Roy Moore has been a pervert for years!

The MSM laughed at Bill Clinton's wife creating the "bimbo eruption squad" to intimidate and threaten her husband's sexual victims with the power of the state and later the federal government. Bill Clinton risked his marriage and his career and the future of the Republic by engaging in sodomy episodes in a freaking closet off the Oval Office with a girl barely older than his daughter. Which politician was a pervert?
Can't they both be?
Me too. I'd also like the court to iron my work shirts since I've paid these assholes for nothing for about 45 years
"Thou shall not commit adultery."

But doesn't say anything about fondling children.
The MSM laughed at Bill Clinton's wife creating the "bimbo eruption squad"
Yet another Limbaugh Lie!
It was Betsy Wright who created the bimbo eruption squad, but the Right never let the facts get in the way of lying about the Clintons.
The MSM laughed at Bill Clinton's wife creating the "bimbo eruption squad" to intimidate and threaten her husband's sexual victims with the power of the state and later the federal government. Bill Clinton risked his marriage and his career and the future of the Republic by engaging in sodomy episodes in a freaking closet off the Oval Office with a girl barely older than his daughter. Which politician was a pervert?
Another red herring fallacy and failed attempt to deflect.

The thread is about Roy Moore, not ‘the Clintons.’

But your failed attempt to deflect is typical of most dishonest conservative cowards.
Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

He is quite the pervert, huh?

Did he actually read his Ten Commandments?

I don't think there is anything in the ten commandments about being a child molester.

Think again....

Commandment 8:
You shall not steal.
Commandment 9:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.​

Commandment 10:
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
What does a child molester covet? What does a child molester steal from a child?

Does a child molester who declares as untrue a child's or other's truthful assertion bear false witness against that child or other person? Even though you and I may not incontrovertibly know which of them is telling the truth, both the child and the alleged molester do know.

Though what I'm about to write has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I'm writing it anyway...Given the very permissive gun laws in the U.S., I think it amazing that a whole lot of prominent figures don't get murdered, particularly when the individuals whom they child molested, sexually assaulted, raped, sodomized, etc. come of age.
Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

He is quite the pervert, huh?

Did he actually read his Ten Commandments?

Sure they were, Herr Goebbels. You Stalinists demand that Moore be slaughtered for accusations without a shred of evidence. Meanwhile Maoist Senator Bob Menendez is in a criminal trial, but you Communists refuse to call for him to resign.

Some animals are more equal that others, to you Marxists.
You comrades, you commies who love Russia, are supporting a man who assaulted teen age girls.

Their stories are more believable than that of Moore, and certainly more than your propagit, comrade.
Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

He is quite the pervert, huh?

Did he actually read his Ten Commandments?

Sure they were, Herr Goebbels. You Stalinists demand that Moore be slaughtered for accusations without a shred of evidence. Meanwhile Maoist Senator Bob Menendez is in a criminal trial, but you Communists refuse to call for him to resign.

Some animals are more equal that others, to you Marxists.
"slaughtered"? Who has made any kind of request or demand that Child-chaser Moore be "slaughtered"?

And yes. Menendez is on trial. Good. Glad to see you want the equivalent for Child-chaser Moore.
So now visiting a shopping mall is a sex offense! Only in a libturds mind! Russia Russia
BREAKING: Speaker Paul Ryan says Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore 'should step aside,' allegations against him 'credible'
This is about the swamp creatures making up a story to eliminate a person challenging the swamp.

The charges are rehashed and resurrected. The swamp wants to control the election and if it cannot, it will overturn the election.

After all the swamp has been trying the same scheme to overturn the presidential election for a year.

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