Round up the Dissenters

Did you just come out of the Twilight Zone? Remember the Russian Dossier that your tent invented to take
down a president? :laughing0301:
Who gets to decide what is threatening? Garland? Gee, I know where this is going.
Somebody at a school board meeting speaks up about the indoctrination and BAM! He/she is a domestic terrorist.
The Russian Dossier to "take down a President?" Puleeze! A fucking moron can decide what is threatening and that was not. What about all the shit that tump pulled? That didn't bother you, yes?
Obviously our national security apparatus is simply doing its job and monitoring a wide range of sources, presumably including online.

Obviously the information they have is far deeper and more comprehensive than what the public has, and they have determined the danger from right wing extremists is both real and serious.

Denials and attempts at being obtuse from the right wing aren’t slowing down investigations, thankfully.
And you believe the government, why? It wouldn't be because you happen to agree with their conclusion, would it? This is the same government that told us there were WMD's in Iraq and we needed to get in there and root them out, the same government that decided the Branch Davidians needed to be burned to death in their compound. This government time and again does things that get people killed and lies about it. And you now believe them about this? You do realize, don't you, that there is only one result from this, and that's the government will take even more power to spy on the people and control their activities never give it back, right?
It seems to me that putting the Jan 6th protestors in solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment.

Next the democrats will set up re-education camps for Trump Deplorables.
I wonder what the 6 people who died would think?
And you believe the government, why? It wouldn't be because you happen to agree with their conclusion, would it? This is the same government that told us there were WMD's in Iraq and we needed to get in there and root them out, the same government that decided the Branch Davidians needed to be burned to death in their compound. This government time and again does things that get people killed and lies about it. And you now believe them about this? You do realize, don't you, that there is only one result from this, and that's the government will take even more power to spy on the people and control their activities never give it back, right?
I know what I saw on the video from that day. I know the many threats I've seen online and in other video. I know the eyes and faces of the people I've talk to in real life who think they have to "save" their country from the "commies" (among other things). I know that there are many misguided Trumpsters who believe the fantasies they've been told about the election and who are consumed by fear and rage and paranoia. And I know these people are armed, as they always brag about.

You have been conditioned to "feel" that you're the victim by people who make a living lying to you and scaring you. That is neither my fault, nor the fault of the government.
The Russian Dossier to "take down a President?" Puleeze! A fucking moron can decide what is threatening and that was not. What about all the shit that tump pulled? That didn't bother you, yes?
WTH are you talking about? :rolleyes-41:
You're hilarious with the brush off of your ilk making shit up during his entire presidency, right down to the phony
impeachments. You're laughable
I wonder what the 6 people who died would think?
Since the 5 people who died as a result of that rowdy mob fiasco were all Trump supporters, I would imagine that would tell you Trump won the election.

Nothin unusual. The Clinton Cops were having fun running over Branch Dividian shacks in Waco with tanks while the 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in Florida. The FBI has been a corrupt extension of a corrupt administration for decades under democrat regimes. As long as their idiot minions in the liberal media cover their bloody tracks and justify secret police in junior high school, normal Americans are going to suck it up until they get to the polls on election day.
WTH are you talking about? :rolleyes-41:
You're hilarious with the brush off of your ilk making shit up during his entire presidency, right down to the phony
impeachments. You're laughable
You are kidding, yes? Phone calls to Ukraine and sending Rudy to get dirt on his opponent? You find that hilarious?
Since the 5 people who died as a result of that rowdy mob fiasco were all Trump supporters, I would imagine that would tell you Trump won the election.

As a result of the insurrection, 6 people died due to their defense of the Capitol. Whether it was in the building or after the siege ended is inconsequential. One was a Tump supporter who was acting out. The others, whether or not they supported the man on the moon, were defending the Capitol.
You want to make lite of it, then go for it. History will see it differently. "" Really?
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.

We've been warning that Progressives are progressing toward Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism - and here we are!
Who is denying freedom of speech? Speech that is threatening has and should be investigated to determine whether it has teeth and to defuse it if so. Tump used to invent dirt on his opposition and then have them investigated, which is truly chilling like Russia and China, yes? I guess that was ok with you.
"Invented" dirt like the Mueller Russia-Russia two year investigation designed to put Trump away

Your memory is short and your claims exaggerated and absurd.
As a result of the insurrection, 6 people died due to their defense of the Capitol. Whether it was in the building or after the siege ended is inconsequential. One was a Tump supporter who was acting out. The others, whether or not they supported the man on the moon, were defending the Capitol.
You want to make lite of it, then go for it. History will see it differently. "" Really?
Back your statements up with links as I did.Note that reports immediately after the event were often inaccurate as usual.



