Ron Paul doesnt seem to care about getting Obama out of office

I feel like I'm in a pee-wee Playhouse episode with goneberserker.

Hey, berserk. I know you are but what am I?
Oh look, a left-wing kook trying to dupe the right-wing kooks.

Like I said, you are inbred cousins.

Man, is the GOP dumb.

If Ron Paul was endorsed and covered to the scope that Romney is, this race would already be over and the election would be a mere formality.

Seriously, I'd vote for him...though I disagree with a good deal of his platform. I want honesty and dignity in DC, and that's all I want.

But we all know why that would never happen...well some of us know.

It's a well-established fact that you're an idiot. Spare yourself further embarrassment. :thup:
Romney will support the US military better than Obamination and Ron Paul, that is why the majority of Vets and military support Romney at the voting booth.

Yeah, helping them get jobs and housing and medical care -

Oh wait, RobMe and Ryan are against that but President Obama is actually DOING it.

Next lie please ...
Dumbfuck, I saw right through you, i knew you have ZERO military're a blowhard about the military and national security.

When idiots like you make bogus claims that most military wanted Ron Paul over Romney shows you are full of shit and really a kook.

Of course, you grab on to some bogus stat before most military even got out their checkbooks to "try" to prove your kook messiah really, really didn't come in 3rd or 4th overall against the GOP field that actually ran.

If people like Christie, Rubio, etc ran then your kook messiah would have finished further down the toilet bowl chain.

I don't have to have a military background to point out the fact that Ron Paul received more active duty military donations than all the other Republican candidates combined. But you just keep up with your excuses. "We.. err.. uhh.. don't get involved until the err... general election...umm.."

"The stats are bogus!"

"The military didn't even start donating yet!"

"You weren't in the military!"

Thanks for proving you are insane.

Hmmm, so Bush SR started the first Gulf War?

He sent mind control signals to Saddam for him to rape, kill and pillage in Kuwait over debts Saddam didnt want to pay back?

Bush SR actually showed too much restraint not going all the way into Iraq to rid the planet of Saddam the first time. The thousands of Iraqis that died after the first war don't thank you and Bush SR for letting Saddam live....

Well yes, he did, but that wasn't the point of that post.

Dumbfuck, I know you idiots better than you know yourselves.

Your kind lost the GOP race, so you are taking your ball and going home. You are a born loser, if you don't get your way then you will ruin it for everyone.

Your kook can't get past 4th place in a small GOP field, but you come here claiming how smart your side is and really the mainstream. The mean insiders at the GOP stole the elections across numerous states.

You are like the idiots that call Rush whining that Romney isn't tough enough, so they might not support him. Yet both you idiots will whine about Obamination the next 4 years as if he is somehow better.

I'm a rational person, you are not. You are a loser, a kook, a dumbfuck, a piece of shit, etc.

Well, I'm not voting for Romney. I'm also not voting for Obama.

We'll be here to take the blame for Mitt Romney's loss in November.

I still may go in Romneys direction..It comes down to how bad the dems piss me off.

Even with his faults, I doubt they will commit 2000 felonies on just the FBI side.....

Tough choice.... I am torn..............

Hey, it's your vote. I'm not going to sit here and call you names and act like an irrate puppy, pissing and shitting ont he rug because of how you choose to vote. It is afterall, your vote.

But people like goneberserk can not grasp this concept of individual liberty. These types are neck deep in the collectivist hive miind of either the republican or democrat party. Which is funny since republicans are the ones that suppposedly support individual liberties, free markets, etc.... :lmao:

But we know that's all just pillow talk. Only not everyone is interested in the cold shoulder that follows allt he courting.
Dumbfuck, I know you idiots better than you know yourselves.

Your kind lost the GOP race, so you are taking your ball and going home. You are a born loser, if you don't get your way then you will ruin it for everyone.

Your kook can't get past 4th place in a small GOP field, but you come here claiming how smart your side is and really the mainstream. The mean insiders at the GOP stole the elections across numerous states.

You are like the idiots that call Rush whining that Romney isn't tough enough, so they might not support him. Yet both you idiots will whine about Obamination the next 4 years as if he is somehow better.

I'm a rational person, you are not. You are a loser, a kook, a dumbfuck, a piece of shit, etc.
*chuckles* You are a poo-poo head.
You're a kook.

Dumbfuck, I know you idiots better than you know yourselves.

Your kind lost the GOP race, so you are taking your ball and going home. You are a born loser, if you don't get your way then you will ruin it for everyone.

Your kook can't get past 4th place in a small GOP field, but you come here claiming how smart your side is and really the mainstream. The mean insiders at the GOP stole the elections across numerous states.

You are like the idiots that call Rush whining that Romney isn't tough enough, so they might not support him. Yet both you idiots will whine about Obamination the next 4 years as if he is somehow better.

I'm a rational person, you are not. You are a loser, a kook, a dumbfuck, a piece of shit, etc.
*chuckles* You are a poo-poo head.

Well, I'm not voting for Romney. I'm also not voting for Obama.

We'll be here to take the blame for Mitt Romney's loss in November.

What do you mean 4th place, didn't Paul win more delegates than anyone but Romney? He also raised the second most amount of money and he never at any moment had the RNC/Fox News or any Media on his side… You got Mitt Romney who is struggling to even get a base… Not make his base happy, or energized, but just get a base…

Well, I'm not voting for Romney. I'm also not voting for Obama.

