Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

It’s only racist to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way because of your white guilt. There are white ppl that look like monkeys and there are black ppl that look like monkeys. VJ is one of them

White guilt? Sweetie I'm black and I've been called a monkey before. And it was used as a slur.
No shit????

Damn......that's the first time I've ever heard of a black person being called a Monkey.
Shit.....I can't count how many times I've been called a Monkey myself.
And a N****r lover as well.

It has permanently damaged my self-esteem...let me tell ya....
I am so driven and damaged by liberal chastisement that I want to turn my whole life over to reparations from them
All I that you don't breed.
Government dependent animals like you “breed” I bring children into the world who are taught responsibility via commitment, love and discipline and have gone onto great success
Uh huh..sounds good...but the garbage you espouse....makes it doubtful.....Just don't...breed......i pay too much in taxes as it is...
They get to say it because that's what they are.

So goes their reasoning, anyway.
Actually the logic is the same you deplorables use..when you call yourselves deplorable--but i imagine that's a bit too complicated for you.
Deplorable is not a racial slur. I guess that's too complicated for you.
I thought it might i said the logic is the same..making a pejorative your adapting it--but...complicated.
A racial pejorative to describe yourself. Get it right because it's very complicated. are an idiot and you continue to insist on racial..when it is not a racial mechanism..just a social adjustment..but///can't fix rock on.
And you're a racist. :iagree:
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?'s socially acceptable to use the label "Niggah".
My former black GF said so.
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
Untruth and posters from both sides would agree upon that
When you use the old “you do it too”, try and be within light years of reality
They get to say it because that's what they are.

So goes their reasoning, anyway.
Actually the logic is the same you deplorables use..when you call yourselves deplorable--but i imagine that's a bit too complicated for you.
Deplorable is not a racial slur. I guess that's too complicated for you.
I thought it might i said the logic is the same..making a pejorative your adapting it--but...complicated.
A racial pejorative to describe yourself. Get it right because it's very complicated. are an idiot and you continue to insist on racial..when it is not a racial mechanism..just a social adjustment..but///can't fix rock on.
If you had a TV show, it would be cancelled for such a racially insensitive statement. Your fellow Losers on this board would cheer your cancellation. :)
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.
I love that show! Silverman was a genius. GFox is welcome to Barr...only time i look at that channel is for UFC and NASCAR. Oh...and baseball.
Do your friends use a racial slur when they address you, my nagger?'s socially acceptable to use the label "Niggah".
My former black GF said so.
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
What kind of racial slurs do whites use that totally upsets white people???
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
I'm not white.'s more serious than i thought!
Tell us again how horrible white people are, whitey. :)
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.

What makes me laugh is her co-stars who have no career bashing her.....tomorrow they will wake up and realize they lost their paychecks.....stupid liberal drones

Racist Roseanne
just put a lot of people out of work.
I like how you whiney snowflakes act like you didn't have a hand in that.

Nice try.
Her actions...her responsibility. But if i had something to do with it...I bear that burden...I suspect it happened whist i was asleep.
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.

What makes me laugh is her co-stars who have no career bashing her.....tomorrow they will wake up and realize they lost their paychecks.....stupid liberal drones
Yeah...Poor John Goodman---no one will ever hire him...ROTFL!
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
I'm not white.'s more serious than i thought!
Tell us again how horrible white people are, whitey. :)
***sigh*** you really are kind of stupid, ya know. Perhaps if you got your ass out of the trailer once and a while....maybe got off the crack and onto the employment line...i know you must be able to do ..something--or someone---quit spending my tax dollars on Oxy's.
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Strict conservative here and I like Rosanne Barr and agreed with all of her tweeting especially saying Chelsea Soros Clinton. Everything was true until I got to the Valerie Jarrett tweet. Although I can't stand anything to do with Obama in any way shape or form because he everything he does and everyone he supports are racist, Muslim loving and most likely criminals. Case and point are Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Louis Farakhan, and Al Sharpton. So it's not a stretch to believe Valerie is probably the same. But that said, I HATE racist asses hence the reason I hate them. We can't have it both ways folks. That statement Rosanne made about Valerie was completely off the rails, racist, and uncalled for. Upon seeing it, I understood completely why she was fired.
What can be more amusing than listening to a life long dyed-in-wool racist blaming Obama for his or her racism.
There was never anyone in this country more racist than Obama, Except for his friends, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, and Eric Holder.
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
I'm not white.'s more serious than i thought!
Tell us again how horrible white people are, whitey. :)
***sigh*** you really are kind of stupid, ya know. Perhaps if you got your ass out of the trailer once and a while....maybe got off the crack and onto the employment line...i know you must be able to do ..something--or someone---quit spending my tax dollars on Oxy's.
Such open racial bigotry is refreshingly new. The Don has brought out the Losers true colors, as it were. :)
This is the bitch that fired Roseanne.

Kinda looks like an ape herself, doesn't she? No wonder she was so butthurt.

A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

Oh....the shame a Black Television Executive. What is your White World coming to?
You tell us, whitey.

I guess intelligent, black, successful women threaten you?
Great movie......but could it be made today? Valerie Jarret would be a natural for a leading role if another one is made. Would not even require that much makeup.

Actually the logic is the same you deplorables use..when you call yourselves deplorable--but i imagine that's a bit too complicated for you.
Deplorable is not a racial slur. I guess that's too complicated for you.
I thought it might i said the logic is the same..making a pejorative your adapting it--but...complicated.
A racial pejorative to describe yourself. Get it right because it's very complicated. are an idiot and you continue to insist on racial..when it is not a racial mechanism..just a social adjustment..but///can't fix rock on.
If you had a TV show, it would be cancelled for such a racially insensitive statement. Your fellow Losers on this board would cheer your cancellation. :)
I'll try to bear up under the burden...but you make the classic mistake of thinking that I'm a lib--so your little shots are a bit wide of the mark.

Not that it matters...I'd be contemptuous of you no matter your race...because stupid trumps color every time.
A black female who is smarter, more well-educated, and more successful than you ... she really hits all your trigger points...
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

Oh....the shame a Black Television Executive. What is your White World coming to?
You tell us, whitey.

I guess intelligent, black, successful women threaten you?
I guess you feel threatened by this one. :)
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.
Nope.....they want to show reruns of Glee and MTV *Muslim Television*
Deplorable is not a racial slur. I guess that's too complicated for you.
I thought it might i said the logic is the same..making a pejorative your adapting it--but...complicated.
A racial pejorative to describe yourself. Get it right because it's very complicated. are an idiot and you continue to insist on racial..when it is not a racial mechanism..just a social adjustment..but///can't fix rock on.
If you had a TV show, it would be cancelled for such a racially insensitive statement. Your fellow Losers on this board would cheer your cancellation. :)
I'll try to bear up under the burden...but you make the classic mistake of thinking that I'm a lib--so your little shots are a bit wide of the mark.

Not that it matters...I'd be contemptuous of you no matter your race...because stupid trumps color every time.
You haven't been discussing color. You've been discussing race. In a very insensitive way, Loser. :)

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