Rubio may suspend his campaign before Florida

Makes sense.

He's gonna get trounced in Florida - his own home state.

No point in prematurely ending your political career by subjecting yourself to such an embarrassment part-way through your first term in the Senate.

This way, he lives to fight another day - and buys himself time to improve his standing with his own constituents.
losing his own state would be really embarrassing yes so maybe there is some truth to the rumor
losing his own state would be really embarrassing yes so maybe there is some truth to the rumor
He absolutely will lose. It would literally take a miracle equivalent to the immaculate conception to pull off Florida for Rubio.

This is coming from his donors NOT his campaign. They are saying that there is chatter from his donors that if he doesn't rise in the polls he may get out for the obvious reasons.

Keep in mind this is not a done deal but there is word that it just may happen. Very interesting development.

Are you sure this isn't another Cruz trick?

This is coming from his donors NOT his campaign. They are saying that there is chatter from his donors that if he doesn't rise in the polls he may get out for the obvious reasons.

Keep in mind this is not a done deal but there is word that it just may happen. Very interesting development.

You might have something there if the campaign hadn't already said he won't drop out even if he loses FL.
That was a couple days ago before this past Super Tuesday. They haven't said anything about this latest news. Silence says a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I hope he and Kaisch drop out, I just think they've made a deal with the GOP to force a contested convention. If the voters don't wise up and unite behind either Trump or Cruz you're likely to see a Kaisch/Rubio ticket.
I hate to say it, but I bet that would EASILY beat cankles in the general.

Wrong, if the GOP ignores the voters again, it will end them. Millions would sit this one out if one of the top two are not the nominee.
You and those who think like you are a significant minority "of the voters", not the majority.
Makes sense.

He's gonna get trounced in Florida - his own home state.

No point in prematurely ending your political career by subjecting yourself to such an embarrassment part-way through your first term in the Senate.

This way, he lives to fight another day - and buys himself time to improve his standing with his own constituents.
losing his own state would be really embarrassing yes so maybe there is some truth to the rumor

It seems like a no lose. Especially if he brokers a deal with Cruz to be his VP.

Better to be the kingmaker than go down in flames
They're weighing the political costs of having to tell early voters that they wasted their vote on a loser. But Rubio clearly has no interest in showing the world that he can't win his home state.

This is coming from his donors NOT his campaign. They are saying that there is chatter from his donors that if he doesn't rise in the polls he may get out for the obvious reasons.

Keep in mind this is not a done deal but there is word that it just may happen. Very interesting development.

It's not official yet, but it is down to Trump or Cruz.

This is coming from his donors NOT his campaign. They are saying that there is chatter from his donors that if he doesn't rise in the polls he may get out for the obvious reasons.

Keep in mind this is not a done deal but there is word that it just may happen. Very interesting development.

It's not official yet, but it is down to Trump or Cruz.
And Lindsey Graham is making kissy faces at Ted.
Best plan is to wait until after the debate. That way they can double team trump tonight.

Btw this is why early voting is stupid

This is coming from his donors NOT his campaign. They are saying that there is chatter from his donors that if he doesn't rise in the polls he may get out for the obvious reasons.

Keep in mind this is not a done deal but there is word that it just may happen. Very interesting development.

It's not official yet, but it is down to Trump or Cruz.
And Lindsey Graham is making kissy faces at Ted.

Which is amusing since he was joking about killing Cruz a couple weeks agi
If Marco wants another shot in politics he needs to bow out and salvage his career.
Is he willing to take a chance with Florida?
Little Marco is on the FOX channel tonight....
Will he make an announcement or go with the bluster that he is in a great position to win the
If Kasich takes OH and Cruz bows out after next Tuesday, Cruz and Kasich will battle Trump right into a convention fight.

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