Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.
Nope.....they want to show reruns of Glee and MTV *Muslim Television*

That is good for 2 share, isn't it? Instead of 18 million viewers they will be lucky to get 300K.
“More well educated” is no more well educated then gooder educated

Oh, some black fired Roseanne? Canned the show? Sheeeeeeeesh. That's pretty low.

Oh....the shame a Black Television Executive. What is your White World coming to?
You tell us, whitey.

I guess intelligent, black, successful women threaten you?

Stupid Libtard assholes like Dungey disgust me.

"Dungey"? :uhh:

Great movie......but could it be made today? Valerie Jarret would be a natural for a leading role if another one is made. Would not even require that much makeup.

Ask Rosanne if it was worth losing millions of dollars over.

Ask ABC if stupid mindless Moon Bat political correctness was worth losing millions over.

Roseanne will make the money back on Fox or someplace else. ABC is out a very successful series and will lose even more viewers.

Dumbfuck, Roseanne Barr is a member of the Green party. That's more Liberal than Hillary. Fox doesn't even let them on their property.
Great movie......but could it be made today? Valerie Jarret would be a natural for a leading role if another one is made. Would not even require that much makeup.

Ask Rosanne if it was worth losing millions of dollars over.

Ask ABC if stupid mindless Moon Bat political correctness was worth losing millions over.

Roseanne will make the money back on Fox or someplace else. ABC is out a very successful series and will lose even more viewers.

Dumbfuck, Roseanne Barr is a member of the Green party. That's more Liberal than Hillary. Fox doesn't even let them on their property.
Jewish Americans making fun of black Americans. The Big Tent has collapsed.
trump finally got something right....Rosanne WAS "all about us." The show was about the racist element in the country. HE WAS PROUD....for a few weeks...

I see you were sent your talking points script.
This is who Rosanne referenced resemblance to the character in the Planet of the Apes movie:
Kim Hunter (a white woman) as Character "Dr. Zira"
This is not a new thing for roseann. And ABC knew it. They only cancelled the show due to backlash and fear of losing $$$$ from advertisers. So in essence....they knew what they were getting. She didn't get mellower with age, yet they brought her back.
I felt the same way when I heard she was coming back
You know this is the same crazy Roseanne who would say anything or do anything on a whim
So will all blacks sleep better tonight since Roseanne was Cancelled?
So will all blacks sleep better tonight since Roseanne was Cancelled?
Hmm, won't make much difference tonight. But their children and granchildren might end up sleeping better.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brainpower to puzzle out.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
What kind of racial slurs do whites use that totally upsets white people???
I'm trying to image it...or remember if it ever happened. Pretty sure it doesn't.

"Hey honkey!"
"Hey! How ya doin', cracka?"
"Oh pretty good, whitey!"
"That's good to hear, my redneck!"

Whites just don't do that shit. It must be a black thing.
Hmmm...I have heard whites call each other peckerwood...and self describe themselves as rednecks and crackers.
Yeah, some have but it is not a constant like the blacks do to each other.
So will all blacks sleep better tonight since Roseanne was Cancelled?
Hmm, won't make much difference tonight. But their children and granchildren might end up sleeping better.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brainpower to puzzle out.

Will my life change as a black man now that the show is cancelled?
Probably not noticeably overnight, no. But the larger effort, which includes today's events, will probably make your kids' and grandkids' lives better.

I think people overreact, but there's not much gray area, here. Ya fire her, or ya don't. They probably had to fire her.
Dang liberals are such crying little bitches! So let me get this straight, Roseanne tells a joke that offends liberal pussies so they shut down her show firing all the cast and crew? Classic scum! Same with gun control. Somebody goes on a rampage, take guns from everybody. lol

That is OK. There was a report today that Fox will pick up the show. It will probably have a larger audience and be more pro Trump.

Meanwhile ABC will be running reruns of Sanford and Son.

What makes me laugh is her co-stars who have no career bashing her.....tomorrow they will wake up and realize they lost their paychecks.....stupid liberal drones
Yeah...Poor John Goodman---no one will ever hire him...ROTFL!
He looks like death. Maybe he should retire.
So will all blacks sleep better tonight since Roseanne was Cancelled?
Hmm, won't make much difference tonight. But their children and granchildren might end up sleeping better.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brainpower to puzzle out.

Will my life change as a black man now that the show is cancelled?
Probably not noticeably overnight, no. But the larger effort, which includes today's events, will probably make your kids' and grandkids' lives better.

I think people overreact, but there's not much gray area, here. Ya fire her, or ya don't. They probably had to fire her.
No more racist Jews to make fun of them.
I liked him better as a fatty. But...I loved John Candy too and look what happened to him.

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