Roosevelt....the Un-Reagan

Prove it.

she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Of course I can.

Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.

You're, lying.

You know I know soooo much more than you, that claiming said lie is your attempt to save face.

Not possible.

Here comes your latest thrashing:

1. ....the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge." Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States."
America's Worst Vice Presidents - TIME

  1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
    1. FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

Okay- fascinating crap about Wallace.

Now- where is the proof about Truman having a communist VP?

there still isn't any.
FDR wishes you a Merry Christmas



September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The guy spoke out of both sides of his mouth.

Very much like you.

Merry Christmas....ya' big dope.
she can't..... that fact-based reality thing confuses her....

Of course I can.

Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.

You're, lying.

You know I know soooo much more than you, that claiming said lie is your attempt to save face.

Not possible.

Here comes your latest thrashing:

1. ....the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge." Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States."
America's Worst Vice Presidents - TIME

  1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
    1. FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

Okay- fascinating crap about Wallace.

Now- where is the proof about Truman having a communist VP?

there still isn't any.

On top of not being very're a liar as well.
Of course I can.

Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.

You're, lying.

You know I know soooo much more than you, that claiming said lie is your attempt to save face.

Not possible.

Here comes your latest thrashing:

1. ....the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge." Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States."
America's Worst Vice Presidents - TIME

  1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
    1. FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

Okay- fascinating crap about Wallace.

Now- where is the proof about Truman having a communist VP?

there still isn't any.

On top of not being very're a liar as well.

Don't forget to wish others a Happy Holiday. The is the season of good will toward all, even the mendacious narcissists among us.

Happy Holiday PC.
FDR wishes you a Merry Christmas



September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The guy spoke out of both sides of his mouth.

Very much like you.

Merry Christmas....ya' big dope.

FDR was trying to justify an alliance with the soviets instead of the Nazis

I know how much that upset you Frau Braun
Chic's history is awful, her sources questionable and her use of history i
When McCarthy drank himself into oblivion, somebody had to take his place as the great communist hunter, but who? At one time I thought Nixon coveted that spot, he sure seemed to be following in old Joe's footsteps, but then. Who took over from McCarthy?

Now...don't pussy-foot around.....

State what you mean: was Senator Joseph McCarthy correct about communists or not?

As your fellow, Liberal, stated 'Senator McCarthy ruined the lives of innocent Americans- those who didn't support communism and the communist conspiracy to subvert the United States government- ...
...ruined their lives with false accusations.

Is that your position?
My mama said stay away from drunks.

Ooooo......look who's afraid to state his position!

Do you want to go huddle with your 'historians' so they can tell you what to say (certainly not 'think.')

C'mon, you weenie....
State what you mean: was Senator Joseph McCarthy correct about communists or not?

As your fellow, Liberal, stated 'Senator McCarthy ruined the lives of innocent Americans- those who didn't support communism and the communist conspiracy to subvert the United States government- ...
...ruined their lives with false accusations.

Is that your position? Is that what you've been trained to believe?
I waited for years for McCarthy to produce the names of the communists that worked in the State Department and nothing. He started with the 205 number but it varied with speeches. Right now I would settle for the just the correct number McCarthy had on his list of communists in the State Department. Can you tell us the correct number and tell us what happened to those communists?
Prove it - or don't prove it- I have absolutely no expectation of any honesty or truth from you.

You're, lying.

You know I know soooo much more than you, that claiming said lie is your attempt to save face.

Not possible.

Here comes your latest thrashing:

1. ....the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge." Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States."
America's Worst Vice Presidents - TIME

  1. "Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech."
    1. FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun In your face, boyyyyeeeeeeee!!!

Okay- fascinating crap about Wallace.

Now- where is the proof about Truman having a communist VP?

there still isn't any.

On top of not being very're a liar as well.

Don't forget to wish others a Happy Holiday. The is the season of good will toward all, even the mendacious narcissists among us.

Happy Holiday PC.

Right back atcha, Wry....

Come back strong next year....
FDR wishes you a Merry Christmas



September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The guy spoke out of both sides of his mouth.