As lawmakers were being evacuated by Capitol Police, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, attempted to climb through a shattered window in a barricaded door and was shot in the shoulder by Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, dying from the wound.[16][17][18] The shooting was recorded on several cameras.[18][16] Capitol Police officers had been warned that many attackers were carrying concealed weapons, although a subsequent search revealed no weapons in Babbitt's possession.[19][20] In the minutes before she was shot, the crowd had threatened police. A fellow rally attendee who was right near Babbitt recalled she had been warned not to proceed through the window: "A number of police and Secret Service were saying 'Get back! Get down! Get out of the way!'; she didn't heed the call..."[21] Republican Representative Markwayne Mullin said he witnessed the shooting; he felt that Lt. Byrd "didn't have a choice" but to shoot, and that this action "saved people's lives".[22][23] According to Mullin, at the time, law enforcement was trying to "defend two fronts" to the House Chamber from the "mob", and "a lot of members [of Congress] and staff that were in danger at the time".[22][24] Zachary Jordan Alam (who was standing next to Babbitt) was videotaped smashing the glass window that Babbitt tried to climb through.[25][26] He was later indicted on twelve federal counts, including assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon.[25] Following the routine process for shootings by Capitol Police officers, the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the Justice Department investigated Babbitt's death and declined to charge Lt. Byrd.[25][27][28] Babbitt was a follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory, and had tweeted the previous day "the storm is here", a reference to its prophecy.[24][29][30][31][32] She has been called a martyr by some far-right extremists who view her as a freedom fighter.[33]

Three other Trump supporters also died: Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia, Kevin Greeson, 55, from Athens, Alabama, and Benjamin Philips, 50, of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.[34][35][36] Boyland was a radicalized follower of QAnon whose family had begged her not to attend.[37] Initially thought to have been trampled to death by the crowd, she was later confirmed to have died of an amphetamine overdose during the riot.[38] Her death was classified as accidental by the D.C. medical examiner's office.[39] Greeson reportedly had a heart attack outdoors on the Capitol grounds, and was declared dead at 2:05 p.m., shortly before the breach of the Capitol.[40][41] He had become a radicalized Trump supporter in the preceding years; in December 2020, he declared: "Let's take this fucking Country BACK!! Load your guns and take to the streets!"[40] His family said he was "not there to participate in violence or rioting, nor did he condone such actions".[42] Philips was initially reported to have died of a stroke after splitting from his group at 10:30 in the morning.[41] There is no indication that he had participated in the storming.[43][44] Philips was the founder of, a social media page for Trump supporters, and he made arrangements for fellow supporters to travel to D.C.[43]Greeson and Philips' deaths were later confirmed to be natural deaths from both coronary heart disease and hypertensive heart disease, ruled the D.C. medical examiner's office.[39]

Brian Sicknick, a United States Capitol Police officer, died on January 7, 2021, the day after he responded to the storming of the Capitol. He was pepper-sprayed during the riot, and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day,[46][47] after which he was placed on life support,[48] and soon died.[49][50] The District of Columbia chief medical examiner found that Sicknick had died from stroke, classifying his death as natural, whereby a death is "not hastened by an injury",[51] and additionally commented that "all that transpired played a role in his condition."[52][53] His body lay in honor in the Capitol Rotunda, before his cremated remains were buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery.[54] In the intervening period prior to the chief examiner's ruling, the cause of Sicknick's death was subject to confusion and controversy. Within hours of his death, the Capitol Police released a statement that the death was "due to injuries sustained while on-duty", when he was "physically engaging with protesters" at the Capitol.[55] The next day, the U.S. Justice Department attributed the death "to the injuries he suffered defending the U.S. Capitol, against the violent mob who stormed it".[56] Meanwhile, media, citing law enforcement sources, incorrectly reported for weeks that Sicknick had died after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during the unrest.[52][57][58] Brian Sicknick's death was investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch, the USCP, and the FBI.[50] On March 14, two men were arrested and charged with nine counts each, including three assaults with a deadly weapon (chemical spray).[59] Neither of the two men have been charged with causing Sicknick's death.[47][60][61][62]
Four police officers who defended the capitol during the riot have subsequently died by suicide.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
Y’all crack me up with all this political spin. You are ignoring the fact that Trumps FBI called domestic terrorists a threat at the highest level in 2020. That’s before Biden and Garland.

what say you?

Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
Looks like you nailed it, TroglocratsRdumb

Back your statements up with links as I did.Note that reports immediately after the event were often inaccurate as usual.



