Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Way to be unifying. Your corpse is now president. Go celebrate.

Biden is your daddy.
Fuck your feelings.
Daddy? He is my great great great daddy. Aka corpse. As you called DJT “blob” I shall call Joe Biden “corpse” for the next 4 yrs (if he makes all four). Why? Because as you said F your Feelings.

Thank you

Congratulations President Corpse.

Trump's unofficial slogan was "Fuck Your Feelings" Was that meant to be unifying?

Glad you're finally accepting reality that Biden is your daddy.
There's a very real reason Biden is referred to as "the Presumptive President elect". Many things can occur between now and 12/14/2020. A person more intellectually inclined would be recalling the results of the 2016 election instead of making"daddy" comments.
" blatant racist" LMAO@U.

TRUMPo is a blatant racist right now aggressively conspiring with white Republican Michigan state legislators trying to throw all the votes in Wayne County out and get the states’ electors to choose Trump instead of Biden who beat Trump by over one hundred thousand votes in Michigan.

The city of Detroit is in Wayne County where the majority of voters are black with a large Muslim population as well.

Trump does not want black votes to count with zero evidence that there was anything wrong with their vote. That is racist with a capital R.

Trump came in with his racist birther bullshit and will go out trying to disenfranchise the black vote where they live.

You are all in supporting and denying Trump’s racism and that’s all we need know about you.

But you and your racist leader become absolutely irrelevant in 58 days.

Black votes will count. Majority rule returns to America when Joe Biden puts his hand on the Holy Bible and swears to uphold the Constitution and all Anericans right to vote and store decency to the White House once the stench of Trumpism has been fumigated away.
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How the hell do you figure it's over libber.

What’s not over. Trump Lost. Biden won.


With Donald Trump suffering defeat after defeat in the courts as he tries to overturn the 2020 election, and with states poised to certify their vote totals in the coming week, Politico Playbook reports high profile Republicans are slowly emerging and telling the president “It’s over,” and the time to concede is now.

According to Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer of Politico, “The walls are beginning to close in a bit on President Trump” after former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christe (R-NJ) and Texas Sen. John Cornyn (R) admitting it was time to move on.

The entire Dominion Software situation really pisses me off, as a Canadian. I sent a message to the "Powers that Be", that we need to separate ourselves from this company and even go to the lengths of claiming ignorance. The negative impact this is having on our reputation is horrific and expansive. This is the type of exposure that Canada does NOT need, regardless of the outcome, or even the level of irregularities.

As someone who has personally been decimated by Canada, with a waning innovation record and human rights record, why would we be so lax as to allow this company to HQ in Toronto?

I understand influencing other nations elections, but NOT allies, and certainly not Americas. I hope to God that Canadian authorities didn't have any hand in this. This is playing with fire for short term gain.

Ghouli is a LOSER.

He continues to LOSE.

There is no fucking mystical magical sky man, he is not real.
" blatant racist" LMAO@U.

Where did you go racist?

Based on your laughing off Trump’s racist response to the election he lost you must be good with Trump’s racist tweet:
Trump renewed his attack on Motown voters Thursday, tweeting without evidence, “Voter Fraud in Detroit is rampant, and has been for many years.”​


Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!
What a pity you can't prove there is any.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

WHAT source code? How often does your PHONE update? How often does your cable box update? Even refrigerators and TVs have firmware updated REGULARLY... Who's watching this? And what is the procedures for RE-VALIDATING election security when ANYTHING updates?
Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

Well, it would be an issue, if it was an issue, but it's not, so no worries.

Would you approve a machine for govt use that can make a person 3/5ths of themself? Or give THEIR vote a 3/5ths weighting and someone else's a 5/3rds weighting? And why do you THINK -- this is NOT an issue?

