Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home

Dr. Paul is Spot-On as usual. Look at our choices. A Big Government Socialist/Progressive or a Big Government Liberal/Neocon? Not much of a choice there. Many real Conservatives will likely sit this one out.

And many will argue WHY? Why keep Obama in office? the other day i saw part of the David Letterman show, ...he had John McCain on.

Letterman was trying to get McCain to laugh along with him,...
"what's up with this current crop of candidates? ha ha ha"

here, Letterman is interviewing the LOSER of the last Republican Presidential race.
McCain was a guy who told us he was going to reach-across-the-isle, ...and half his career he was holding hands with Fiengold.
apparently people don't want a Republican that reaches-across-the-isle because he couldn't pull enough support to win, then , he blamed the election loss on the only Republican who won votes, Sarah Palin.

what the hell does David Letterman care about "the current crop of (republican) candidates?"
he's left-wing Democrat nutcase.
another rich man from the left who doesn't understand what the problem with life is, why does the public keep insisting on complaining about politics?
if you're hungry just call room service.
if you're broke just do your own talk show.

here we are in a time when left-wing politics is destroying the country, for both the right and the left. if there is not some radical changes ,soon, the glory days of America will only be found in the history books.

the media keeps pushing this BS about the Republicans need a moderate to win.
if the Republicans needed a moderate to win, there wouldn't be 2 parties.
why is Letterman , and the media, (and the Republican leadership), so afraid of this election?

why? because this is the best group of reformers we've had in modern history.
this country is on the brink of reform and the stupidest thing we can do is ignore all the efforts of the Tea Party and other people working toward reform , and elect someone from the Obama/Romney ticket.

* we had Bachmann who did everything she could to warn the public about how terrible Obamacare is going to be

* we had Cain who talked about serious changes to the illegal IRS

* we have Santorum who is a serious conservative who is not afraid to confront people

* we have Gingrich who was a career politician who wants his chance to take on the Supreme Court and other status-quo problems

* and we have Ron Paul , another career politician , who knows that the real solution is to dissolve this corrupt government

Letterman and the media keep telling us , "the public wants someone else".
yeah , someone who is not going do sht.

Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home.

what that tells me is, there is so many people from the left disrupting this country , that 20% of the Republican party is working for the left-wing conspirators
Other than demonstrating conservatives are whiners and casting blame everywhere but where it actually belongs, is there a point in this incoherent rambling?

Otherwise McCain has only himself to blame, and his fellow republicans who stabbed him in the back in 2000.
Republicans like to attack Democrats on two completely different fronts at the same time. On one hand you say there is no difference and then the next day he's a radical muslim socialist who wasn't born in America and is hell bent on attacking religous liberty.

Just in case people don't buy the second argument, make the argument that they are all just as bad.

We all know there is a huge difference between voting Obama and voting Romney/Newt/Ron Paul. HUGE difference. Who will be appointing the next Supreme Court Justice is at stake.

And it matters if the GOP keep control of the House of Rep. Paul Ryan and Boehner have to go. They have obstucted progress long enough. And God forbit the GOP take control of the Senate!

The GOP are destroying the American middle class. The Democrats are trying to fix what the GOP broke. The GOP didn't even admit they broke anything. THey said things were great because corporate profits were up. They don't like American workers because we all make too much.

Obama 2012

The only candidate different is Ron Paul. You've got big government 'social justice' on the Left, and big government neocons on the right. The 'big government' is the fucking problem!

If we keep it up the nation won't last long enough to appoint another Justice.
Dr. Paul is Spot-On as usual. Look at our choices. A Big Government Socialist/Progressive or a Big Government Liberal/Neocon? Not much of a choice there. Many real Conservatives will likely sit this one out.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is Democrats believe and/or understand that we are all in this together and we believe this is how government/society works best.

Republicans think every man for himself works best. Darwin. Survival of the fittest. The weak will die. And they applaud.

