Rubio may suspend his campaign before Florida

STILL no announcement....something is fishy here.....wonder what it could be? :badgrin:
Already been debunked in this very thread.
where have you been all this time???
Hey wait a we are HOURS after the bullshit OP and yet, NO ANNOUNCEMENT of any campaign suspension....what gives?
It was denied 2 days ago and again this morning!

Marco Rubio's campaign denies report he's being pressured to drop out before Florida

March 7, 2016

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Marco Rubio's communications director is calling a CNN report that advisers are quietly pushing the Republican presidential candidate to exit the race before his home state's primary "100 percent false."

"That is fiction," Alex Conant told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday afternoon, adding that he just attended a meeting where the campaign planned out next week's schedule.

Rubio Camp Rebuts ANOTHER Report That He May Drop Out Before Florida

ByCAITLIN MACNEALPublishedMARCH 9, 2016, 9:57 AM EST1600 Views
A spokesman for Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) presidential campaign on Wednesday morning pushed back against yet another report indicating that members of the campaign are discussing whether Rubio should drop out before the primary in his home state of Florida.
So far only Trump has garnered more than the required 8 states, he has 12, so far
No, Trump only has seven states he won and holds a majority of the delegates from that state.

This is not merely a plurality but a solid majority of 51%, etc of the delegates from that state.
STILL no announcement....something is fishy here.....wonder what it could be? :badgrin:
Already been debunked in this very thread.
where have you been all this time???
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Dude, these politicians deny that they are about to fire a subordinate and everyone knows that that means the subordinate is looking for another job and needs to be ready to resign and move on.

Dont be a dumbass, that Rubios people deny this is only more evidence that it might be true. IF it truly was completely false, they would react to it as an absurdity and laugh it off, not run across the street to CNN and treat it as though it has legs.
STILL no announcement....something is fishy here.....wonder what it could be? :badgrin:
Already been debunked in this very thread.
where have you been all this time???
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Dude, these politicians deny that they are about to fire a subordinate and everyone knows that that means the subordinate is looking for another job and needs to be ready to resign and move on.

Dont be a dumbass, that Rubios people deny this is only more evidence that it might be true. IF it truly was completely false, they would react to it as an absurdity and laugh it off, not run across the street to CNN and treat it as though it has legs.

Of course it has legs. People are scared of trump and him staying in affects whether he can be beaten or not.
You and those who think like you are a significant minority "of the voters", not the majority.

Really, Cruz and Trump are getting a large majority, 70-75%, of the vote, I wouldn't call that a significant majority, not a significant minority.
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.
Dont be a dumbass, that Rubios people deny this is only more evidence that it might be true. IF it truly was completely false, they would react to it as an absurdity and laugh it off, not run across the street to CNN and treat it as though it has legs.
What part of "utter fiction" do you not understand?

‘Utter fiction’: Rubio’s advisers deny internal talk about him dropping out

‘Utter fiction’: Rubio’s advisers deny internal talk about him dropping out

CNN got a swift lesson in rapid-response politics Monday when it reported that advisers to Marco Rubio were discussing whether the senator from Florida should drop out of the presidential race — a report almost instantly denied as “utter nonsense” by Rubio’s campaign.
Really, Cruz and Trump are getting a large majority, 70-75%, of the vote, I wouldn't call that a significant majority, not a significant minority.
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.

Not so sure of that. If it was true trump wouldn't be winning in the south. Though it sounds like they aren't as Christian as they should be.
He fucked up and he knows he fucked up with that last stunt of his about Trumps small hands.
Rubio needs many more years under his belt so he can grow up. He isn't ready yet, and he showed that quite clearly.
He said he was regretful of his attacks and his kids are embarrassed is his way of letting it be known he is out. Soon.
Really, Cruz and Trump are getting a large majority, 70-75%, of the vote, I wouldn't call that a significant majority, not a significant minority.
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.
You mean my stepfather.

My uncle(the man who wrote the article in the link) is a Catholic Republican insider who works for our county clerk as her strategist.
Dont be a dumbass, that Rubios people deny this is only more evidence that it might be true. IF it truly was completely false, they would react to it as an absurdity and laugh it off, not run across the street to CNN and treat it as though it has legs.
What part of "utter fiction" do you not understand?

‘Utter fiction’: Rubio’s advisers deny internal talk about him dropping out

‘Utter fiction’: Rubio’s advisers deny internal talk about him dropping out

CNN got a swift lesson in rapid-response politics Monday when it reported that advisers to Marco Rubio were discussing whether the senator from Florida should drop out of the presidential race — a report almost instantly denied as “utter nonsense” by Rubio’s campaign.

Because we would expect the campaign to admit it if it was. And I'm next in line to rule Great Britain.

No campaign would admit they are discussing it until they have made a decision. That's just stupid
I wish everyone in the USA would write on their ballot "None of the above".

Great idea. The. While you do that ill write my name and win in a landslide:) ill be the most powerful man on earth whahahhah
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.
You mean my stepfather.

My uncle(the man who wrote the article in the link) is a Catholic Republican insider who works for our county clerk as her strategist.
He's wrong.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.
You mean my stepfather.

My uncle(the man who wrote the article in the link) is a Catholic Republican insider who works for our county clerk as her strategist.
He's wrong.
My uncle is wrong about Jack Kemp, or my stepfather is wrong for picking Trump over Hillary?
You think the great majority of the Cruz voters will go with Trump if he takes the nomination? How foolish is that.
They will.

At least Cruz's original supporters will.
The hard cons and evangelicals won't. They know what is Trump, and they abhor him.
My stepfather is an evangelical Cruz supporter, he will vote for Trump, and he is definitely not the only one.
It is people like my insider, establishment(but pragmatically conservative) uncle who I am more worried about, and he is a Rubio supporter.
Blog: Sorry Ann, Jack Kemp was Right

Quite a few of the "hard cons" are already adamant Trump supporters and the vast majority will be soon.
And my hardcore evangelical cousins will vote for anyone but Trump, and the vast majority of evangelicals will be more like them than your uncle.
You mean my stepfather.

My uncle(the man who wrote the article in the link) is a Catholic Republican insider who works for our county clerk as her strategist.
I'm Marco's illegitimate gay lover and I am sad it's over for rubio. I was going to extort him if he got the nomination.

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