Ruby Freeman & Shay Moss Are Vindicated


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A publicist for Kanye West was charged in the Donald Trump indictment after being found tied to intimidation of election workers, prosecutors say. Trevian Kutti was charged for allegedly pressuring Fulton County election worker Ruby Freeman in January of 2021. The 51-year-old went to the Georgia election worker's home to persuade her into admitting baseless election fraud accusations - or face arrest within 48 hours, prosecutors claimed.When Kutti arrived at Freeman's home on January 4, 2021 - two days before the US Capitol riots in Washington, DC - Freeman called 911. By then, Freeman said, she was wary of strangers.

'I cannot say what specifically will take place,' Kutti is heard telling Freeman in the recording. 'I just know that it will disrupt your freedom,' she said, 'and the freedom of one or more of your family members.' Kutti described Freeman as 'a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up,' during the conversation on January 4. Kutti told the police officer who was recording the footage that she was attempting to make Freeman feel comfortable."

One of the most egregious aspects of this whole ordeal with Republican operatives trying to overturn the election has been the way a sitting US president targeted and demonized random citizens who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG but be two black women in a majority black precinct; doing their public service of being election workers. The only reason buckdancing c00ns like Trevian Kutti tried to threatened these women by saying they were in danger and were going to be arrested in 48 hours - is because of Rudy and Trump targeting these ladies. Trevian should know better, Trevian should know the history of how people were bullied, intimidated and killed by CONSERVATIVES for being involved in the voting process - and not a single Trumper is going to give A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT HER after this point.

Trump is the only president since the Jim Crow era to so openly try to throw out the LEGAL VOTES of black voters in majority black precincts like Wayne County in Michigan, the 14th district in Pennsylvania, Milwaukee county in Wisconsin and Fulton county in Georgia -- with the help of folks like Jenna Ellis -- who also is indicted.

"While Biden won Black voters overwhelmingly across the country, they were key to his victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia — places where President Trump and his allies have been targeting ballots in cities with large Black populations in an attempt to overturn the president's defeat and retain power. To many civil rights advocates, this is another grim chapter in what they see as an expansive, decades-long effort by Republicans to gain more power by suppressing the votes of people of color."

Rudy had a chance to prove his bullshit in court and he folded. And no amount of "but but Hunter's laptop" or any other bullshit you pull out of your ass is going to change the fact that these folks tried to bully 2 random citizens into helping them steal an election....that stain aint gonna ever wash off. Now, I know 90% of Trumpers who defend Trump only do it for 2 main reasons, one is out of spite, not wanting to admit they were wrong about anything and a "LIBERAL" was right -- they would rather rewrite history and lie to the point of looking like clowns first....the other reason is because they think it offends people they hate...that's it...Let Trevian try that defense out in court then.
Kanye West is not a billionaire like the story says, and is not a long time friend of Trump, as the story says. West is not even close to being a billionaire.

More made up bullshit from the Demorats. A story that does not even get the basics right.

but didn't say she worked for West, a longtime billionaire friend of then-President Trump.
Kanye West is not a billionaire like the story says, and is not a long time friend of Trump, as the story says. West is not even close to being a billionaire.

More made up bullshit from the Demorats. A story that does not even get the basics right.
This is the worst case of deflection I have seen from a Trumper..this's just Tuesday tho
This is the worst case of deflection I have seen from a Trumper..this's just Tuesday tho
Is it a fact or not, is Kanye West a billionaire or not. He is not.

If a major news outlet of the World does not get the simple facts correct, than that newspaper is definitely not trustworthy

Deflection, what can you say about your source when it is obvious they are making things up off the top of their heads to make it seem like a billionaire conspiracy.

poindexter, there seems to be nobody that is more naive than you are.
Then there is the suitcase of fraudulent votes. Yes, I understand that people on the internet say they are not fraudulent. Yet the votes did not materialize until after they sent the republicans home and stated the counting was over for the night?
  1. Global web icon

    Georgia video of ballots in suitcases does not show election fraud ...

    WebSocial media posts claim security footage shows election workers in the US state of Georgia committing fraud by counting ballots from suitcases. This is false; the Georgia
The more of these stories I see, the more it is clear that the election was stolen.

We are to believe that Trump had a wide conspiracy going to overthrow the election but at the same time we are told by the demorats it is impossible to have that many people work together to steal an election.

To be fair to the lefties though, Trump did write the book.


Then there is the suitcase of fraudulent votes. Yes, I understand that people on the internet say they are not fraudulent. Yet the votes did not materialize until after they sent the republicans home and stated the counting was over for the night?
  1. Global web icon

    Georgia video of ballots in suitcases does not show election fraud ...

    WebSocial media posts claim security footage shows election workers in the US state of Georgia committing fraud by counting ballots from suitcases. This is false; the Georgia
Republicans, the media, and everyone else.

Counted all those ballots, away from the prying eyes of any observers, right before a statistically improbable spike in votes for PedoPete.....But nothing to see here!