And many of my Republican friends not only admit the rich own our govenment, they believe they have urned the right. They think its ok. And with this way of thinking, Citizens United was passed. This shouldn't just upset Democrats. Republicans should be outraged too. But because they are programmed to defend their corporate masters, Romney has the balls to say money is speech and corporations are people. The rich have been trying unsuccessfully to get that done for over 200 years. Bush appoints Alito and Roberts, next thing you know they got their way.

Republicans who like Ron Paul need to admit how corrupt the GOP party is. And that it doesn't like the American middle class becuase we make too much. Explain to us how Ron Paul's approach is going to raise wages. They can't because its not.

Ron Paul says audit the fed. Us Liberals agree. So who's protecting those rich bankers that own our government? The GOP.

Ron Paul wants to legalize pot and prostitution? Where has pot been legalized? Michigan and California, 2 Blue states.

Ron Paul wants to close military bases around the globe. Liberals agree.

Can't get any of these things past the Republicans.

Ron Paul wants to
Republicans like to attack Democrats on two completely different fronts at the same time. On one hand you say there is no difference and then the next day he's a radical muslim socialist who wasn't born in America and is hell bent on attacking religous liberty.

Just in case people don't buy the second argument, make the argument that they are all just as bad.

We all know there is a huge difference between voting Obama and voting Romney/Newt/Ron Paul. HUGE difference. Who will be appointing the next Supreme Court Justice is at stake.

And it matters if the GOP keep control of the House of Rep. Paul Ryan and Boehner have to go. They have obstucted progress long enough. And God forbit the GOP take control of the Senate!

The GOP are destroying the American middle class. The Democrats are trying to fix what the GOP broke. The GOP didn't even admit they broke anything. THey said things were great because corporate profits were up. They don't like American workers because we all make too much.

Obama 2012

The only candidate different is Ron Paul. You've got big government 'social justice' on the Left, and big government neocons on the right. The 'big government' is the fucking problem!

If we keep it up the nation won't last long enough to appoint another Justice.

Oh don't be dramatic. The nation was working fine the last 50 years. We only recently got into trouble because we gave the top 1% tax breaks while simultaniously starting 2 wars. And while we we were doing that, we sent 7 million jobs overseas so now those workers aren't paying taxes. They created loopholes that allowed the billionaires and corporations to move their hq's overseas to avoid paying taxes. We allow 14 million illegals to work for employers and they aren't paying taxes. And guys like Romney only pay 12% in taxes.

You lowered wages so people aren't buying as much so that's less sales tax coming in to uncle sam.

No shit the debt is $14trillion and growing. And the GOP did all this so they could bankrupt social security and medicare and other good programs. These programs aren't the problem. The GOP is the problem.

And all we need to do is take back the Federal Reserve from the bankers that bribed our politicians in 1913 to give them control of our finances in the first place. They did this over Christmas in a lame duck session. Snuck it by the American people. I shouldn't have to tell Ron Paul supporters this.

But as far as ending social security and medicare and other good government programs? This is where we part ways.

But that doesn't mean we can't do the most important thing and that's take back the Federal Reserve. P.S. Bernie Sanders likes this idea too.

Imagine the money we will save not paying them interest on the $14 trillion alone.

I heard that soon the interest will soon be one of the biggest contributors to the debt. Soon the interest on the debt will be more than the defense budget. Why don't we nationalize the federal reserve?
Between the Ron Paul supporters that are going to stay home and the Evangelicals that won't show up for Romney, this is going to be a cake walk for Obama.
Keep wishing...with the 'Budget' Obama submitted the other day that portends class warfare, more of the same politics, the Congress not going to bite on it as they didn't on his previous budgets...calling for more deficit spending we don't have?

Obama is taking quite a gamble with Independents, and people that are sick of the crap as they lose thier homes and livlihood...Obama on the Class Warfare gig?

NOT gonna happen.

