Ron Paul doesnt seem to care about getting Obama out of office

I just pointed out your "freedom fighter" theory is bullshit.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill muslims there. UBL wanted in on the action protecting our bases until he lost the bid, so he turned on us and the ruling class....what a heroic man he was, eh?

He must've been pissed off we protected Sauid Arabia and Kuwait from a secular dictator like Saddam, right? Stopping a wannabe muslim from invading the "holy land" for muslims, strange argument.

Maybe he didn't like us arming Afghans to kill the Soviet invaders. Well, we did side with the Northern Alliance after their civil war, but you think we should have picked the side of the Taliban where they stone women, gays, etc at a whim.

You see, choosing the side of the terrorists or freedom fighters in your wacked out mind will lose everytime when exposed to sunlight. You Paulbots are just too dumb to be messing with me.

Dumbfuck, UBL was a Saudi.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill innocents there.

We also supported muslims in Afghanistan from the Soviets. The Taliban and UBL rose to power in Afghanistan.

Saddam was a secular killer of muslims and we removed him from power.

AQI (which you deny exists) was killing innocent muslims in Iraq to blame the violence on us and to force the locals to fight us.

I can go on and on you fucking idiot.

Let me ask you, if a foreign Army were to occupy America and accidentally (and sometimes not) kill a lot of innocent Americans what would you do?
Stop listening to the voices in your head and answer my question....
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Give up, moron.

You are a day late and a dollar short everytime.

Dumbfuck, UBL was a Saudi.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill innocents there.

We also supported muslims in Afghanistan from the Soviets. The Taliban and UBL rose to power in Afghanistan.

Saddam was a secular killer of muslims and we removed him from power.

AQI (which you deny exists) was killing innocent muslims in Iraq to blame the violence on us and to force the locals to fight us.

I can go on and on you fucking idiot.

Let me ask you, if a foreign Army were to occupy America and accidentally (and sometimes not) kill a lot of innocent Americans what would you do?

Most jihadists don't like the Saudi Royals, because they see them as in bed with us, which they are.

You know what would've prevented all of those attacks on our troops in Iraq?

Not having all those troops in Iraq, because we had no business there.

Paul speaks about blow back all the time, and you've just highlighted several glaring examples of it. Of course you don't feel that way, because in your egotistical delusions you actually feel that's the role of the US, to push weaker people around.
Give up, moron.

You are a day late and a dollar short everytime.

Dumbfuck, UBL was a Saudi.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill innocents there.

We also supported muslims in Afghanistan from the Soviets. The Taliban and UBL rose to power in Afghanistan.

Saddam was a secular killer of muslims and we removed him from power.

AQI (which you deny exists) was killing innocent muslims in Iraq to blame the violence on us and to force the locals to fight us.

I can go on and on you fucking idiot.

Most jihadists don't like the Saudi Royals, because they see them as in bed with us, which they are.

You know what would've prevented all of those attacks on our troops in Iraq?

Not having all those troops in Iraq, because we had no business there.

Paul speaks about blow back all the time, and you've just highlighted several glaring examples of it. Of course you don't feel that way, because in your egotistical delusions you actually feel that's the role of the US, to push weaker people around.

I know you have nothing, you didn't even need to reply.
Paulbots and liberals end up defending UBL and other terrorists in the end with their demented view of the world, quite disgusting.
I just pointed out your "freedom fighter" theory is bullshit.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill muslims there. UBL wanted in on the action protecting our bases until he lost the bid, so he turned on us and the ruling class....what a heroic man he was, eh?

He must've been pissed off we protected Sauid Arabia and Kuwait from a secular dictator like Saddam, right? Stopping a wannabe muslim from inading the "holy land" for muslims, strange argument.

Maybe he didn't like us arming Afghans to kill the Soviet invaders. Well, we did side with the Northern Alliance after their civil war, but you think we should have picked the side of the Taliban where they stone women, gays, etc at a whim.

You see, choosing the side of the terrorists or freedom fighters in your wacked out mind will lose everytime when exposed to sunlight.

Dumbfuck, UBL was a Saudi.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill innocents there.

We also supported muslims in Afghanistan from the Soviets. The Taliban and UBL rose to power in Afghanistan.

Saddam was a secular killer of muslims and we removed him from power.

AQI (which you deny exists) was killing innocent muslims in Iraq to blame the violence on us and to force the locals to fight us.

I can go on and on you fucking idiot.
Stop listening to the voices in your head and answer my question....
You'll never get it. Once again, nothing but talking points and accusations. You're too predictable.
I've made my point and exposed liberals and Paulbots enough.

Ron Paul was just on FOX News, oh the horror they are supposed to squash him, and he didn't bring up his terrorism beliefs when given the chance......I wonder why.
You side with the terrorists, we get it....UBL would be proud if not for SEAL Team 6 ending his peon life.

I just pointed out your "freedom fighter" theory is bullshit.

We didn't invade Saudi Arabia and kill muslims there. UBL wanted in on the action protecting our bases until he lost the bid, so he turned on us and the ruling class....what a heroic man he was, eh?

He must've been pissed off we protected Sauid Arabia and Kuwait from a secular dictator like Saddam, right? Stopping a wannabe muslim from inading the "holy land" for muslims, strange argument.

Maybe he didn't like us arming Afghans to kill the Soviet invaders. Well, we did side with the Northern Alliance after their civil war, but you think we should have picked the side of the Taliban where they stone women, gays, etc at a whim.

You see, choosing the side of the terrorists or freedom fighters in your wacked out mind will lose everytime when exposed to sunlight.

