Rubio may suspend his campaign before Florida

Wrong, if the GOP ignores the voters again, it will end them. Millions would sit this one out if one of the top two are not the nominee.
You and those who think like you are a significant minority "of the voters", not the majority.

Really, Cruz and Trump are getting a large majority, 70-75%, of the vote, I wouldn't call that a significant majority, not a significant minority.
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.

It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.

There are dozens of Rubio supporters on this board...they're not showing their colors because the Trump followers pack attack anybody who does. Me? I've taken on 8 of em at once and they turn and scamper off when you stand up to em.
If Marco is planning this i don't think he will do it before the debate
Agreed. He'll wait so that he, Cruz, and Kasich can gang up on Trump at the debate. I think at this point if it wasn't true his campaign would have come forth and issued a press release at the very least. This kind of rumor is very destructive to a campaign and if were false it would have been squashed immediately (like the previous one)
Except The Rube HAS denied the Cruz gossip/rumor this very morning!

Rubio Camp Rebuts ANOTHER Report That He May Drop Out Before Florida
A spokesman for Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) presidential campaign on Wednesday morning pushed back against yet another report indicating that members of the campaign are discussing whether Rubio should drop out before the primary in his home state of Florida.
Hey wait a we are HOURS after the bullshit OP and yet, NO ANNOUNCEMENT of any campaign suspension....what gives?

If there is one we've already concluded it won't happen until after the debate when cruz and Rubio can tag team trump.

Shouldn't you be happy if Rubio is VP when it's obvious he won't win?
The Right always lie in packs1

Marco Rubio's campaign denies report he's being pressured to drop out before Florida

March 7, 2016

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Marco Rubio's communications director is calling a CNN report that advisers are quietly pushing the Republican presidential candidate to exit the race before his home state's primary "100 percent false."

"That is fiction," Alex Conant told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday afternoon, adding that he just attended a meeting where the campaign planned out next week's schedule.
Hey wait a we are HOURS after the bullshit OP and yet, NO ANNOUNCEMENT of any campaign suspension....what gives?
It was denied 2 days ago and again this morning!

Marco Rubio's campaign denies report he's being pressured to drop out before Florida

March 7, 2016

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Marco Rubio's communications director is calling a CNN report that advisers are quietly pushing the Republican presidential candidate to exit the race before his home state's primary "100 percent false."

"That is fiction," Alex Conant told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday afternoon, adding that he just attended a meeting where the campaign planned out next week's schedule.

Rubio Camp Rebuts ANOTHER Report That He May Drop Out Before Florida

ByCAITLIN MACNEALPublishedMARCH 9, 2016, 9:57 AM EST1600 Views
A spokesman for Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) presidential campaign on Wednesday morning pushed back against yet another report indicating that members of the campaign are discussing whether Rubio should drop out before the primary in his home state of Florida.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.

There are dozens of Rubio supporters on this board...they're not showing their colors because the Trump followers pack attack anybody who does. Me? I've taken on 8 of em at once and they turn and scamper off when you stand up to em.
Rubio is finished dude...

I understand that Trump voters tend to be more irrational and angry, but they are still ultimately right.

Trump's coalition represents the true opposition party that the Republican Party is destined to be, not Rubio's supporters or even Cruz's supporters.

Regardless of whether Trump does anything he says he will do the Republican Party will be henceforth forever changed for the better because of one Donald J Trump, and literally every Conservative has admitted this at one point or another since he first entered the race.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.

There are dozens of Rubio supporters on this board...they're not showing their colors because the Trump followers pack attack anybody who does. Me? I've taken on 8 of em at once and they turn and scamper off when you stand up to em.
Rubio is finished dude...

I understand that Trump voters tend to be more irrational and angry, but they are still ultimately right.

Trump's coalition represents the true opposition party that the Republican Party is destined to be, not Rubio's supporters or even Cruz's supporters.

Regardless of whether Trump does anything he says he will do the Republican Party will be henceforth forever changed for the better because of one Donald J Trump, and literally every Conservative has admitted this at one point or another since he first entered the race.

Trump isn't building an opposition party
Don't get me wrong, I hope he and Kaisch drop out, I just think they've made a deal with the GOP to force a contested convention. If the voters don't wise up and unite behind either Trump or Cruz you're likely to see a Kaisch/Rubio ticket.
I hate to say it, but I bet that would EASILY beat cankles in the general.

Wrong, if the GOP ignores the voters again, it will end them. Millions would sit this one out if one of the top two are not the nominee.
You and those who think like you are a significant minority "of the voters", not the majority.

Really, Cruz and Trump are getting a large majority, 70-75%, of the vote, I wouldn't call that a significant majority, not a significant minority.
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.

They'll go for Trump before they go with the hildabitch or the bern.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.

There are dozens of Rubio supporters on this board...they're not showing their colors because the Trump followers pack attack anybody who does. Me? I've taken on 8 of em at once and they turn and scamper off when you stand up to em.
Rubio is finished dude...

I understand that Trump voters tend to be more irrational and angry, but they are still ultimately right.

Trump's coalition represents the true opposition party that the Republican Party is destined to be, not Rubio's supporters or even Cruz's supporters.

Regardless of whether Trump does anything he says he will do the Republican Party will be henceforth forever changed for the better because of one Donald J Trump, and literally every Conservative has admitted this at one point or another since he first entered the race.

Trump isn't building an opposition party
The opposition party is the Republican Party, Trump is simply reinforcing it with real mettle(pun intended)

Trump is de-pacifying the Christian Right and de-pussifying the fiscal Conservatives.
Were he to gracefully stand down now he'd preserve enough dignity that he might be considered worthy of another "go" in eight years. By then he might have emotionally matured enough to be a good, viable contender.

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