"A publicist for Kanye West was charged in the Donald Trump indictment after being found tied to intimidation of election workers, prosecutors say. Trevian Kutti was charged for allegedly pressuring Fulton County election worker Ruby Freeman in January of 2021. The 51-year-old went to the Georgia election worker's home to persuade her into admitting baseless election fraud accusations - or face arrest within 48 hours, prosecutors claimed.When Kutti arrived at Freeman's home on January 4, 2021 - two days before the US Capitol riots in Washington, DC - Freeman called 911. By then, Freeman said, she was wary of strangers.

'I cannot say what specifically will take place,' Kutti is heard telling Freeman in the recording. 'I just know that it will disrupt your freedom,' she said, 'and the freedom of one or more of your family members.' Kutti described Freeman as 'a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up,' during the conversation on January 4. Kutti told the police officer who was recording the footage that she was attempting to make Freeman feel comfortable."

One of the most egregious aspects of this whole ordeal with Republican operatives trying to overturn the election has been the way a sitting US president targeted and demonized random citizens who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG but be two black women in a majority black precinct; doing their public service of being election workers. The only reason buckdancing c00ns like Trevian Kutti tried to threatened these women by saying they were in danger and were going to be arrested in 48 hours - is because of Rudy and Trump targeting these ladies. Trevian should know better, Trevian should know the history of how people were bullied, intimidated and killed by CONSERVATIVES for being involved in the voting process - and not a single Trumper is going to give A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT HER after this point.

Trump is the only president since the Jim Crow era to so openly try to throw out the LEGAL VOTES of black voters in majority black precincts like Wayne County in Michigan, the 14th district in Pennsylvania, Milwaukee county in Wisconsin and Fulton county in Georgia -- with the help of folks like Jenna Ellis -- who also is indicted.

"While Biden won Black voters overwhelmingly across the country, they were key to his victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia — places where President Trump and his allies have been targeting ballots in cities with large Black populations in an attempt to overturn the president's defeat and retain power. To many civil rights advocates, this is another grim chapter in what they see as an expansive, decades-long effort by Republicans to gain more power by suppressing the votes of people of color."

Rudy had a chance to prove his bullshit in court and he folded. And no amount of "but but Hunter's laptop" or any other bullshit you pull out of your ass is going to change the fact that these folks tried to bully 2 random citizens into helping them steal an election....that stain aint gonna ever wash off. Now, I know 90% of Trumpers who defend Trump only do it for 2 main reasons, one is out of spite, not wanting to admit they were wrong about anything and a "LIBERAL" was right -- they would rather rewrite history and lie to the point of looking like clowns first....the other reason is because they think it offends people they hate...that's it...Let Trevian try that defense out in court then.

The human face of the damage caused by this cult.
How is it fair when Trump can and does write his own books while Obama and the Democrats have to use ghost writers.
Trump used a ghostwriter you understand you are in a cult?

Then there is the suitcase of fraudulent votes. Yes, I understand that people on the internet say they are not fraudulent. Yet the votes did not materialize until after they sent the republicans home and stated the counting was over for the night?
  1. Global web icon

    Georgia video of ballots in suitcases does not show election fraud ...

    WebSocial media posts claim security footage shows election workers in the US state of Georgia committing fraud by counting ballots from suitcases. This is false; the Georgia
There is no suitcase of fraudulent votes.....Rudy admitted he made it up......but hey, as long as you blame black women, no evidence is needed right?

But I tell you what........have Rudy present this evidence in his upcoming trial and see how it works out for him...
How am I in a cult?
You basically just said

"Trump didn't need a ghost writer, he wrote the book all by himself...Yay Daddy!!"

Except, he did have a ghostwriter.....

"Mr. Trump offered Schwartz $250,000 up front to write "The Art of the Deal," as well as half the book's royalties, which he is still getting today. Schwartz calls it "blood money" and has donated checks from the last 2.5 years to charity."

you are a you understand that?
There is no suitcase of fraudulent votes.....Rudy admitted he made it up......but hey, as long as you blame black women, no evidence is needed right?

But I tell you what........have Rudy present this evidence in his upcoming trial and see how it works out for him...
Yet, we saw the suitcase on video, so it will be pretty hard to prove that it was made up.

Now you are showing your true low life colors. I never blamed black women. You do not have the truth on your side. Hell, talk about being in a cult, you are obviously brain washed by the media you lap up like a dirty pervert in the middle of the night. I blame black women?

Even in discussing things with me, you must lie. I never mentioned more than one person and I certainly have no idea if she is black or white. But, the demorat perverts, sit up late at night, waiting for the media to stroke your bigoted mind, hence you are here trying to imply I am a racist by stating not who I spoke of or how, you simply state I blame black women?

poindexter, have you always been a lowlife scum one can not wipe off from the bottom of my shoe. I feel like I stepped in dogshit just by replying to your thread, and having a chance for you to unload your bigotry and prejudice on me.

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