Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

They also produced The Cosby Show.

They're all about racist Jews and black perverts.

This woman has more brains in her eye lids than you RWers have totally...
To be honest..I thought Shrub Bush did indeed look like a chimpanzee. I think Tracy Morgan looks like one too. If that makes me racist...ok.

I also think Jarrett is a nice looking woman. So is the CEO of ABC. But fuck...when someone looks like a monkey (ron perlman is a PERFECT example!)..well...thats what they look like. Some look like a horse, some have features of a pig (harvey weinstein has piggy eyes).
83 pages ..

Watch what will happen..her stupid show back on..if it's not....god help the liberals..
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

They also produced The Cosby Show.

They're all about racist Jews and black perverts.

This woman has more brains in her eye lids than you RWers have totally...

Rosanne Barr is more successful and richer than tens of millions of you stupid welfare queen Moon Bats.
Blacks can mouth off with impunity and anyone who challenged that is racist
Whites who mouth off with impunity are called racist

This one way street is in the process of reverting back to even Steven and liberals are frantic
We'll see. However, as the title of the thread states, the firing of Rosanne validates the crackdown on kneelers in the NFL and the subsequent firings that could arise.

They can join the ranks of the Kaperkneeler

Or not. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole of the Player's association protests now...just because they can.

Seems to me if they fired Roseanne for her Tweet, they ought to fire every single black football player who ever took a knee to disrespect the flag. Immediately, just as fast as they cancelled the TV sitcom.

So why don't they? Because everyone is afraid of blacks right now. Have to walk on eggshells. Pretty silly. If they fire Roseanne, they SURE should fire these rotten worthless unpatriotic players.

Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.

Comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Roseanne isn't a dummy. She knows the racial history with comparing black people to apes and monkeys.
It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.
To be honest..I thought Shrub Bush did indeed look like a chimpanzee. I think Tracy Morgan looks like one too. If that makes me racist...ok.

I also think Jarrett is a nice looking woman. So is the CEO of ABC. But fuck...when someone looks like a monkey (ron perlman is a PERFECT example!)..well...thats what they look like. Some look like a horse, some have features of a pig (harvey weinstein has piggy eyes).

You will be happy to know that thinking and enunciating that anyone looks like a chimpanzee makes you a proud racist. You are a honorable member of the MAGA....or MAWA.....the new hat insignia for Make America White Again.
Roseanne Barr is not stupid. She knew what would happen when she sent that Tweet. There is something fishy about this IMO. Maybe she wanted out of the show pronto or had some personal issues.

Yeah, all that occurred to me, too. However, I expect that's all too complicated.

The parsimonious explanation is that she got drunk and tweeted drunk.
You know people do that.
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

Oh....the shame a Black Television Executive. What is your White World coming to?

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