Ron Paul’s Campaign Touts Endorsement Of Pastor Who Advocates Killing Gay People

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Ron Paul’s Campaign Touts Endorsement Of Pastor Who Advocates Killing Gay People

Four years ago, the Ron Paul campaign generated controversy by not repudiating the endorsement of the neo-Nazi group Stormfront, but at least back then they didn’t actually promote the fact that they had received the endorsement. This time, though, they seem pretty proud about getting the support of a Nebraska Pastor who has made some pretty vile comments:
Paul’s Iowa chair, Drew Ivers, recently touted the endorsement of Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, a pastor at the Dominion Covenant Church in Nebraska who also draws members from Iowa, putting out a press release praising “the enlightening statements he makes on how Ron Paul’s approach to government is consistent with Christian beliefs.” But Kayser’s views on homosexuality go way beyond the bounds of typical anti-gay evangelical politics and into the violent fringe: he recently authored a paper arguing for criminalizing homosexuality and even advocated imposing the death penalty against offenders based on his reading of Biblical law.
Many Republicans advocate doing something to gay people. Republicans in Texas want to make them criminals and if anyone marries them, a felon. It's in their Texas Republican Party State Platform.
Where does it say that?:
&#8220;We welcome Rev. Kayser&#8217;s endorsement and the enlightening statements he makes on how Ron Paul&#8217;s approach to government is consistent with Christian beliefs. We&#8217;re thankful for the thoughtfulness with which he makes his endorsement and hope his endorsement and others like it make a strong top-three showing in the caucus more likely,&#8221; said Ron Paul 2012 Iowa Chairman Drew Ivers.
Is this the latest fax you got from the DNC? "Here, post this! Don't bother reading it just post it!" :lol:
From the Link:
The third reason is that Ron Paul&#8217;s strictly Constitutional civics is far closer to Biblical civics than any of the other candidate&#8217;s on a whole range of issues including non-interventionism in international politics, limitations on what can be a crime, limits of jurisdiction, the rights of interposition and civil resistance, inflation, banking cartels, the national identity card, the American Community Survey, the use of torture by the military, etc. As a Biblical ethicist I am very concerned about overturning Roe v Wade (something that Ron has sought to do), but I am also extremely concerned about all the areas of lawlessness that have destroyed nations in the past. What candidates take these things seriously? I know of only one candidate who obeys God&#8217;s clear-cut prohibitions against interventionism in politics: &#8220;do not meddle with them&#8221; (Deut. 2:5), &#8220;do not harass them or meddle with them&#8221; (Deut. 2:19), but instead &#8220;buy food from them&#8221; (Deut. 2:6) &#8211; in other words, engage in free trade. Biblical issues like this should be as easy to understand as Ron Paul&#8217;s positions are easy to understand. He is by far the best candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America. Even though I strongly disagree with him on some issues, he is the only candidate that I can endorse.
"Strongly disagree?" I wonder what that could be? Perhaps that Ron Paul doesn't want to kill gays? :lol:

As usual, this is just more rdope partisan hackery. But he's given me good idea!
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hey, weren't we all told your association with a pastor didn't matter?

Jeremiah Wright anyone.. you know that one who said 9/11 was our chickens coming home to roost, that Obama NEVER heard of word of his sermons while sitting in his church for 20 years..:eusa_whistle:
Mad Scientist completely misses the point in his blind rush to defend anything Paul does. Why would anyone accept the endorsement of someone who's advocates the death penalty for killing gays?

Here's one of the more interesting parts of what he said:

Reached by phone, Kayser confirmed to TPM that he believed in reinstating Biblical punishments for homosexuals &#8212; including the death penalty &#8212; even if he didn&#8217;t see much hope for it happening anytime soon. While he said he and Paul disagree on gay rights, noting that Paul recently voted for repealing Don&#8217;t Ask Don&#8217;t Tell, he supported the campaign because he believed Paul&#8217;s federalist take on the Constitution would allow states more latitude to implement fundamentalist law.

Especially since under Kayser&#8217;s own interpretation of the Constitution there is no separation of Church and State. &#8220;Under a Ron Paul presidency, states would be freed up to not have political correctness imposed on them, but obviously some state would follow what&#8217;s politically correct,&#8221; he said. &#8220;What he&#8217;s trying to do, whether he agrees with the Constitution&#8217;s position or not, is restrict himself to the Constitution. That is something I very much appreciate.&#8221;

Long story short: He supports Paul because if it was up to Ron Paul, states could decide to outlaw homosexuality once again among other things. Which is a good example of how Ron Paul is Anti-Federalist and not Libertarian.
hey, weren't we all told your association with a pastor didn't matter?

Jeremiah Wright anyone.. you know that one who said 9/11 was our chickens coming home to roost, that Obama NEVER heard of word of his sermons while sitting in his church for 20 years..:eusa_whistle:
That's what Ron Paul thinks, too.
Gay people are sick. Period. Why does lakota defend a man that likes to put his cock in a mans ass?
hey, weren't we all told your association with a pastor didn't matter?