Stop listening to the voices in your head and answer my question....
You'll never get it. Once again, nothing but talking points and accusations. You're too predictable.
I've made my point and exposed liberals and Paulbots enough.

Ron Paul was just on FOX News, oh the horror they are supposed to squash him, and he didn't bring up his terrorism beliefs when given the chance......I wonder why.

Oh, you've proven something, but it isn't what you think.
You are the epitome of stupid.

Medved is a Jew.

Personal lifeMedved co-founded Pacific Jewish Center, an Orthodox synagogue in Venice, California, with his friend and teacher, Rabbi Daniel Lapin. For fifteen years, Medved served as president of PJC, which states that its mission is outreach to unaffiliated and disconnected Jews. In his book Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons from a Controversial Life, he states that his commitment to religion led to his conservative political outlook. He is a baal teshuva (returnee to Orthodox Judaism).[14]

Michael Medved - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just kill yourself.

Let me guess, you're a Paulbot and you have a buttload of pics to back your argument.

Here's something to keep you busy, Michael Medved is on the radio right now taking calls from you kooks and he likes the laughs.

LOLOLOLZ! You listen to Michael Medved!!!! AAAHAAHHH hAHahahahahahaaa. That fucker gets owned 9 times out of ten, you know what he does, he literally cuts the person off by TURNING THEIR VOLUME OFF and talks, then says "Ok?" and hangs up on people... that way it looks like the caller accepted what he said and agreed. Notice how rare it is for Medved to actually have a back and forth conversation?

Past that I love how he is on the air next to Rush, and they disagree about 40% of the time while both of them declare they are right, lol.

Yes, for a very short time up in Seattle I listened to both of them during the 2008 elections. Medved is your typical religious nut job that wants to kill everyone in the world that does not go to his church… He even believes the country is Christian, he simply lacks any proof whatsoever.

The problem here is you are incapable of thinking for yourself Zerky.

I know Medved is a Jew, he also used to be a Progressive liberal then he changed over to a Progressive liberal Neocon... He argues just like when he did as a Progressive liberal (Democrats) as he does now as a Progressive liberal (Republican.)
So as it stands Zerky thinks Paul supporters and Paul himself are Terrorists and liberals and hate America… I guess his name “gone berzerk” was made for a reason.
he and his supporters seem to have their own agenda.

Selfish-to-the core.

That makes perfect sense. He doesn't care if Iran has nukes either. He's 77 years old, he's tired and touched with dementia.

The anarchist Liberatarians are taking advantage of the babbling old fool.

But their time has run out. 3 days to go and they must stop pretending to be Republicans.

Well, some of them will fall in line behind that nerdy Gary Johnson, who also pretends to be a Republican!
he and his supporters seem to have their own agenda.

Selfish-to-the core.

That makes perfect sense. He doesn't care if Iran has nukes either. He's 77 years old, he's tired and touched with dementia.

The anarchist Liberatarians are taking advantage of the babbling old fool.

But their time has run out. 3 days to go and they must stop pretending to be Republicans.

Well, some of them will fall in line behind that nerdy Gary Johnson, who also pretends to be a Republican!

Libertarians are not anarchists.
Let me guess, you're a Paulbot and you have a buttload of pics to back your argument.

Here's something to keep you busy, Michael Medved is on the radio right now taking calls from you kooks and he likes the laughs.

he and his supporters seem to have their own agenda.

Selfish-to-the core.


never heard of him
Likely it is the voices in his head he has been consulting with based on the intellectual bankruptcy displayed in this thread. Good entertainment though.

Like watching a drunk Dickie Bets fall off the stage a few times.
Kook....I didn't realize Jews went to church.

You're just stupid in every way one can try.

You are the epitome of stupid.

Medved is a Jew.

Personal lifeMedved co-founded Pacific Jewish Center, an Orthodox synagogue in Venice, California, with his friend and teacher, Rabbi Daniel Lapin. For fifteen years, Medved served as president of PJC, which states that its mission is outreach to unaffiliated and disconnected Jews. In his book Right Turns: Unconventional Lessons from a Controversial Life, he states that his commitment to religion led to his conservative political outlook. He is a baal teshuva (returnee to Orthodox Judaism).[14]

Michael Medved - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just kill yourself.

LOLOLOLZ! You listen to Michael Medved!!!! AAAHAAHHH hAHahahahahahaaa. That fucker gets owned 9 times out of ten, you know what he does, he literally cuts the person off by TURNING THEIR VOLUME OFF and talks, then says "Ok?" and hangs up on people... that way it looks like the caller accepted what he said and agreed. Notice how rare it is for Medved to actually have a back and forth conversation?

Past that I love how he is on the air next to Rush, and they disagree about 40% of the time while both of them declare they are right, lol.

Yes, for a very short time up in Seattle I listened to both of them during the 2008 elections. Medved is your typical religious nut job that wants to kill everyone in the world that does not go to his church… He even believes the country is Christian, he simply lacks any proof whatsoever.

The problem here is you are incapable of thinking for yourself Zerky.

I know Medved is a Jew, he also used to be a Progressive liberal then he changed over to a Progressive liberal Neocon... He argues just like when he did as a Progressive liberal (Democrats) as he does now as a Progressive liberal (Republican.)
You put too many ands in there, that will be $1000 on the wheel of fortune for you for all those letters. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, you're too stupid to understand what I've been saying about you....

So as it stands Zerky thinks Paul supporters and Paul himself are Terrorists and liberals and hate America… I guess his name “gone berzerk” was made for a reason.

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