Roving Mobs of Street Thugs Attack Everyone in Omar's District

This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

FOX News should be ashamed. I hope lawsuits follow.

This hate mongering is inexcusable.

Why the truth hurts?

This isn't truth. This is anti-immigrant propaganda from the President's personal immigrant propaganda network. Brought to you by the same organization that is promoting the idea of dangerous immigrant caravans coming to destroy America.

Deplorable doesn't begin to cover Rupert Murdoch, and his agenda of promoting the radical right wing conservative dystopian view. It's so profitable to his bottom line to keep the fools stirred up and angry at immigrants.

Republicans have become the party of hate.

If Democrats come to power, there will be non stop caravans until America is fundamentally transformed to the point nobody wants to come anymore. Democrats want to make America into the world's largest homeless tent city.

Here's the thing, white people from Europe don't want to go to the USA to live. For middle class white people, the USA is the "shit hole" country of the First World.
Like anybody really wants to go to Canada.

Weren't you supposed to give amnesty to our TDS ailing Hollywood celebrities?

I would gladly exchange any LEGAL hardworking immigrant over three idiotic American progressives with the same views as you.
“More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country,” “FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.” FBI statistics have found that Omar’s congressional district is the terrorist recruitment capital of the United States.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

The FoxNews story says nothing about Somalis

Really?! Is that how you're going to justify these assholes?

I did not justify anything, but this sort of fake news shit is the very thing you people whine about 100 times a day.

Fake news? LOL, so ya got a video and you don't believe it....way too funny.
Lakhota is a prime regressive candidate for the Legal immigrant exchange program.

Now post your funny.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.
This is also why President Trump wanted a Travel DELAY - not 'Ban', to delay unidentified immigrants com I g from terrorist-infested, America-hating nations lime Somalia until thorough background checks could be completed.

Who knows - perhaps if the US would have done a better job investigating Ilhan Omar and her family they would have found out they / she was / is an Anti-American, anti-Semitic terrorist-supporter and they would have been denied entry into the US.

This is also why Obama ignored the will of the American people and brought these people into the country anyway, dumping them in large numbers in places like Mn...
So the first term Congresswoman is immediately responsible for the Cities police departments' personnel problem?

What are you nuts going to blame her for next, Prince's OD?
yet Trump is to blame for every racist incident from coast to coast
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

The FoxNews story says nothing about Somalis

Really?! Is that how you're going to justify these assholes?

I did not justify anything, but this sort of fake news shit is the very thing you people whine about 100 times a day.

Fake news? LOL, so ya got a video and you don't believe it....way too funny.

That is the thing about fake news, it always has some elements of truth to it. They change just enough to push their agenda, just like you sheep on here do
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

Didn't see any Muslims there but I saw a lot of young Blacks. This is what liberalism creates---- EVERY group that has been empowered by progressivism to "equality" has instead shown that it cannot handle the responsibility of equality once given it! Meantime, it is the liberals demanding that we give up our guns?

Anyone see a pattern here?

Who empowered white supremacist thugs? Oh ya. That was you guys.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

Didn't see any Muslims there but I saw a lot of young Blacks. This is what liberalism creates---- EVERY group that has been empowered by progressivism to "equality" has instead shown that it cannot handle the responsibility of equality once given it! Meantime, it is the liberals demanding that we give up our guns?

Anyone see a pattern here?

Who empowered white supremacist thugs? Oh ya. That was you guys.
Yeah, there are like 50 guys out there who are getting the attention of millions of dems.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

Didn't see any Muslims there but I saw a lot of young Blacks. This is what liberalism creates---- EVERY group that has been empowered by progressivism to "equality" has instead shown that it cannot handle the responsibility of equality once given it! Meantime, it is the liberals demanding that we give up our guns?

Anyone see a pattern here?

Who empowered white supremacist thugs? Oh ya. That was you guys.

Look Coyote, keep your stupid name calling to YOURSELF. I'm neither a "supremacist" nor a thug just because I'm White. Nor do I have a racist bone in my body, in fact, some of my BEST friends have been Black. I don't go out committing violence nor inciting violence much less condoning it. I spent my life either getting an education or working mainly in engineering labs designing telecom equipment and solving other electrical problems as well as working as a part time consultant related to the legal field with INTELLIGENT people, not 2-bit SJWs.

So take your stupid, rash, half-baked garbage labels and double standards and hypocrisy and shove them where the sun doesn't shine because the only place I've known low class ignorant people is here where they are THRUST upon us as apparently what attracts the vast majority to social media now in the 21st century.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

Didn't see any Muslims there but I saw a lot of young Blacks. This is what liberalism creates---- EVERY group that has been empowered by progressivism to "equality" has instead shown that it cannot handle the responsibility of equality once given it! Meantime, it is the liberals demanding that we give up our guns?

Anyone see a pattern here?

Who empowered white supremacist thugs? Oh ya. That was you guys.

Look Coyote, keep your stupid name calling to YOURSELF. I'm neither a "supremacist" nor a thug just because I'm White. Nor do I have a racist bone in my body, in fact, some of my BEST friends have been Black. I don't go out committing violence nor inciting violence much less condoning it. I spent my life either getting an education or working mainly in engineering labs designing telecom equipment and solving other electrical problems as well as working as a part time consultant related to the legal field with INTELLIGENT people, not 2-bit SJWs.