The O...will GO

Why is it class warfare to ask Romney to pay over 30% in taxes and not 12% when we pay over 30% in taxes?

You know what Ron Paul supporters? Its funny, but all you need to look at to realize Ron Paul's phylosophy is fatally flawed is to look at the Federal Reserve he hates so much. What is the Federal Reserve? Before 1913 our finances were managed by our own government. We didn't pay interest on any debt because it was our debt that we owed ourselves. But then the bankers bribed our politicians in 1913 to let them manage the Federal Reserve. Basically, privatize the banking system. Let the free market manage our finances because government can't do anything right. Right? Sound familiar?

Well look at how they have done. $14 trillion dollars and growing. What is the solution? Socialize or Nationalize the banking system. Take it back from the private bankers, many of them aren't even American. Or at least regulate the bankers that run/own our Federal Reserve. If our government asks the Federal Reserve for an audit the Fed tells them to screw off.

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
From the OP:
"Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home.

what that tells me is, there is so many people from the left disrupting this country , that 20% of the Republican party is working for the left-wing conspirators "

My interpretation is that those 20% are RP supporters, all he has. the other day i saw part of the David Letterman show, ...he had John McCain on.

Letterman was trying to get McCain to laugh along with him,...
"what's up with this current crop of candidates? ha ha ha"

here, Letterman is interviewing the LOSER of the last Republican Presidential race.
McCain was a guy who told us he was going to reach-across-the-isle, ...and half his career he was holding hands with Fiengold.
apparently people don't want a Republican that reaches-across-the-isle because he couldn't pull enough support to win, then , he blamed the election loss on the only Republican who won votes, Sarah Palin.

what the hell does David Letterman care about "the current crop of (republican) candidates?"
he's left-wing Democrat nutcase.
another rich man from the left who doesn't understand what the problem with life is, why does the public keep insisting on complaining about politics?
if you're hungry just call room service.
if you're broke just do your own talk show.

here we are in a time when left-wing politics is destroying the country, for both the right and the left. if there is not some radical changes ,soon, the glory days of America will only be found in the history books.

the media keeps pushing this BS about the Republicans need a moderate to win.
if the Republicans needed a moderate to win, there wouldn't be 2 parties.
why is Letterman , and the media, (and the Republican leadership), so afraid of this election?

why? because this is the best group of reformers we've had in modern history.
this country is on the brink of reform and the stupidest thing we can do is ignore all the efforts of the Tea Party and other people working toward reform , and elect someone from the Obama/Romney ticket.

* we had Bachmann who did everything she could to warn the public about how terrible Obamacare is going to be

* we had Cain who talked about serious changes to the illegal IRS

* we have Santorum who is a serious conservative who is not afraid to confront people

* we have Gingrich who was a career politician who wants his chance to take on the Supreme Court and other status-quo problems

* and we have Ron Paul , another career politician , who knows that the real solution is to dissolve this corrupt government

Letterman and the media keep telling us , "the public wants someone else".
yeah , someone who is not going do sht.

Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home.

what that tells me is, there is so many people from the left disrupting this country , that 20% of the Republican party is working for the left-wing conspirators

Republicans are threatening to stay home? Threatening is not needed, I will allow you to stay home and sit on a loved one if you can. Enjoy!
If Ron Paul was the nominee, about 50% of GOPers or more would not vote in November.

that is true. republicans would never elect a fiscally responsible person who uses our military in the manner that the founders wanted.

The Republican Party has been hijacked by the Big Government Neocon Globalists. So now i'm just convinced they all play on the same team in the end. Socialist/Progressive Globalists or Neocon Globalists? Who cares? They're both the same thing in the end. They're all on the same team. And Romney/Obama? Just two Global Elite hand-picked Harvard boys. There are no real differences between the two. Real Conservatives will be left out in the cold once again. The Big Government Globalists rule the roost. And i don't know if that can change anytime soon. I'm not very optimistic.
Between the Ron Paul supporters that are going to stay home and the Evangelicals that won't show up for Romney, this is going to be a cake walk for Obama.
Keep wishing...with the 'Budget' Obama submitted the other day that portends class warfare, more of the same politics, the Congress not going to bite on it as they didn't on his previous budgets...calling for more deficit spending we don't have?