We'll be here to take the blame for Mitt Romney's loss in November.

What do you mean 4th place, didn't Paul win more delegates than anyone but Romney? He also raised the second most amount of money and he never at any moment had the RNC/Fox News or any Media on his side… You got Mitt Romney who is struggling to even get a base… Not make his base happy, or energized, but just get a base…

Big corporate media has been telling him that Paul was out before he started. He's a good listener.
Yeah, you got me.

I don't know about the Paulbot platform that the MIC has turned us into a fascist war machine that pissed off muslims and other 3rd world people, throw in the Russians and Chinese too.

The US would be better off if we saved our money and cut the military to pieces. Well, Ron Paul claimed bringing home all the troops would help the economy since they would spend their money HERE...he should get a PhD in Economics from Haaavard over that one.

We can just let Iran, Russia and China just divide up the world for their own control, it won't affect us one bit...especially in backwoods hickville Texas where Ron Paul crawls from.:eusa_whistle:

GoneBeDerp has trouble comprehending another person's nuanced perspective, and oddly has trouble comprehending his own.
Dumbfuck, I know you idiots better than you know yourselves.

Your kind lost the GOP race, so you are taking your ball and going home. You are a born loser, if you don't get your way then you will ruin it for everyone.

Your kook can't get past 4th place in a small GOP field, but you come here claiming how smart your side is and really the mainstream. The mean insiders at the GOP stole the elections across numerous states.

You are like the idiots that call Rush whining that Romney isn't tough enough, so they might not support him. Yet both you idiots will whine about Obamination the next 4 years as if he is somehow better.

I'm a rational person, you are not. You are a loser, a kook, a dumbfuck, a piece of shit, etc.

I still may go in Romneys direction..It comes down to how bad the dems piss me off.

Even with his faults, I doubt they will commit 2000 felonies on just the FBI side.....

Tough choice.... I am torn..............

Hey, it's your vote. I'm not going to sit here and call you names and act like an irrate puppy, pissing and shitting ont he rug because of how you choose to vote. It is afterall, your vote.

But people like goneberserk can not grasp this concept of individual liberty. These types are neck deep in the collectivist hive miind of either the republican or democrat party. Which is funny since republicans are the ones that suppposedly support individual liberties, free markets, etc.... :lmao:

But we know that's all just pillow talk. Only not everyone is interested in the cold shoulder that follows allt he courting.

Is that it?

All you did was throw insults. You didn't even address your hive mind collectivist mentality. If Paul was independent, I would have voted for him anayway. The last time I voted republican was Reagan. And if they keep putting up phony LOLberal corporatists and neocon hacks like Romney/Ryan, they will continue to not receive my vote.

You on the other hand, will literally vote in favor of everything uyou spend your time arguing against by voting for Romney. Not only will you do it willingly, you'll do it enthusiastically and call others who wont join you in your exercise in insanity names and insult them for their choice.

You are no different than rabid LOLberals. You have no principles or integrity. Only insults when we blow up your spot. Like we just did in this thread.
I recall Santorum and the Newt were ahead of Ron Paul....but in the end you can fight it out with their supporters for that second place ribbon.:badgrin:

Total lunacy....


Well, I'm not voting for Romney. I'm also not voting for Obama.

We'll be here to take the blame for Mitt Romney's loss in November.

What do you mean 4th place, didn't Paul win more delegates than anyone but Romney? He also raised the second most amount of money and he never at any moment had the RNC/Fox News or any Media on his side… You got Mitt Romney who is struggling to even get a base… Not make his base happy, or energized, but just get a base…
HeHe...I wondered why Berzerk wasn't throwing his tantrums over on the foreign policy thread..I see he found his way over here to get his ass handed to him...
Dumbfuck, I know you idiots better than you know yourselves.

Your kind lost the GOP race, so you are taking your ball and going home. You are a born loser, if you don't get your way then you will ruin it for everyone.

Your kook can't get past 4th place in a small GOP field, but you come here claiming how smart your side is and really the mainstream. The mean insiders at the GOP stole the elections across numerous states.

You are like the idiots that call Rush whining that Romney isn't tough enough, so they might not support him. Yet both you idiots will whine about Obamination the next 4 years as if he is somehow better.

I'm a rational person, you are not. You are a loser, a kook, a dumbfuck, a piece of shit, etc.

I still may go in Romneys direction..It comes down to how bad the dems piss me off.

Even with his faults, I doubt they will commit 2000 felonies on just the FBI side.....

Tough choice.... I am torn..............

Hey, it's your vote. I'm not going to sit here and call you names and act like an irrate puppy, pissing and shitting ont he rug because of how you choose to vote. It is afterall, your vote.

But people like goneberserk can not grasp this concept of individual liberty. These types are neck deep in the collectivist hive miind of either the republican or democrat party. Which is funny since republicans are the ones that suppposedly support individual liberties, free markets, etc.... :lmao:

But we know that's all just pillow talk. Only not everyone is interested in the cold shoulder that follows allt he courting.

Setting your hyperbole aside.

Why should I vote for big government?

The best plan for balancing the budget is after the collapse......Believing the collapse will happen in less then 30 years.

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