Ron Paul: Paris Attack 'Obscene,' But Blowback For French Interventionism...

Some are neither terrorist or rightwing ,,,,,,,,,Surprised by what he left off
Are you talking about my list?[/QUOTE
Looked at 2 starting from bottom Berg not christian.......IRS guy hated bot right and left and catholics.............

Anybody agree a reduction in immigration doesnt equal extremist.........btw remember your govt that sets immigration policy is penetrated top to bottom by muslim brotherhood which they tried to foist on the Middle east
RingeChristianost: 10523841 said:
I guess none of the ones I listed were on American soil......... Yeah, right..........
You listed 9 Christian terror attacks on US soil. How many islamist terror attacks on US soil did I list?
All those crimes I referred to were committed by domestic terrorist groups which by definition make them terrorist attacks, the same way we list crimes committed by Islamist terrorists so basically it runs into the hundreds a year.
But don't let that stop you being afraid of the big bad Muslim boogeyman, not that I'm saying there is no danger there, I'm saying it's stupid to generalize, kinda like the OP did with his isolationist position, uninformed.
You've got 9 Christian terror attacks in your list. How many islamist terror attacks are in my list?
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

member: 20342"]
Some are neither terrorist or rightwing ,,,,,,,,,Surprised by what he left off
Are you talking about my list?
What the far right radical Christian groups are involved in most are bank robberies, armored car robberies, store hold ups and extortion so what the general population hears is just another crime was committed.
Bullshit. You're a liar.
You're just as clueless as the nutjob who started this thread. :thup:
You're a dishonest lying filthy leftist.
Sooooo predictable....... Funny how only wingnuts call me leftists and moonbats call me a wingnut....... Which right wing "militia" group do you belong to? :lmao:[/QUOTE]

American citizens. Your enemy. I'd just as soon blow your lying head off as eat a bacon sandwich. Scum.[/QUOTE]
The fact is we did bomb Germany and Japan into submission. Christians aren't the problem. Anything else?
Apparently you're not up on domestic terrorism, the most dangerous is the one I mentioned, they do their best to stay under the radar as much as possible but are involved in many criminal activities. Many right supremacist groups also consider themselves Christians, their criminal activities are well known.
I'm more worried about them more than some radicalized Muslim, but it's the radicalized Muslim who will get all the press unless we have anothe OK City bombing scenario.
Here is a list of Islamist terror attacks on US soil. Now you give us a list of Christian terror attacks on US soil. By the way, Oklahoma City was not a Christian terror attack.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
Oh and before you start posting lists of terrorist attacks in this country ya might want to know my last job involved monitoring potential domestic terrorism...... Think I'm a little more up on it than you are........ :eusa_whistle:

Militias and what not?
Probably one of those wannabe military types who if they saw service it was behind a desk, safe with the gear in the rear.

You're really a nasty little cocksucker. Pure trash.
Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.



"Shame on the Arab armies who are sitting and watching the girls of Palestine fight while they are asleep."

Ayat al-Akhras

17 y/o Suicide Bomber who was treated as a piece of shit and a foreigner in her own land
You've'veE="Ringel05, post: 10523797, member: 20342"]
Cool. Then you should have no problem producing a list of Christian terror attacks in the USA. I don't think you can.
1. Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012.
2. The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009.
3. Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008.
4. The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994.
5. The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996.
6. The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998.
7. Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994.
8. Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010.
9. The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984.

There's nine right there, ten when OK City is included.
You've got 9 Christian terror attacks in your list. How many islamist terror attacks are in my list?
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.[/QUOTE]

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.
You listed 9 Christian terror attacks on US soil. How many islamist terror attacks on US soil did I list?
All those crimes I referred to were committed by domestic terrorist groups which by definition make them terrorist attacks, the same way we list crimes committed by Islamist terrorists so basically it runs into the hundreds a year.
But don't let that stop you being afraid of the big bad Muslim boogeyman, not that I'm saying there is no danger there, I'm saying it's stupid to generalize, kinda like the OP did with his isolationist position, uninformed.
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

member: 20342"]
Some are neither terrorist or rightwing ,,,,,,,,,Surprised by what he left off
Are you talking about my list?
What the far right radical Christian groups are involved in most are bank robberies, armored car robberies, store hold ups and extortion so what the general population hears is just another crime was committed.
Bullshit. You're a liar.
You're just as clueless as the nutjob who started this thread. :thup:
You're a dishonest lying filthy leftist.
Sooooo predictable....... Funny how only wingnuts call me leftists and moonbats call me a wingnut....... Which right wing "militia" group do you belong to? :lmao:

