Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

She has a point....




Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?

No they don't. My friends either call me by my name or my nickname.

Not all of us each other my nigga. Don't be so ignorant.

Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?
That’s probably the most innane of all. Blacks denegrate each other with constant “nigga” references yet it’s a whole other make pretend offense if whites do it
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

Oh....the shame a Black Television Executive. What is your White World coming to?
You tell us, whitey.
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.
That decision was made at a much higher level..but I wish it were true..I love poetic justice.
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

The President of Disney that owns ABC made the call. He also called Valerie Jarrett, and personally apologized to her before pulling the show.

Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
No shit????

Damn......that's the first time I've ever heard of a black person being called a Monkey.
Shit.....I can't count how many times I've been called a Monkey myself.
And a N****r lover as well.

It has permanently damaged my self-esteem...let me tell ya....
She has a point....




Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?
That’s probably the most innate of all. Blacks denegrate each other with constant “nigga” references yet it’s a whole other make pretend offense if whites do it
They get to say it because that's what they are.

So goes their reasoning, anyway.
I didn't realize jarrett was black, I thought she was just filthy muzz. Now I really hate her.

Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?'s socially acceptable to use the label "Niggah".
My former black GF said so.
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

The President of Disney that owns ABC made the call. He also called Valerie Jarrett, and personally apologized to her before pulling the show.
Sounds like another pussy hollywood lib.
She has a point....




Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?

No they don't. My friends either call me by my name or my nickname.

Not all of us each other my nigga. Don't be so ignorant.
Yes you do. You're a pretender. It's the black American word. They took it back and made it their own.

Makes you proud, don't it.
She has a point....




Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?
That’s probably the most innane of all. Blacks denegrate each other with constant “nigga” references yet it’s a whole other make pretend offense if whites do it
It's just not the same without the 'er' on the end.
So they can niggah each other all the time and not be hypocrites.
She has a point....




Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?'s socially acceptable to use the label "Niggah".
My former black GF said so.
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol
It is an extrapolation of one person does one thing there all persons of that description must be punished
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Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol
A bit late to the thread are we? Nope..Roseanne goes on a tweet rampage..not a joke..although that's how they are trying to clean it up...shits all over Soros..i guess Trump JR liked that part...because he retweeted it--and then denied doing so..after about a million people had archives...and in the midst of all this Barr makes a reference most see as racist..most being any who are not right wing. ABC fires her. you can make an ass out of yourself..but an informed ass!
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

The President of Disney that owns ABC made the call. He also called Valerie Jarrett, and personally apologized to her before pulling the show.
That was very fluffy feelings of him
Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?'s socially acceptable to use the label "Niggah".
My former black GF said so.
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Honkys don't think of race 24/7/365 like blacks tend to do.

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