Obama is taking quite a gamble with Independents, and people that are sick of the crap as they lose thier homes and livlihood...Obama on the Class Warfare gig?

NOT gonna happen.

The O...will GO

Why is it class warfare to ask Romney to pay over 30% in taxes and not 12% when we pay over 30% in taxes?

You know what Ron Paul supporters? Its funny, but all you need to look at to realize Ron Paul's phylosophy is fatally flawed is to look at the Federal Reserve he hates so much. What is the Federal Reserve? Before 1913 our finances were managed by our own government. We didn't pay interest on any debt because it was our debt that we owed ourselves. But then the bankers bribed our politicians in 1913 to let them manage the Federal Reserve. Basically, privatize the banking system. Let the free market manage our finances because government can't do anything right. Right? Sound familiar?

Well look at how they have done. $14 trillion dollars and growing. What is the solution? Socialize or Nationalize the banking system. Take it back from the private bankers, many of them aren't even American. Or at least regulate the bankers that run/own our Federal Reserve. If our government asks the Federal Reserve for an audit the Fed tells them to screw off.

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I would agree with you except for your fawning love affair with entitlements. Social Security and Medicare are 2 of the biggest Ponzi schemes ever cooked up, and now that the population is aging instead of booming the chickens are coming home to roost. Us Paulites aren't the ones who support the Federal Reserve, we want it ended. We want our nation to coin it's own money like the Constitution DEMANDS. Please don't try to school any of US on the Christmas Massacre of 1913, WE already know.

As for your previous post, don't start. The country is not Dem/Rep. There are PLENTY of us who've tried to end the 2 party Kabuki over the last 50 years. It's the fucking partisans that won't let go of the corpse long enough to let us BURY it, and the stench is OVERWHELMING!

I VOTED FOR RON PAUL BACK IN 1988, where the fuck were you?

Edited to add: The Bush tax cuts cost $3.7 trillion over 10 years, and $3 trillion of that goes to people who make LESS than $250K/year. You should lose your outrage, it's bullshit. The 1% isn't your enemy.
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Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home.

what that tells me is, there is so many people from the left disrupting this country , that 20% of the Republican party is working for the left-wing conspirators
No, 20% of the Republican Party knows there is not a dimes worth of difference between the 'mainstream' candidates and the buffoon presently in charge.


I just like the word "BUFFOON".

If Ron Paul was the nominee, about 50% of GOPers or more would not vote in November.

that is true. republicans would never elect a fiscally responsible person who uses our military in the manner that the founders wanted.

The Republican Party has been hijacked by the Big Government Neocon Globalists. So now i'm just convinced they all play on the same team in the end. Socialist/Progressive Globalists or Neocon Globalists? Who cares? They're both the same thing in the end. They're all on the same team. And Romney/Obama? Just two Global Elite hand-picked Harvard boys. There are no real differences between the two. Real Conservatives will be left out in the cold once again. The Big Government Globalists rule the roost. And i don't know if that can change anytime soon. I'm not very optimistic.

Yep, really got rolling in the 80's and continued growing ever since.
Ron Paul said 20% of Republicans are threatening to stay home.

what that tells me is, there is so many people from the left disrupting this country , that 20% of the Republican party is working for the left-wing conspirators
No, 20% of the Republican Party knows there is not a dimes worth of difference between the 'mainstream' candidates and the buffoon presently in charge.


I just like the word "BUFFOON".


So where's my rep??
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Keep wishing...with the 'Budget' Obama submitted the other day that portends class warfare, more of the same politics, the Congress not going to bite on it as they didn't on his previous budgets...calling for more deficit spending we don't have?

