Romney's Bain Lie

Mitt was sole owner AND CEO. Try again.


He turned operational management over to others so he could manage the Olympics.

Despite your mindless hackery, it's pretty common.
That might be common, but having no say so in a company you totally own and are CEO of is very uncommon. Not to mention stupid.
Funny, you keep saying it's uncommon, but several have shown you it is not.
Gosh, I guess instead of retiring "retroactively," as Ed Gillespie Bunker described, Meat must have retired, by going back to the future, in the Michael J. FoxNews method.

Meat got $100,000 a year, he attended meetings, he was sole owner and CEO, until 2002, and he had an executive report directly to him.

W. Meat (white) Obamney won't release his tax returns, 1999 through 2009, when he was contracted in some way, to Bain, until Feb. 11, 2009.

The National Review, George Will, etc. say Meat should release his returns, NOW. Newt Gingrich told him he'd have to release the returns, during the Republican debates. I guess you weren't there.

Just how does that look, right-wing veggie-vadges? Eat shit, flop over, like you just discovered star-gazing, and fart at the moon!
Gosh, I guess instead of retiring "retroactively," as Ed Gillespie Bunker described, Meat must have retired, by going back to the future, in the Michael J. FoxNews method.

Meat got $100,000 a year, he attended meetings, he was sole owner and CEO, until 2002, and he had an executive report directly to him.

W. Meat (white) Obamney won't release his tax returns, 1999 through 2009, when he was contracted in some way, to Bain, until Feb. 11, 2009.

The National Review, George Will, etc. say Meat should release his returns, NOW. Newt Gingrich told him he'd have to release the returns, during the Republican debates. I guess you weren't there.

Just how does that look, right-wing veggie-vadges? Eat shit, flop over, like you just discovered star-gazing, and fart at the moon!

How about Obama releasing his college records and Holder releasing all he has on "Fast and Furious"?
You know.............I'm pretty sure that Uncensored doesn't know of any power structure like that in any company.

But............then's the Trump strategy, saying something stupid, and then saying that "people" share the same view, no names, just the word "people".

You know..... I'm pretty sure you'll say anything that you think will smear the hated opposition, regardless of whether there is any truth to it.

Do you even know what an LLC or LLP is?

Put it this way, I start a car wash. Now there is inherent risk in a car wash, I or an employee could damage a car. Under the law, I'm liable for the damage. So I risk everything I own by having a business. This severely limits the willingness of people to take such a risk on top of all the other risks in business.

So many states have allowed small business to limit liability so that their personal assets are safe.

So I create a limited liability corporation for my car wash. I work 20 years and have enough assets that I can retire. I could sell the business, but I kind of like the income from it. So I have someone else manage it while I go off on cruises and golf.

It happens EVERY fucking day.

Look, I know you guys are just partisan hacks, you say what you do to promote your party. But sometimes what you post is SO FUCKING STUPID that it demands a response.

This is one of those times.
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this has gone on long enough :( PRODUCE THE TAX-RETURNS!!! :mad:

And if they're perfectly clean you'll just pout about his income.

He can't win with you Obamabots, so it's pointless if he releases them or not.

I don't like Romney and I could care less about this. It's just entertaining watching you kids pretend this stance of yours is principled in the least when everyone knows your motives are purely motivated by partisan interests.

Mitt Romney's 2010 Tax Disclosure Missing Key Documents

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney has not released his full tax records from 2010, including key documentation connected to his Swiss bank account.

Although President Barack Obama and an increasing number of Republican politicians have called on Romney to release tax returns from years prior to 2010, the public criticism has so far failed to note that Romney has not disclosed all of his tax documents for 2010 itself -- the only year for which the GOP presidential nominee has presented any final tax forms.

More: Mitt Romney Taxes For 2010 Not Fully Disclosed

Mitt Romney's 2010 Tax Disclosure Missing Key Documents

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney has not released his full tax records from 2010, including key documentation connected to his Swiss bank account.

Although President Barack Obama and an increasing number of Republican politicians have called on Romney to release tax returns from years prior to 2010, the public criticism has so far failed to note that Romney has not disclosed all of his tax documents for 2010 itself -- the only year for which the GOP presidential nominee has presented any final tax forms.

More: Mitt Romney Taxes For 2010 Not Fully Disclosed

It's time you called the IRS. Have you done that yet?
Was he the CEO and did he own 100%?

You don't need to know anything about business to know that Mitten is full of shit.

It's very common.

Too bad the moron left doesn't know that.

You just want to keep screaming, "It can't be true", when it is.

I have never seen such a manifestation of public education fail as there is in this election. Useful Idiots and Obama's timing for the first majority of Useful Idiots is prime.
Feel free to prove that it is common to be the sole stock holder and CEO and have no say in the running of the company. We both know it isn't common.
Feel free to show that it is not common.
This whole Romney tax return bashing is much like obammy's recent business bashing. Inexperienced and envious morons making stupid claims about business. Well done, libbies. Now go collect your paycheck from those businesses whose structure you are so familiar with.

He turned operational management over to others so he could manage the Olympics.

Despite your mindless hackery, it's pretty common.
That might be common, but having no say so in a company you totally own and are CEO of is very uncommon. Not to mention stupid.
Funny, you keep saying it's uncommon, but several have shown you it is not.

No several have SAID that its common. Ive yet to see a single link proving that fact.

Just because the mob all repeats the same falsehood doesnt make it true.

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