American citizens. Your enemy. I'd just as soon blow your lying head off as eat a bacon sandwich. Scum.[/QUOTE]
Apparently you're not up on domestic terrorism, the most dangerous is the one I mentioned, they do their best to stay under the radar as much as possible but are involved in many criminal activities. Many right supremacist groups also consider themselves Christians, their criminal activities are well known.
I'm more worried about them more than some radicalized Muslim, but it's the radicalized Muslim who will get all the press unless we have anothe OK City bombing scenario.
Here is a list of Islamist terror attacks on US soil. Now you give us a list of Christian terror attacks on US soil. By the way, Oklahoma City was not a Christian terror attack.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
Oh and before you start posting lists of terrorist attacks in this country ya might want to know my last job involved monitoring potential domestic terrorism...... Think I'm a little more up on it than you are........ :eusa_whistle:

Militias and what not?
Probably one of those wannabe military types who if they saw service it was behind a desk, safe with the gear in the rear.

You're really a nasty little cocksucker. Pure trash.[/QUOTE]
Sooooooo, you really are a wannabe, good to know. Don't you have some militia training to participate in?
You've'veE="Ringel05, post: 10523797, member: 20342"]1. Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012.
2. The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009.
3. Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008.
4. The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994.
5. The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996.
6. The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998.
7. Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994.
8. Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010.
9. The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984.

There's nine right there, ten when OK City is included.
You've got 9 Christian terror attacks in your list. How many islamist terror attacks are in my list?
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.[/QUOTE]

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.
You've got 9 Christian terror attacks in your list. How many islamist terror attacks are in my list?
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.[/QUOTE]
Shield Islamic terror....... :lmao: Not only clueless but delusional also...... :lmao:
All those crimes I referred to were committed by domestic terrorist groups which by definition make them terrorist attacks, the same way we list crimes committed by Islamist terrorists so basically it runs into the hundreds a year.
But don't let that stop you being afraid of the big bad Muslim boogeyman, not that I'm saying there is no danger there, I'm saying it's stupid to generalize, kinda like the OP did with his isolationist position, uninformed.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

member: 20342"]
Some are neither terrorist or rightwing ,,,,,,,,,Surprised by what he left off
Are you talking about my list?
What the far right radical Christian groups are involved in most are bank robberies, armored car robberies, store hold ups and extortion so what the general population hears is just another crime was committed.
Bullshit. You're a liar.
You're just as clueless as the nutjob who started this thread. :thup:
You're a dishonest lying filthy leftist.
Sooooo predictable....... Funny how only wingnuts call me leftists and moonbats call me a wingnut....... Which right wing "militia" group do you belong to? :lmao:

American citizens. Your enemy. I'd just as soon blow your lying head off as eat a bacon sandwich. Scum.
Apparently you're not up on domestic terrorism, the most dangerous is the one I mentioned, they do their best to stay under the radar as much as possible but are involved in many criminal activities. Many right supremacist groups also consider themselves Christians, their criminal activities are well known.
I'm more worried about them more than some radicalized Muslim, but it's the radicalized Muslim who will get all the press unless we have anothe OK City bombing scenario.
Here is a list of Islamist terror attacks on US soil. Now you give us a list of Christian terror attacks on US soil. By the way, Oklahoma City was not a Christian terror attack.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.
Oh and before you start posting lists of terrorist attacks in this country ya might want to know my last job involved monitoring potential domestic terrorism...... Think I'm a little more up on it than you are........ :eusa_whistle:

Militias and what not?
Probably one of those wannabe military types who if they saw service it was behind a desk, safe with the gear in the rear.

