Rubio's financial fiasco

There is nothing ordinary about earning $2.38 million and having a net worth of $50k
I made about that before I retired and I don't have a hell of a lot more left over. He's pretty average, actually. Borrowed a bunch for a degree, married and had some kids and got a good job in the private sector.
How much money did bill clinton piss away because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants?
And you want to make Marco Rubio out to be some less than perfect human. Hypocritical bastard, you are, son.
Im not surprised that you also make poor decisions. And i don't think i believe you made that kind of money in that time span

You must live on public assistance. After taxes and living expenses, not much is left of $238K per year if one is raising a family in a major metro area.
You're an idiot. you live within your means no matter the situation, and its a lot easier to do when you're bringing in nearly a quarter million dollars. Rubio seems incapable of doing that.

You're a gullible dupe who falls for the Obama agenda to enslave the middle class by lumping in people who make $200K per year with billionaires.

Rubio has lived within his means. He has a positive net worth.
Because someone saw fit to pay him $800k to write a book bobody wants. That's not living within one's means
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

So the only candidate not bought is Trump. Are you saying we should vote for him?

As far as what one does with their personal money? Not my business.

Actually his struggles with finances makes him a better candidate than the fat cats that want the job. At least he knows about financial issues with common Americans.
He really doesn't. He's made very good money his entire career and it never seems to be enough. That leads to him getting a 'job' subsidized by his donor, a donor that employs his wife. Does that not concern you a little? Rubio isn't just dependent on the guy for campaigns, he beeds him for living expenses

Does it concern me, yes does it concern me more than a candidate getting money from foreign countries? No.
Does it disqualify him from getting my vote? No.
Wasn't some other candidate broke when they left office? Does that disqualify them?
Rubio wasn't born on third base. His struggles are no different than the tens of millions of people whose votes he is seeking. He has more in common with the voters than any other candidate.

His "struggles"?, how do you know it isnt a gambling problem and hes not in hock to ....someone.
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
Rubio wasn't born on third base. His struggles are no different than the tens of millions of people whose votes he is seeking. He has more in common with the voters than any other candidate.

His "struggles"?, how do you know it isnt a gambling problem and hes not in hock to ....someone.
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
IN the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense
I think you're a meth head. In the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense.

See how that works?
His "struggles"?, how do you know it isnt a gambling problem and hes not in hock to ....someone.
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
His "struggles"?, how do you know it isnt a gambling problem and hes not in hock to ....someone.
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
IN the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense
I think you're a meth head. In the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense.

See how that works?

I see your really stretching
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
What evidence do you have of a gambling addiction?
IN the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense
I think you're a meth head. In the absence of some other explanation I think it makes a lot of sense.

See how that works?

I see your really stretching
What is a "really stretching" and how do you know I even have one, And why the hell are you looking at it any way?
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...
This REEKS of Prog Flop Sweat.

Rubio is like MILLIONS of Average Americans who have had to juggle student loans, mortages, child rearing expenses etc.

So he got a book advance. If that gets your panties in a twist, then consider the book deals given the Clintons (including Chelsea).

I'll take Rubio's perfectly ordinary experiences over hiLIARy's claim of being poor while she and her philandering spouse have raked in over $100M.
There is nothing ordinary about earning $2.38 million and having a net worth of $50k
I made about that before I retired and I don't have a hell of a lot more left over. He's pretty average, actually. Borrowed a bunch for a degree, married and had some kids and got a good job in the private sector.
How much money did bill clinton piss away because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants?
And you want to make Marco Rubio out to be some less than perfect human. Hypocritical bastard, you are, son.
Im not surprised that you also make poor decisions. And i don't think i believe you made that kind of money in that time span

You must live on public assistance. After taxes and living expenses, not much is left of $238K per year if one is raising a family in a major metro area.
You're an idiot. you live within your means no matter the situation, and its a lot easier to do when you're bringing in nearly a quarter million dollars. Rubio seems incapable of doing that.

Yeah, I thought it would be easy to do that when you earn a quarter mil a year. But then I heard Hillary tell an interviewer how she and Bill were broke when they left the White House. How do you figure that anyhow?

Never mind. I forgot. Hillary lies a lot.
That was the problem with last night's debate, it was the ideal setting to get answers to type of questions brought up in the OP . One would figure a business channel would have dug deep into the candidates economic policies, touched on personal finances and related the two and brought up inconsistencies. From what I could stand to watch before switching it off the debate was entirely mishandled by CNBC. As far as Rubio's financial history goes, it's interesting but I'm not making any judgments.
You really think Marco Rubio's student loans and Dick Cheney's blind trust are/were relevant, but foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation while hillary was Secretary of State isn't.
The hypocrisy of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat is stunning!

