Roy Moore handwriting 1 and 2 - the same

What did she alter? BTW, that picture in your signature suggests you're disgustingly nuts - or old and senile.

Seriously, you have to ask what she altered?

and does it MATTER what she altered?

The evidence has been compromised, almost any judge in the country would toss it.

(and if you want to talk about signatures, you should have a 10 year old select your next one.

it's bound to be more mature than the one you have.)

Alter means to "change" something. What did she "change"? For example, when I post something, USMB adds the date and place. Should I suggest that USMB is "altering" my posts?

When you add to, (as she did,) or delete from, that is altering.

Learned that in grade school.

Why didn't you?

So, should I contact USMB about adding date and place to my posts?

already there...

(pay attention)

Duh, I know that, but should I contact USMB to complain about them "altering" my posts by them adding date and place? This is a fun exercise to see the extent of your ignorance and flaming ability.
"the entry" LOL was altered ...the "entry" .....LOL

what part of Roy Moore signed is altered ? LOL

tyrone, you can use this thread to ensure you remain at the top of the leaderboard if you like.

you've not brought anything new in the last 20 minutes, merely repeating yourself.

I have no interest in the leaderboard, nor in re-chewing the facts I've posted.

enjoy yourself.
"the entry" LOL was altered ...the "entry" .....LOL

what part of Roy Moore signed is altered ? LOL

tyrone, you can use this thread to ensure you remain at the top of the leaderboard if you like.

you've not brought anything new in the last 20 minutes, merely repeating yourself.

I have no interest in the leaderboard, nor in re-chewing the facts I've posted.

enjoy yourself.

a dollar bill is an "entry" has signatures ...Treasury Secretary etc ...lets say I write on that dollar bill...something like "bring me luck" ...did I just ruin the this an invalid dollar bill LOL does it mean the Treasury secretary did not in fact sign it ?
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It makes me sad to learn that USMB may be altering/changing/delegitimizing/nullifying/voiding my posts by adding date and place. Sad...
Tara Setmayer: Republican Party "Destroying Itself" Over Roy Moore

"How much more evidence do you need?" Setmayer asked Martin. "Roy Moore is a liar. He's a liar. He lied about taking money... Let's go over this. Let's look at Roy Moore. He lied about taking over $1 million from a foundation that he claimed he didn't take any money from, it was just a small salary. It was over a million dollars. He lied about that."

Setmayer continued: "He lied about not knowing any of these accusers whatsoever, when two of them have hand-written notes from him... And the woman that came out in the Washington Post and showed her scrapbook that had contemporaneous written notes about him being at her high school graduation, and sending her a card. She said she initially was uncomfortable with what the other women were saying, she couldn't believe he would do that, until she saw that he lied about not knowing her. Because he dated her in public. She was 17, he was 34. he also called a high school girl in her trigonometry class."
Can we get past the obvious please? That Moore chased after teenage girls and wrote notes to them?
View attachment 164967
View attachment 164968

Both by the same person and both to teenage girls.
No, they are different signatures. One has his assistant's abbreviations at the end.

Counterfeit Money: How to Spot Fake Bills
That's just utterly idiotic. Look at the two pieces of writing, they are the same, by the same person. A child could see that and they could also see in the first one that more than one person wrote part of it, the top part versus the bottom part. You are so far from grasping at straws that you can't even see the Dairy Queen on the horizon anymore.

Even if it is his signature, what crime is it to sign a yearbook? It means nothing. Nothing at all. It's the fact she added the date to make it appear to bolster her story. The date is crucial to her fairy tale to prove she quit the day after.

She's toast.
He lied about knowing her. She's not the one in trouble or soon to be kicked out of the Congress if elected to it.

I had a young man walk up to me in the store the other day. He was a student in my class in 2008. I have no idea who this kid was, but I also had no reason to doubt him as he did not charge me with sexual assault.
You are a butthurt liar.

Am I dick breath? Do you live in a small town in the deep south? If you do you're blind.

Where is your proof that Moore did anything wrong, liar? Where is it liar?

If it was up your ass you'd know.

I have no proof I have lived in a small redneck southern town on and off sorry you can't comprehend how powerful people are in those types of towns.

Thanks for admitting it liar.

Hey, you roy moore butt boy, did you mean did I have proof of Roy Moore or what I claimed about small towns in the South? If it's the latter I sure do have proof.

Produce it, liar.
Another victory for the best President of our lifetimes Donald J. Trump

Moore should win bigly

Let’s say Moore won. How does the country look the GOP and the president? A bunch of child molester supporter. Excellent. What happened to the decency of America?
Trump and Moore are now the poster-children for the GOP. Soulless and without morals. They have embraced evil, attempting to gain the world. Jesus warned them but to them he is just a ticket to Heaven, nothing more. Their hearts are focused on the evil men do, without realizing that they have met the enemy and it is they.

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