Roughly 10% of Trump's campaign spending went right back into his pocket via his businesses.

How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

As much as I am not interested in Trump, you have to explain this one to me. That's bad .. why?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

Given the way you bash Trump at every opportunity, one must conclude that you are going to vote for Hillary.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

As much as I am not interested in Trump, you have to explain this one to me. That's bad .. why?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

Given the way you bash Trump at every opportunity, one must conclude that you are going to vote for Hillary.
Does "one" also conclude that you possess a brain that is capable of more than one line of thought?

Find a treadmill fatass
As much as I am not interested in Trump, you have to explain this one to me. That's bad .. why?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

Given the way you bash Trump at every opportunity, one must conclude that you are going to vote for Hillary.
Does "one" also conclude that you possess a brain that is capable of more than one line of thought?

Find a treadmill fatass

My, my. Sensitive, aren't we?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

Given the way you bash Trump at every opportunity, one must conclude that you are going to vote for Hillary.
Does "one" also conclude that you possess a brain that is capable of more than one line of thought?

Find a treadmill fatass

My, my. Sensitive, aren't we?
Not in the least.
Fatass, aren't we?
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

As much as I am not interested in Trump, you have to explain this one to me. That's bad .. why?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

Given the way you bash Trump at every opportunity, one must conclude that you are going to vote for Hillary.

Stating facts about his lying, cheating and stealing is not "bashing".

I watched the YouTube video of Trump's press conference from Scotland. He touched upon it by mentioning that the election laws require his campaign to pay for use of any facility, he'd rather pay nothing at all. I'm not into election laws but it sounded reasonable and it felt better on my ears than the typical politician explaining why they didn't think they needed to adhere to rules.

He knew the rules…and apparently doesn’t understand them. Remember, this is the same family that couldn’t figure out how to register to vote for him.
He's adhering to the rules, dingbat. It's you who doesn't understand them. Quit embarassing yourself.

The first one is a fool and his money are soon parted. On one hand...I feel sorry for his contributors who bought the snake oil and hyperbole. On the other hand, people like you deserve exactly what you got; a loser who looks just like you.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

As much as I am not interested in Trump, you have to explain this one to me. That's bad .. why?
One the rare occasion that I give money to a political candidate I don't want any of it funneled into their personal bank account regardless of the legality or method of it. As it pertains to Trump I feel like he is taking advantage of the generosity of the public to entertain himself.
It's money coming out of his pocket, moron. No wonder you're voting for Hillary.
I'm as likely to vote for Hillary as you are to make a nickel on your GoFundMe campaign. Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber

How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

What was the profit margin?


Dumbasses like you gave him money. He takes it, "buys" a hotel room at his own hotel, stays in the room and pockets the money. Meanwhile, he reverses himself on immigration, healthcare, PP, etc...

Damn, he must be one hell of business man to be able to run a company, a hotel even, with zero overhead. Damn you're stupid.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

What was the profit margin?


Dumbasses like you gave him money. He takes it, "buys" a hotel room at his own hotel, stays in the room and pockets the money. Meanwhile, he reverses himself on immigration, healthcare, PP, etc...

What do you mean he pockets the money?

Lets say you own a lemonade stand. You say you're running for president and take my donation. Then use it to buy everyone on your campaign staff drinks at your lemonade stand.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

What was the profit margin?


Dumbasses like you gave him money. He takes it, "buys" a hotel room at his own hotel, stays in the room and pockets the money. Meanwhile, he reverses himself on immigration, healthcare, PP, etc...

What do you mean he pockets the money?

Lets say you own a lemonade stand. You say you're running for president and take my donation. Then use it to buy everyone on your campaign staff drinks at your lemonade stand.

Good grief! The campaign money is going to be spent on lodging somewhere. Would you prefer that Trump's people stayed at a Holiday Inn?


Come on let's get real here. Now the money is coming from his own pockets and has to be shown as paid by campaign to the hotels. The hotels cannot just stamp "free to the boss for his workers". There has to be an exchange of funds if only on paper. But both the campaign and the hotel would have to report said transaction.

Once again, this has been Trump's money from what I have read. He's not making a profit here on this.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

What was the profit margin?


Dumbasses like you gave him money. He takes it, "buys" a hotel room at his own hotel, stays in the room and pockets the money. Meanwhile, he reverses himself on immigration, healthcare, PP, etc...

What do you mean he pockets the money?

Lets say you own a lemonade stand. You say you're running for president and take my donation. Then use it to buy everyone on your campaign staff drinks at your lemonade stand.

Good grief! The campaign money is going to be spent on lodging somewhere. Would you prefer that Trump's people stayed at a Holiday Inn?


Come on let's get real here. Now the money is coming from his own pockets and has to be shown as paid by campaign to the hotels. The hotels cannot just stamp "free to the boss for his workers". There has to be an exchange of funds if only on paper. But both the campaign and the hotel would have to report said transaction.

Once again, this has been Trump's money from what I have read. He's not making a profit here on this.

Don't bother humoring these imbeciles on the left, the stench of troll is strong in this thread.
How do you feel about that? Seems a bit shady to me.

What was the profit margin?


Dumbasses like you gave him money. He takes it, "buys" a hotel room at his own hotel, stays in the room and pockets the money. Meanwhile, he reverses himself on immigration, healthcare, PP, etc...

What do you mean he pockets the money?

Lets say you own a lemonade stand. You say you're running for president and take my donation. Then use it to buy everyone on your campaign staff drinks at your lemonade stand.

that would probably be a legitimate campaign expense. Do you think means you'd be making money off the lemonade stand? Then you're a fool because you still have to spend money on the supplies and labor to make lemonade.
Good grief! The campaign money is going to be spent on lodging somewhere. Would you prefer that Trump's people stayed at a Holiday Inn?
Prefer? No.

But historically, that is what low-level staffers on campaigns for President do.
When you don't control your money, it controls you. Hence, Drumpf is being painted as an intolerant moron by his opponent. That he actually is an intolerant moron helps. There are no counter-ads; just name calling.

No money=no ads which means the other side's message is the only one voters are hearing.

Come on let's get real here. Now the money is coming from his own pockets and has to be shown as paid by campaign to the hotels. The hotels cannot just stamp "free to the boss for his workers". There has to be an exchange of funds if only on paper. But both the campaign and the hotel would have to report said transaction.

Once again, this has been Trump's money from what I have read. He's not making a profit here on this.

Yeah..whatever. And you probably believe that he is "self funding". The donations he has collected from the gullible idiots he's become so accustomed to fleecing, he no longer even pretends to think that is going anywhere? No...that is the money being laundered...errr I mean spent.

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