Very much like you.

Merry Christmas....ya' big dope.

FDR was trying to justify an alliance with the soviets instead of the Nazis

I know how much that upset you Frau Braun

"FDR was trying to justify an alliance with the soviets instead of the Nazis."

So true.

But....since Stalin was so much worse than Adolph, and killed so many more and enslaved even more...

....ask yourself why, Igor.
Chic's history is awful, her sources questionable and her use of history i
When McCarthy drank himself into oblivion, somebody had to take his place as the great communist hunter, but who? At one time I thought Nixon coveted that spot, he sure seemed to be following in old Joe's footsteps, but then. Who took over from McCarthy?

Now...don't pussy-foot around.....

State what you mean: was Senator Joseph McCarthy correct about communists or not?

As your fellow, Liberal, stated 'Senator McCarthy ruined the lives of innocent Americans- those who didn't support communism and the communist conspiracy to subvert the United States government- ...
...ruined their lives with false accusations.

Is that your position?
My mama said stay away from drunks.

Ooooo......look who's afraid to state his position!

Do you want to go huddle with your 'historians' so they can tell you what to say (certainly not 'think.')

C'mon, you weenie....
State what you mean: was Senator Joseph McCarthy correct about communists or not?

As your fellow, Liberal, stated 'Senator McCarthy ruined the lives of innocent Americans- those who didn't support communism and the communist conspiracy to subvert the United States government- ...
...ruined their lives with false accusations.

Is that your position? Is that what you've been trained to believe?
I waited for years for McCarthy to produce the names of the communists that worked in the State Department and nothing. He started with the 205 number but it varied with speeches. Right now I would settle for the just the correct number McCarthy had on his list of communists in the State Department. Can you tell us the correct number and tell us what happened to those communists?

1. Twice now you've run from this challenge...
Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

2. "I waited for years for McCarthy to produce the names of the communists..."

a. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF… For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

b. “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy succeeded. And McCarthy succeeded while the others did not in part because of his thoroughgoing contempt for the rules of political controversy.”
Michael Paul Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, p. 251

He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue.

c. The question wasn’t simply whether people like William Remington were agents of Stalin. He was [War Production Board; Office of Emergency Management, convicted for perjury, killed in prison] (see listing of Soviet agents List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The question was whether he should be working for the government.

3. And the people caught on....and agreed with McCarthy

During the 1950s, the Gallup Organization responded to new issues and personalities as they related to the ongoing superpower struggle. Joseph McCarthy entered the public opinion polls for the first time, and won initial approval. Fifty percent agreed with McCarthy in a March 1950 survey that there were communists working in the State Department.Note 45 A June 1950 poll found 45 percent expressed unqualified approval of McCarthy saying "he is anxious to rid us of communists and he is right"; 16 percent expressed qualified approval with remarks such as "there must be some foundation for his charges, but they are greatly exaggerated"; 31 percent disbelieved McCarthy saying he is "a rabble-rouser seeking personal glory who is trying to get reelected"; 8 percent were unsure what to make of McCarthy.
Cold War International History Conference: Paper by John White
So then America had a chance to experience McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings and all that changed, check how McCarthy and McCarthyism are seen by Americans today.
So then America had a chance to experience McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings and all that changed, check how McCarthy and McCarthyism are seen by Americans today.

1. Fifty years of liberal propaganda has people thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.

a. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, for a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248
He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367
Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

2. Thrice now you've run from this challenge...
Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

So we can stipulate, based on your cowardice, that Senator McCarthy was a true hero, the Paul Revere of the era, who never.....never.....'ruined the lives of any Americans innocent of communist taint.'

Last edited:
The Paul Revere of his era, ruined at least one career, and that was his own.
The Paul Revere of his era, ruined at least one career, and that was his own.

So....why do you Liberal liars constantly claim he 'ruined' innocent folks' lives when he revealed that they were communists and communist supporters?

Must be fear of the truth, huh?
The Paul Revere of his era, ruined at least one career, and that was his own.