As lawmakers were being evacuated by Capitol Police, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, attempted to climb through a shattered window in a barricaded door and was shot in the shoulder by Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, dying from the wound.[16][17][18] The shooting was recorded on several cameras.[18][16] Capitol Police officers had been warned that many attackers were carrying concealed weapons, although a subsequent search revealed no weapons in Babbitt's possession.[19][20] In the minutes before she was shot, the crowd had threatened police. A fellow rally attendee who was right near Babbitt recalled she had been warned not to proceed through the window: "A number of police and Secret Service were saying 'Get back! Get down! Get out of the way!'; she didn't heed the call..."[21] Republican Representative Markwayne Mullin said he witnessed the shooting; he felt that Lt. Byrd "didn't have a choice" but to shoot, and that this action "saved people's lives".[22][23] According to Mullin, at the time, law enforcement was trying to "defend two fronts" to the House Chamber from the "mob", and "a lot of members [of Congress] and staff that were in danger at the time".[22][24] Zachary Jordan Alam (who was standing next to Babbitt) was videotaped smashing the glass window that Babbitt tried to climb through.[25][26] He was later indicted on twelve federal counts, including assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon.[25] Following the routine process for shootings by Capitol Police officers, the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the Justice Department investigated Babbitt's death and declined to charge Lt. Byrd.[25][27][28] Babbitt was a follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory, and had tweeted the previous day "the storm is here", a reference to its prophecy.[24][29][30][31][32] She has been called a martyr by some far-right extremists who view her as a freedom fighter.[33]

Three other Trump supporters also died: Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia, Kevin Greeson, 55, from Athens, Alabama, and Benjamin Philips, 50, of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.[34][35][36] Boyland was a radicalized follower of QAnon whose family had begged her not to attend.[37] Initially thought to have been trampled to death by the crowd, she was later confirmed to have died of an amphetamine overdose during the riot.[38] Her death was classified as accidental by the D.C. medical examiner's office.[39] Greeson reportedly had a heart attack outdoors on the Capitol grounds, and was declared dead at 2:05 p.m., shortly before the breach of the Capitol.[40][41] He had become a radicalized Trump supporter in the preceding years; in December 2020, he declared: "Let's take this fucking Country BACK!! Load your guns and take to the streets!"[40] His family said he was "not there to participate in violence or rioting, nor did he condone such actions".[42] Philips was initially reported to have died of a stroke after splitting from his group at 10:30 in the morning.[41] There is no indication that he had participated in the storming.[43][44] Philips was the founder of, a social media page for Trump supporters, and he made arrangements for fellow supporters to travel to D.C.[43]Greeson and Philips' deaths were later confirmed to be natural deaths from both coronary heart disease and hypertensive heart disease, ruled the D.C. medical examiner's office.[39]

Brian Sicknick, a United States Capitol Police officer, died on January 7, 2021, the day after he responded to the storming of the Capitol. He was pepper-sprayed during the riot, and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day,[46][47] after which he was placed on life support,[48] and soon died.[49][50] The District of Columbia chief medical examiner found that Sicknick had died from stroke, classifying his death as natural, whereby a death is "not hastened by an injury",[51] and additionally commented that "all that transpired played a role in his condition."[52][53] His body lay in honor in the Capitol Rotunda, before his cremated remains were buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery.[54] In the intervening period prior to the chief examiner's ruling, the cause of Sicknick's death was subject to confusion and controversy. Within hours of his death, the Capitol Police released a statement that the death was "due to injuries sustained while on-duty", when he was "physically engaging with protesters" at the Capitol.[55] The next day, the U.S. Justice Department attributed the death "to the injuries he suffered defending the U.S. Capitol, against the violent mob who stormed it".[56] Meanwhile, media, citing law enforcement sources, incorrectly reported for weeks that Sicknick had died after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during the unrest.[52][57][58] Brian Sicknick's death was investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch, the USCP, and the FBI.[50] On March 14, two men were arrested and charged with nine counts each, including three assaults with a deadly weapon (chemical spray).[59] Neither of the two men have been charged with causing Sicknick's death.[47][60][61][62]
Four police officers who defended the capitol during the riot have subsequently died by suicide.
Linking? Just watch the videotapes. That is your link and everyone else's link, and you can see why people died, no matter how they died.
Linking? Just watch the videotapes. That is your link and everyone else's link, and you can see why people died, no matter how they died.
Well you stated above …

As a result of the insurrection, 6 people died due to their defense of the Capitol. Whether it was in the building or after the siege ended is inconsequential. One was a Tump supporter who was acting out. The others, whether or not they supported the man on the moon, were defending the Capitol.

If you got that information from watching videotapes it was incorrect and misleading. Four of the people who died were Trump supporters not one.


Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, attempted to climb through a shattered window in a barricaded door and was shot in the shoulder by Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, dying from the wound.


Three other Trump supporters also died: Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia, Kevin Greeson, 55, from Athens, Alabama, and Benjamin Philips, 50, of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
How about we be as peaceful as blm and antifa?
Are they peaceful to you? Why do you bring them up? What is your point? Do you think that it is ok for you and your ilk to stoop to their level? I don't.

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