No. But Marc was a Bain exec, 2002. Doink!


You mean 1999, don't you?

But to the point, I find it laughable that Romney would remain the CEO, Sole Owner of Bain up until 2002, with millions of his own dollars and billions of other people's money invested in it, during a time period where the international economy was in a state of free fall, (as it was in 2000-2002) and his excuse was, "Well, I wasn't involved in it all. It was those other guys. I was in Salt Lake City designing the Downhill Course. Really!"

Come on, do you believe that?

And if that were the case, his records would bear that out, so why not release them.

It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?

You asked 2 questions, not one, which bit of idiocy do you want answered first?
So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?
You must have supported Bush - if you've nothing to hide.....

So his assessment logical answer to his sensible question.
If Obama really went to any higher education institution, then he would release his transcripts.

If Obama has nothing to hide in Fast and Furious, he would dissolve his unlawful EO.


Good thingthe Founders never had the "if he had nothing to hide" mentality so that our inherent rights protecting us from illegal search and seizure are maintained, uless that's another inherent right Obama wants to violate.

In summarry, there is no logical answer to an illogical question.
Currently Bain Capital is going to outsource a lot of jobs in IL to China.

Wonder if Mittens is gonna stand up to China (like he said he would) and tell Bain to keep the jobs here?
Currently Bain Capital is going to outsource a lot of jobs in IL to China.

Wonder if Mittens is gonna stand up to China (like he said he would) and tell Bain to keep the jobs here?
You ARE aware that Obama's "stimulus" program funded several employers who created more jobs off shore and few on shore, right?

See, I don't really obsess too much about off shore and on's just the way it is with a globalized economy. The USA cannot compete in many areas.

Regardless, when I have to pay for it - pay for creating jobs off shore? Ah, that's another story.
It doesn't matter what you find 'laughable', you're a babbling idiot. You laugh hysterically while you fling shit against the walls.

You got nothing but a lying sack of shit in the White House desperately trying to divide this country for his political gain.

Fuck him and fuck you!

So you are admitting you don't have a logical answer to my very sensible question, then?
You must have supported Bush - if you've nothing to hide.....

I did support Bush. Both times, because the alternatives were so awful.

And this time I'll support Obama because the alternatives are so awful.

But most elections are usually the choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

Currently Bain Capital is going to outsource a lot of jobs in IL to China.

Wonder if Mittens is gonna stand up to China (like he said he would) and tell Bain to keep the jobs here?
You ARE aware that Obama's "stimulus" program funded several employers who created more jobs off shore and few on shore, right?

See, I don't really obsess too much about off shore and on's just the way it is with a globalized economy. The USA cannot compete in many areas.

Regardless, when I have to pay for it - pay for creating jobs off shore? Ah, that's another story.

The sad thing is you actually believe that shit.

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