So take your stupid, rash, half-baked garbage labels and double standards and hypocrisy and shove them where the sun doesn't shine because the only place I've known low class ignorant people is here where they are THRUST upon us as apparently what attracts the vast majority to social media now in the 21st century.

I didn’t say you were. I said who empowered them. Conservatives like you.
So the first term Congresswoman is immediately responsible for the Cities police departments' personnel problem?

What are you nuts going to blame her for next, Prince's OD?
Has she ever once addressed the issue of somali thugs terrorizing the public? I bet she hasnt spoken a word about it. Prove me wrong.

Have you established it as a fact that "Somali thugs" are in issue in Minnesota? Other than FOX News, there are no other reports of this behaviour.

Snopes says otherwise.

Did a 'Mob of Somali Teens' Attack Minneapolis Commuters with Hammers?

Here's another article talking about this "fake news" going viral on account of radical right wing lies:

Minneapolis 'Somali mob attack' shows how right-wing media keeps readers wracked with fear | City Pages

If you people didn't lie, you'd have nothing to post.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

So the "No Go" zones that sprung up in parts of Europe have now come to America. Well, that's just great. There's another good reason to buy high capacity magazines.

Once again, you're lying to promote hate and violence against immigrants:

Minneapolis 'Somali mob attack' shows how right-wing media keeps readers wracked with fear | City Pages

Did a 'Mob of Somali Teens' Attack Minneapolis Commuters with Hammers?

Lying, piece of shit, racist posters.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

FOX News should be ashamed. I hope lawsuits follow.

This hate mongering is inexcusable.

How is Fox responsible for Devout Islamic Terrorism?

Fox has violated HOLY SHARIAH LAW-----which is authored by allah, himself.
Criticism of ISLAM and/or muslims ----by a kafir is a capital crime. Are you goint to ARGUE with DIVINE LAW?. I am acquainted with persons who were once
dhimmis or carry a family legacy of that condition------they tend to STARTLE with
horror just at the mention of anything Islamic-----like "mosque" "Koran" etc.
This is what President Trump meant by go back home and fix your crap in your own back yard. This is in Omar's district which has Muslim No Go Zones that are dangerous for even the police to drive in to. Why do we allow people who hate us to live in this country and drain us of our wealth and contribute nothing back?

And they want to disarm us on top of it all?

Videos of Minneapolis robberies, mob-style beatings go viral

Fox News has obtained a series of disturbing videos showing mob-style attacks in downtown Minneapolis in which police say “vulnerable” victims were targeted and brutally beaten for valuables such as cellphones.

Police told Fox News that an “incredible” law enforcement investigation led to the arrest of 16 people in connection to the videos. They face assault and robbery charges, among others.

In one daytime video, a mob can be seen pummeling a man just outside of the Minneapolis Twins’ stadium. At one point, the attackers run to gain speed and jump on the victim. They ride a bike over him, take off his pants and beat him with a belt. The victim appears to defend himself but is outnumbered and overpowered.

In another gruesome video, two young men appear to be attacked. They’re punched in the face and appear to fight back. One is knocked unconscious.

In a third video, a young man is surrounded by a mob and beaten unconscious. The video appears to show something being taken from his pocket once he’s on the ground.

All of these videos are emerging as the city of Minneapolis is dealing with a crippling shortage of police officers. The chief of police, Medaria Arradondo, has requested 400 additional officers over the next few years to make up for the shortage.

However, some members of Minneapolis’ City Council argue against the money going toward additional officers. Instead, they say the money should go toward other law enforcement and safety programs.

The city’s mayor, Jacob Frey, has proposed adding 14 additional officers to the force. Police told Fox News the mayor is supportive of the department and the new policing strategies in the city’s downtown.

The shortage of police is so staggering that over the past year the police department was unable to immediately send a squad car to 6,776 priority one emergencies. That includes situations like shots fired, stabbings and sexual assaults. A Minneapolis police website says priority one calls involve "an imminent threat to personal safety, or the loss or damage to property exists."

Even worse, police were unable to immediately respond to seven “priority zero” calls, including a baby not breathing and a fellow officer facing imminent danger. Priority zero calls, according to the Minneapolis police website, "include those situations where a known crisis exists that threatens the life of an individual. This is the highest possible priority and the fastest possible response is desired. The MECC objective is to have squads en route to the call within 30 seconds of receipt by the dispatcher."

“To have to look someone in the eye and tell them that we were unable to get there because we do not have enough resources – it’s unacceptable,” Andy Skoogman, the president of Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, told Fox News.

So the "No Go" zones that sprung up in parts of Europe have now come to America. Well, that's just great. There's another good reason to buy high capacity magazines.

Once again, you're lying to promote hate and violence against immigrants:

Minneapolis 'Somali mob attack' shows how right-wing media keeps readers wracked with fear | City Pages

Did a 'Mob of Somali Teens' Attack Minneapolis Commuters with Hammers?

Lying, piece of shit, racist posters.

BS ^^^

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