Jeremiah Wright anyone.. you know that one who said 9/11 was our chickens coming home to roost, that Obama NEVER heard of word of his sermons while sitting in his church for 20 years..:eusa_whistle:

Great point, Steph! Unlike Obama, who sat in a radical church for 20 years and regularly gave money to it, Paul is not close with this pastor and they don't agree on everything. It's a stretch, but I think many of us knew this was going to be the nastiest campaign season ever. The spin machine is running full tilt and no one has any shame. Can't debate any opponents on the issues, so it's time for tabloid style attacks.
Holy shit you Paul haters are more desperate than anyone I have seen give their opinions about politics...
I agree with a lot Paul has to say but you have to admit this was absolutely stupid, especially with all the heat on him about the newsletters. Early today that endorsement was up on his site, now it's been removed.

The only reason I can think of why they would post this endorsement is it's some last minute appeal to win religious votes in Iowa. What were they thinking? I think it was a very dumb move and I think it hurts his votes if more people find out about it.

Why isn't this pastor endorsing Rick Santorum?
Mad Scientist completely misses the point in his blind rush to defend anything Paul does. Why would anyone accept the endorsement of someone who's advocates the death penalty for killing gays?

Here's one of the more interesting parts of what he said:

Reached by phone, Kayser confirmed to TPM that he believed in reinstating Biblical punishments for homosexuals — including the death penalty — even if he didn’t see much hope for it happening anytime soon. While he said he and Paul disagree on gay rights, noting that Paul recently voted for repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, he supported the campaign because he believed Paul’s federalist take on the Constitution would allow states more latitude to implement fundamentalist law.

Especially since under Kayser’s own interpretation of the Constitution there is no separation of Church and State. “Under a Ron Paul presidency, states would be freed up to not have political correctness imposed on them, but obviously some state would follow what’s politically correct,” he said. “What he’s trying to do, whether he agrees with the Constitution’s position or not, is restrict himself to the Constitution. That is something I very much appreciate.”

Long story short: He supports Paul because if it was up to Ron Paul, states could decide to outlaw homosexuality once again among other things. Which is a good example of how Ron Paul is Anti-Federalist and not Libertarian.

I too recall how Obama was not responsible for the statements and positions of his FRIEND and Pastor for 20 years. Suddenly what a Pastor believes IS important?
Ron Paul’s Campaign Touts Endorsement Of Pastor Who Advocates Killing Gay People

Four years ago, the Ron Paul campaign generated controversy by not repudiating the endorsement of the neo-Nazi group Stormfront, but at least back then they didn’t actually promote the fact that they had received the endorsement. This time, though, they seem pretty proud about getting the support of a Nebraska Pastor who has made some pretty vile comments:
Paul’s Iowa chair, Drew Ivers, recently touted the endorsement of Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, a pastor at the Dominion Covenant Church in Nebraska who also draws members from Iowa, putting out a press release praising “the enlightening statements he makes on how Ron Paul’s approach to government is consistent with Christian beliefs.” But Kayser’s views on homosexuality go way beyond the bounds of typical anti-gay evangelical politics and into the violent fringe: he recently authored a paper arguing for criminalizing homosexuality and even advocated imposing the death penalty against offenders based on his reading of Biblical law.

Obama actually is a murderer.

So, even if the editing is absolute fact, it still has no comparison to the person you will vote for, no matter what HE has actually done.
hey, weren't we all told your association with a pastor didn't matter?

Jeremiah Wright anyone.. you know that one who said 9/11 was our chickens coming home to roost, that Obama NEVER heard of word of his sermons while sitting in his church for 20 years..:eusa_whistle:

Great point, Steph! Unlike Obama, who sat in a radical church for 20 years and regularly gave money to it, Paul is not close with this pastor and they don't agree on everything. It's a stretch, but I think many of us knew this was going to be the nastiest campaign season ever. The spin machine is running full tilt and no one has any shame. Can't debate any opponents on the issues, so it's time for tabloid style attacks.

What's hilarious is that Wright was talking about the country following "Biblical" scripture. Get it? "God damn America" is what will happen if we don't follow Christian ways outlined in the Bible.

Now me, I have no "occult" beliefs, but what Wright was talking about is what most Christians in this country profess to believe in. Especially hypocritical right wing Christians. You know, the ones that say they want to help the poor and then turn to a policy of "Let him die".

Wright believes in this country so much, he enlisted, without being drafted, into the Marines during Vietnam and earned three White House Commendations. I don't even personally know a single Republican with that type of achievement.

And look at what Right wing Republicans did. They sent thousands of Americans to Iraq to die for no apparent good reason. Iraq hates our guts. They are now a hard right radical Islamic Theocracy who is friends with Iran. And Republicans have the nerve and the gall to complain Wright is anti American for saying "God Damn America" while referring to Biblical Scripture? Because they picked out the three words "God Damn America" and used it as a hammer against the first African American president. And he is the first. But not the last. There will be others. White wing Republican will hate them too. Truly sad is that Republicans, starting during Reagan, have caused more damage to this country that al Qaeda could only dream about.

And they will point to someone like Herman Cain who considered 1960's protesters as "trouble-makers". Without those protesters, that sex fiend would still be in the back of the bus.
Voters dismissed Obama's pastor. So, let's see if voters dismiss Paul's pastor.
Many Republicans advocate doing something to gay people. Republicans in Texas want to make them criminals and if anyone marries them, a felon. It's in their Texas Republican Party State Platform.

Islam feels the same way about homosexuality. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat.

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