Obama is taking quite a gamble with Independents, and people that are sick of the crap as they lose thier homes and livlihood...Obama on the Class Warfare gig?

NOT gonna happen.

The O...will GO
There were no previous budgets...Even during the two years when he had all the stroke.

The budget -which doesn't have a snowball's chance on purpose- is an electioneering prop, nothing more.

President's budget sinks, 97-0<2011

We will see more of the same as we batten down the hatches for another Debt-Ceiling raise...AND as a bonus in the O's campaign...he will blame partisans...(Republicans) for the obstruction, and argue that he needs four more years to make his 'dream' work...
OK...I should've said honest budgets.

Be that as it is, the current proposal is still nothing more than a campaign prop.
Between the Ron Paul supporters that are going to stay home and the Evangelicals that won't show up for Romney, this is going to be a cake walk for Obama.
Keep wishing...with the 'Budget' Obama submitted the other day that portends class warfare, more of the same politics, the Congress not going to bite on it as they didn't on his previous budgets...calling for more deficit spending we don't have?

Obama is taking quite a gamble with Independents, and people that are sick of the crap as they lose thier homes and livlihood...Obama on the Class Warfare gig?

NOT gonna happen.

The O...will GO

Why is it class warfare to ask Romney to pay over 30% in taxes and not 12% when we pay over 30% in taxes?

You know what Ron Paul supporters? Its funny, but all you need to look at to realize Ron Paul's phylosophy is fatally flawed is to look at the Federal Reserve he hates so much. What is the Federal Reserve? Before 1913 our finances were managed by our own government. We didn't pay interest on any debt because it was our debt that we owed ourselves. But then the bankers bribed our politicians in 1913 to let them manage the Federal Reserve. Basically, privatize the banking system. Let the free market manage our finances because government can't do anything right. Right? Sound familiar?

Well look at how they have done. $14 trillion dollars and growing. What is the solution? Socialize or Nationalize the banking system. Take it back from the private bankers, many of them aren't even American. Or at least regulate the bankers that run/own our Federal Reserve. If our government asks the Federal Reserve for an audit the Fed tells them to screw off.

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Romney is RETIRED living off his investments made while he was working...Capital GAINS...that are taxed at 15%.

Why isn't Warren Buffet paying more?

Try again
There were no previous budgets...Even during the two years when he had all the stroke.

The budget -which doesn't have a snowball's chance on purpose- is an electioneering prop, nothing more.

President's budget sinks, 97-0<2011

We will see more of the same as we batten down the hatches for another Debt-Ceiling raise...AND as a bonus in the O's campaign...he will blame partisans...(Republicans) for the obstruction, and argue that he needs four more years to make his 'dream' work...
OK...I should've said honest budgets.

Be that as it is, the current proposal is still nothing more than a campaign prop.
Agreed. A prop, and a trap that the Republicans will fall into unless they grow a spine.
In 2008 Jesus himself couldn't win it for the GOP. McCain did better than most would have done. It was a Democrats year. He did better than Santorum. Dick lost by 19 points. McCain gets alot of the blame for the loss, but in reality he had no chance. He crossed the isle a bunch of times, but he was far FAR from a RINO!

I pisses me off that people see it as a bad thing to buck your party when a politician thinks his party is in the wrong!
In 2008 Jesus himself couldn't win it for the GOP. McCain did better than most would have done. It was a Democrats year. He did better than Santorum. Dick lost by 19 points. McCain gets alot of the blame for the loss, but in reality he had no chance. He crossed the isle a bunch of times, but he was far FAR from a RINO!

I pisses me off that people see it as a bad thing to buck your party when a politician thinks his party is in the wrong!

It's not a bad thing to "BUCK" the party when the party is in the wrong. Just keep that in mind
im a RP supporter and will write him in. If that helps Obama get reelected then so be it, maybe the dumbfucks running the GOP will wake up next time.

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