Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know.

You do not even know do you?


Retard alert
The repub party wanted to up gas taxes and keep the corporation taxes low, allowing people like Bezos paying 0 taxes. Biden has never advocated raising taxes on the middle class. That is a lie....which the repub party seems very adept on doing.

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know.

You do not even know do you?


Retard alert
The repub party wanted to up gas taxes and keep the corporation taxes low, allowing people like Bezos paying 0 taxes. Biden has never advocated raising taxes on the middle class. That is a lie....which the repub party seems very adept on doing.
Biden has already raised taxes on the middle class and on the poor.


I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know.

You do not even know do you?


Retard alert
The repub party wanted to up gas taxes and keep the corporation taxes low, allowing people like Bezos paying 0 taxes. Biden has never advocated raising taxes on the middle class. That is a lie....which the repub party seems very adept on doing.
Biden has already raised taxes on the middle class and on the poor.

You are lying. As a matter of fact, he is allowing a child care credit.

  • The American Rescue Plan institutes a fully refundable Child Tax Credit for 2021, increasing the maximum amount eligible parents can receive for simply having a qualifying child dependent to $3,000 per child ages 6 to 17 per year, or $250 per month. For children under the age of 6, the maximum credit equals $3,600 annually, or $300 per month.
Thankfully the idiot trump is gone. He is on a Pity Tour spreading his lies about election fraud. Poor Donald. The court cases are piling up on him.

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.
Cause God loves Liars? Grow a Brain!
Sorry, but I don't believe anything a liberal website says.
I have always thought this is basically you telling on yourself for being stupid and lazy. So, you would rather be ignorant of the "few" reported facts and are too stupid to read something critically and see how much actual truth or insight it offers?

Okay, uh, good for you.

I like to come back to a post a few days later to see how quickly it stopped being about the actual OP and more about whatever goofy shit conservatives are whining about at the moment...

deflection is their #1 go to when they can't defend donny & his merry gang of grifters.
Just tell us how rich that you are that you want to pay more taxes?

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Ghouli getting law license lifted?

Oh, nothing. But you need misdirect/redirect away from your very otherwise fucking lame responses.
LOL I find it comical that Xiden is so scared of a 77 year old man that they take his law license. However this does not matter because Giuliani does not need a law license to present the info on Hunter and Joe Xidens relationship with communist china

So your goofy ass thinks Biden is so powerful that he can order Rudy's law license to be suspended...

but your orange cuck of a cult leader is so weak that he couldn't stop it?

Why is your cult leader so weak?
LOL, can you tell us how rich that you are that you voted to pay more taxes? Be detailed?
Can you tell us how a senile old man keeps making your cult leader his bitch?

View attachment 506637View attachment 506637View attachment 506637
Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know

Hey playbrain did you figure out why you voted to pay higher taxes yet? Or are you too stupid to even know.

You do not even know do you?


Retard alert
The repub party wanted to up gas taxes and keep the corporation taxes low, allowing people like Bezos paying 0 taxes. Biden has never advocated raising taxes on the middle class. That is a lie....which the repub party seems very adept on doing.
Rising prices on goods and services across the board sure wasn't part of the Trump administrations policies, infact everything came way down during the Trump's administration, and job's hit record high numbers for all American citizen's. Oh and did I mention the tax cuts ???? Biden has some huge shoe's to fill, and a lot of catching up to do if he's going to be relevant.
Actions have consequences.

Lawyers are officers of the court.

Giuliani may lie to Trump and Trump supporters, but lying in open court is a disbarrable offense.

He is suspended now. if Guiliani is disbarred, he got what he deserved though I have no doubt he will appeal the suspension.
I think it should go to the Supreme Court.
Why should it go to the Supreme Court?

Because it's a first amendment right issue. Lawyers don't give up that right when they pass the bar. They are entitled to their opinions, right or wrong. They are also entitled to state publicly or otherwise their opinions. The constitution clearly states you cannot punish someone for speaking their mind. And since the constitution applies to the GOV'T limiting free speech, when the GOV'T takes his law license because of things he SAID the constitution directly applies.

This would get overturned by the POTUS in a heartbeat. Even if what he said is false, lawyers lie all the time and don't lose their licenses. Of course some of the liars are Biden supporters so they're immune.
He lied. He lied to the public. He lied to the Court. He lied to the Cult. He will pay...

Sorry, but I don't believe anything a liberal website says. :rolleyes:
How about the right leaning Chicago Tribune...

Well, that's interesting.

A decade ago, my lawyers questioned Trump under oath during a deposition in a libel case he filed against me for a biography I wrote, "TrumpNation." (Trump lost the case in 2011.) Trump had to acknowledge 30 times during that deposition that he had lied over the years about a wide range of issues: his ownership stake in a large Manhattan real estate development, the cost of a membership to one of his golf clubs, the size of the Trump Organization, his wealth, the rate for his speaking appearances, how many condos he had sold, the debt he owed, and whether he borrowed money from his family to stave off personal bankruptcy.

My lawyers got Trump to admit 30 times, under oath, that he lied
Actions have consequences.

Lawyers are officers of the court.

Giuliani may lie to Trump and Trump supporters, but lying in open court is a disbarrable offense.

He is suspended now. if Guiliani is disbarred, he got what he deserved though I have no doubt he will appeal the suspension.
I think it should go to the Supreme Court.
Why should it go to the Supreme Court?

Because it's a first amendment right issue. Lawyers don't give up that right when they pass the bar. They are entitled to their opinions, right or wrong. They are also entitled to state publicly or otherwise their opinions. The constitution clearly states you cannot punish someone for speaking their mind. And since the constitution applies to the GOV'T limiting free speech, when the GOV'T takes his law license because of things he SAID the constitution directly applies.

This would get overturned by the POTUS in a heartbeat. Even if what he said is false, lawyers lie all the time and don't lose their licenses. Of course some of the liars are Biden supporters so they're immune.
Haha… well you aren’t seeing him being arrested now are you? His law license is being suspended because he broke their rules. So tell me again why this in a SCOTUS issue?
They are entitled to their opinions, right or wrong.
Giuliani isn’t in trouble because of opinions. He’s in trouble because of lies. Falsehoods. Claiming facts that aren’t true.

Practicing law is a privilege.

What does stating your opinion on the 2020 election have to do with practicing law?

Giuliani stated he thought that the election was stolen.

So does half of America.

But only Giuliani lost his law license because of it. Why? Because he supports Trump.

Yes, he is being persecuted for first amendment rights. He will get this back in spades.
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Practicing law is a privilege.

Wrong. It's a right that you earn and it can only be revoked with a proper proceeding after you completed all of the requirements and are accepted. What they did to him was illegal, they suspended his license without a hearing. How can they say he lied if they don't give him a chance to present his side?

But that being said, what does stating your opinion of the 2020 election have to do with practicing law?
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They are entitled to their opinions, right or wrong.
Giuliani isn’t in trouble because of opinions. He’s in trouble because of lies. Falsehoods. Claiming facts that aren’t true.

Practicing law is a privilege.

Giuliani stated he thought that the election was stolen.

So does half of America.

But only Giuliani lost his law license because of it. Why? Because he supports Trump.

Yes, he is being persecuted for first amendment rights. He will get this back in spades.
He said a lot more than you suggest.

For example, he said that in Pennsylvania more ballots were mailed back than mailed out in the first place. That was a lie. Complete fabrication.

There are many more.

He lost his law license because he told lie after lie

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