You're really a nasty little cocksucker. Pure trash.[/QUOTE]
Sooooooo, you really are a wannabe, good to know. Don't you have some militia training to participate in?[/QUOTE]

New, all trained and ready. Are you going to stand with the Muslims when the shit hits the fan or are you going to be hiding behind a baby carriage? Coward scum.
You've got 9 Christian terror attacks in your list. How many islamist terror attacks are in my list?
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.[/QUOTE]

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.
Shield Islamic terror....... :lmao: Not only clueless but delusional also...... :lmao:[/QUOTE]

The delusional one would be the dishonest little cocksucker who claims Christians are a bigger threat than islamists.
See post #257.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.[/QUOTE]
I lied? Show me where Einstein.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.[/QUOTE]

Get your nasty lying ass out of here.
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.
Shield Islamic terror....... :lmao: Not only clueless but delusional also...... :lmao:

The delusional one would be the dishonest little cocksucker who claims Christians are a bigger threat than islamists.[/QUOTE]
I said Radical Christian (domestic terroists), oh and I did say they believe they are Christians, never said I thought they were, never said all Christians, just the opposite. But please, don't let that stop you and your boyfriend from misrepresenting what I posted..... :thup:
Dishonest coward cocksucking leftist trash.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.[/QUOTE]

I exposed you in post 280, 50 First Dates.

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

Get your nasty lying ass out of here.[/QUOTE]
Why? You and you butt buddy are as much fun as that moron Paulitician. :thup:

Why don't you ask the leftist trash on the board what they think of me........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

I exposed you in post 280, 50 First Dates.[/QUOTE]
No, you assumed I was referring to them all, your bad, not mine. Pretty ignorant of you to read in what you want.
I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

Get your nasty lying ass out of here.
Why? You and you butt buddy are as much fun as that moron Paulitician. :thup:[/QUOTE]

Tell us some more about what a terror expert you are.

You're lying on the internet and not very cleverly either. You must have a sad, pathetic life to try to aggrandize yourself on the internet. I can only imagine what a weak, pathetic little man you are in real life pretending to be a super CIA agent. Tell us some more lies about yourself.
I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

I exposed you in post 280, 50 First Dates.
No, you assumed I was referring to them all, your bad, not mine. Pretty ignorant of you to read in what you want.[/QUOTE]

Oh, you were referring to a specific militia? Which one? Do you sense yourself sinking? That's your hole getting deeper and you're holding the shovel.

You've been unmasked, so you might as well come out with the truth. Living with mommy?
Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

I exposed you in post 280, 50 First Dates.
No, you assumed I was referring to them all, your bad, not mine. Pretty ignorant of you to read in what you want.

Oh, you were referring to a specific militia? Which one? Do you sense yourself sinking? That's your hole getting deeper and you're holding the shovel.

You've been unmasked, so you might as well come out with the truth. Living with mommy?[/QUOTE]
I was referring to groups like the Sovereign Citizen Movement. Within the organizations there are some who would label all militia groups as terrorists or potential terrorists, I was not one of those. But hey, keep assuming, it seems to be all you have. No skin off of my nose if you don't believe me or don't like it. :thup:
I agree. I don't see you much on the Left side of things.

But let's compare Christian to Islamic terror attacks.

Did Timothy McVeigh go to church? Did the man who killed Abortionist Tiller? In Christian circles, the more pious the Christian, the more reticent to bloodshed and works of violence. Practicing Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and preach the gospel of peace. Christians didn't start out killing to spread the faith, they died as martyrs instead.

Islamic terrorists are devout. The Muslims who hijacked 4 planes and flew them into buildings made all their daily prayers and observances a top priority. They went through spiritual cleansing rituals before the attack, to prepare themselves to commit a religious act. This is the trend with Muslims, terrorists being most closely observant of their faith in contrast to inactive "christians" who aren't praying, attending church, and being part of a thriving spiritual community.

Now I know all this gets lost as the media dumbs things down to the simplest terms. But it helps to understand that nobody truly commits acts of violence out of a duty to genuine Christianity.

Like Islamist radical generally consider themselves devout believers Christian radicals generally consider themselves devout believers, doesn't mean they are. I know what you are saying but my point is that radicals are radicals regardless of whether or not they're devout in one faith or another and that the whole should never be judged by the few even though that generalization is stock in trade by far to many as evidenced multiple times a day on this forum alone.
We can argue semantics all day long but that is missing the point of the whole discussion.

No semantics about it. Your so called Christian terror is like a bug compared to a lion. Why do you feel the need to lie and misrepresent the facts to shield Islamic terror? You must be mentally I'll.

Well he's a liar, that much is true. He claimed to be a terror expert and he isn't. That's the thing about lying on the internet, somebody with more intelligence and expertise is always there to expose liars eventually.
I lied? Show me where Einstein.

I exposed you in post 280, 50 First Dates.
No, you assumed I was referring to them all, your bad, not mine. Pretty ignorant of you to read in what you want.[/QUOTE]
You're nothing but a phoney lying islamist defender. Evil sick lying scum.

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