So....why do you Liberal liars constantly claim he 'ruined' innocent folks' lives when he revealed that they were communists and communist supporters?

Must be fear of the truth, huh?
His definitions of a communist were as flexible and meaningless as yours. So what is a communist or a communist supporter? Who is given the authority to label someone a communist or fascist and what evidence is required? We probably all have made statements at one time that some nut could claim were fascist or communistic.
Perhaps one that is publicly anticommunist and makes speeches about the communists in all about us is the real communist and the anticommunist speeches are the real cover? What evidence did McCarthy have that there were 205, or whatever number he was using at the time, have for those communists in the State Department?
PoliChic makes Michelle Malkin look tame what w/ her openly hack sources. At least Malkin will try to give off the appearance of subjectivity in rare instances. PoliticalSpice? Never. She didn't just drink the Randian kool aid, she finished it off!!! :wine:
So then America had a chance to experience McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings and all that changed, check how McCarthy and McCarthyism are seen by Americans today.

1. Fifty years of liberal propaganda has people thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.

a. Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, for a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248
He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367
Instead the Army promoted him to Major! McCarty exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

2. Thrice now you've run from this challenge...
Bet you can't name any non-communist, or one who wasn't a supporter of communism, whose 'life was ruined by accusations' by the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

So we can stipulate, based on your cowardice, that Senator McCarthy was a true hero, the Paul Revere of the era, who never.....never.....'ruined the lives of any Americans innocent of communist taint.'
PC answers her own question about who got hurt by McCarthy. An Army dentist was accused of being a communist. The Army stood behind the dentist and even gave him a promotion and an honorable discharge. Still the man had to live the rest of his life with the false accusation that he was a communist operative or spy for the USSR and a disloyal American. To this day, his descendants have to live with that false accusation promoted by the likes of PC.
All of the falsely accused suffered the consequences of Senator McCarthy's false accusations, as did their families and friends.
FDR wishes you a Merry Christmas



September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The guy spoke out of both sides of his mouth.

Very much like you.

Merry Christmas....ya' big dope.

FDR was trying to justify an alliance with the soviets instead of the Nazis

I know how much that upset you Frau Braun

"FDR was trying to justify an alliance with the soviets instead of the Nazis."

So true.

But....since Stalin was so much worse than Adolph, and killed so many more and enslaved even more...

....ask yourself why, Igor.

Russia wasn't attacking US Navy ships in the Atlantic, dictating who America could trade with and making alliance with Japan.
The Paul Revere of his era, ruined at least one career, and that was his own.

So....why do you Liberal liars constantly claim he 'ruined' innocent folks' lives when he revealed that they were communists and communist supporters?

Must be fear of the truth, huh?
His definitions of a communist were as flexible and meaningless as yours. So what is a communist or a communist supporter? Who is given the authority to label someone a communist or fascist and what evidence is required? We probably all have made statements at one time that some nut could claim were fascist or communistic.
Perhaps one that is publicly anticommunist and makes speeches about the communists in all about us is the real communist and the anticommunist speeches are the real cover? What evidence did McCarthy have that there were 205, or whatever number he was using at the time, have for those communists in the State Department?

"His definitions of a communist were as flexible and meaningless as yours."


First of all,I wanted an admission that he never "ruined the lives of innocent Americans via baseless accusations."

And you provided that proof.

2. Communists were those who wanted to replace the American government and Constitution with Stalin's dictatorship.
Communists answered to and/or agreed with Stalin.

a. "When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes."

b. Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin. At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image. "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin." The Washington Monthly

Six years after the Democrats on the select committee branded Wirt a liar, one of the members, Democrat John J. O'Connor (Democrat, NY) "confessed in a statement today that he had helped prevent a thorough investigation in 1934 of charges by the late Dr. William A. Wirt that a group of New Dealers were plotting a new American revolution....expressed belief that most of the latter's charges had come true.....there was a deliberately conceived plot among New Dealers to overthrow the established social order in this country and substitute a planned economy.":

"O'Connor Admits Helping to Discredit Dr. Wirt," The Utica Observer-Dispatch, April 10, 1940.

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