It is? Just because they told us that what a person does in his personal life has nothing to do with how he does his job, and now they are targeting Rubio?

Just because they made a huge deal out of Dick Cheney having closed door meetings with energy producers and now that Hillary erased her private server, they have no problem with it?

Just because they told us that a President who never served in war should never be allowed to send troops to battle now elected a President (twice) that never even served in the Boy Scouts?

You call that hypocrisy????
  • Thanks
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I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but this concerns me about the senator from Florida. He doesn't seem to handle his money well, and the way he earns some of it seems suspect. Here's some of the highlights
  • While making $90k annually he had to sell of a car and move in with his mother-in-law for financial reasons
  • Somehow, despite his bosses frustration at his job because of his lack of focus tied to his political career, he manages to land a $300k job
  • A campaign donor got him a job as a college instructor to help with his finances. He also hires Rubio as a lawyer and employs Rubio's wife. Sounds like a purchased senator to me.
  • He neglected to pay the mortgage on a home for 5 months.
  • His wife neglected to pay the local taxes on the PAC she runs that seems to be a way to subsidize the Rubio's lifestyle
  • In 10 years of total earnings of $2.38 million he managed a net worth of only about $50k
  • He has more than once "accidentally" used party money for personal expenses
Throw in some really stupid moves like buying a half million dollar home, a luxury speed boat, and some stupid car leases and you begin to wonder if he has any sense at all. Frankly if a publisher had not been stupid enough to pay him an $800k advance on a book that didn't sell 40k copies (that's right, he's made more than $20 per book. check your local Everything's $1 store for copies) you have to wonder where his finances would be today.

Can someone so obviously indebted to others and so obviously irresponsible be trusted in the white house?

Ben Carson Has Sold More Copies Of His Book Than Every Other 2016 Republican Combined — By A Lot

I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are by definition done with other people, dumb ass
I know about his financial fiasco. He doesn't want to work and he doesn't handle money well.

It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are done with other people, dumb ass

You're a Kaz of many talents, fuckwit.
It always cracks me up when a leftist who voted twice for a community organizer who never accomplished a thing in his life and has doubled the debt and is destroying our healthcare system says something like that.

Pot ... meet kettle ...

Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are done with other people, dumb ass

You're a Kaz of many talents, fuckwit.

You're a woman of few words, but only because you only know a very few number of words, sweet heart
Except I didn't asshat.

And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are done with other people, dumb ass

You're a Kaz of many talents, fuckwit.

You're a woman of few words, but only because you only know a very few number of words, sweet heart

Yet, I manage to slam your ass on a repeated basis. You're like the slow brother that I never had.
And I'm miss muffett

I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are done with other people, dumb ass

You're a Kaz of many talents, fuckwit.

You're a woman of few words, but only because you only know a very few number of words, sweet heart

Yet, I manage to slam your ass on a repeated basis. You're like the slow brother that I never had.

You do have a way catching me not being a mind drone liberal. that would be more clever if I actually claimed to be one
Look Rubio's apparent inability to manage his own personal financial responsibilities IS a valid issue for a presidential candidate. If you tell me these are lies made up by the left okay but if these are real its valid to question electing someone like that President.
Rubio wasn't born on third base. His struggles are no different than the tens of millions of people whose votes he is seeking. He has more in common with the voters than any other candidate.

His "struggles"?, how do you know it isnt a gambling problem and hes not in hock to ....someone.
Why would you even consider something like a gambling problem when you see no problem with contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests when your candidate was Secretary of State?

who said I dont see a problem with Clinton foundation gifts?.....That is your blind partisanship talking.....

I wont be voting for Clinton, but I sure as heck wont vote for a gambling addict either, and will likely vote 3rd party.
good cause the clintons are liars and thieves. no secret there.
I'm beginning to think you are. I prefer to call you the Little Miss I'm a special libertopian.

I did the first time but not the second. Any other questions? Or is this one of your little circle jerks?

Circle jerks are done with other people, dumb ass

You're a Kaz of many talents, fuckwit.

You're a woman of few words, but only because you only know a very few number of words, sweet heart

Yet, I manage to slam your ass on a repeated basis. You're like the slow brother that I never had.

You do have a way catching me not being a mind drone liberal. that would be more clever if I actually claimed to be one

I catch you being a special libertopian snowflake.
We know for a fact that any of the GOP Clown candidates is ready to be president as long as no one asks them a hard question....those tough questions are deal breakers ...........

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