Warren and Kobuchar thought it WAS an issue in 2019 letter to Dominion.. Nothing happened. I think both corrupt, inept parties LIKE the idea and want to keep it and proliferate it... Can't think of any reason for PUSHING the sale of these machines in the USA...
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

I gotta ask who did you get that information from. Did you personally inspect the source code, or do you have credible reason to believe your source for this information examined the source code? What verifiable certifications can you point to that shows your source is accurate? Please be specific.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

WHAT source code? How often does your PHONE update? How often does your cable box update? Even refrigerators and TVs have firmware updated REGULARLY... Who's watching this? And what is the procedures for RE-VALIDATING election security when ANYTHING updates?

We aren't talking about a phone or cable box. If you have credible reason to believe non certified source code is being used, then please present it.
Massive clean-up here. 4 more people ejected from thread for purely personal exchanges over PAGES of this thread. Multiple warnings issued. Have 43 posts marked for deletion. You go off topic to get 100% personal, you will be ejected and/or warned.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

I gotta ask who did you get that information from. Did you personally inspect the source code, or do you have credible reason to believe your source for this information examined the source code? What verifiable certifications can you point to that shows your source is accurate? Please be specific.

how come YOU DONT THIS and you're so opinionated? Dominion BRAGS about their machines supporting "weighted races".. Independent sources confirm that use "floating point" variables for vote totals instead of integers. It's in PLAIN SIGHT..

Then there is the Venezuelan "SmartMatic" third party S/Ware. This is the "dashboard" for UTILIZING that fractional vote in the Dominion machines. (there are other brands of voting machines in the world with weighted races also. Dictators LOVE THEM)

What else don't ya know? The tools are ALL THERE.. It's POSSIBLE that they were "caught in act" of selectively or temporarily applying weightings to the vote results. The MOTIVE AND OPPORTUNITY was THERE for criminal activity.. There's no doubt..

So the side who pushed the Russia hoax in 2016 think Biden won?

The folks who've checked the election results think Biden won.

Because he, know you....won the election.

Joe has all the signs of dementia 79 million didn't vote for Biden.

So its the electorate's fault that Trump lost?

So much for the 'party of personal responsibility', eh?

No way 79 million voted for senile Biden.

^^^ And this is the issue. They adore Trump so much that they simply can't wrap their minds around the fact that so many don't.

You guys cheered him on when he did the things he did, and told everyone else to go fuck themselves.

Okay. Well, those people have spoken. And you just can't see it, because of your love for him.

Trump will win in court just watch!


Suuure, uh-huh.

And watch you cultists start crying about how the courts are all part of your conspiracy when they don't vault Impeached Trump back into the White House for 4 more years
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And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

I gotta ask who did you get that information from. Did you personally inspect the source code, or do you have credible reason to believe your source for this information examined the source code? What verifiable certifications can you point to that shows your source is accurate? Please be specific.

how come YOU DONT THIS and you're so opinionated? Dominion BRAGS about their machines supporting "weighted races".. Independent sources confirm that use "floating point" variables for vote totals instead of integers. It's in PLAIN SIGHT..

Then there is the Venezuelan "SmartMatic" third party S/Ware. This is the "dashboard" for UTILIZING that fractional vote in the Dominion machines. (there are other brands of voting machines in the world with weighted races also. Dictators LOVE THEM)

What else don't ya know? The tools are ALL THERE.. It's POSSIBLE that they were "caught in act" of selectively or temporarily applying weightings to the vote results. The MOTIVE AND OPPORTUNITY was THERE for criminal activity.. There's no doubt..
A problem with your conspiracy there, chief.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. You're making up your conspiracy as you type, backed by jackshit.
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

I gotta ask who did you get that information from. Did you personally inspect the source code, or do you have credible reason to believe your source for this information examined the source code? What verifiable certifications can you point to that shows your source is accurate? Please be specific.

how come YOU DONT THIS and you're so opinionated? Dominion BRAGS about their machines supporting "weighted races".. Independent sources confirm that use "floating point" variables for vote totals instead of integers. It's in PLAIN SIGHT..

Then there is the Venezuelan "SmartMatic" third party S/Ware. This is the "dashboard" for UTILIZING that fractional vote in the Dominion machines. (there are other brands of voting machines in the world with weighted races also. Dictators LOVE THEM)

What else don't ya know? The tools are ALL THERE.. It's POSSIBLE that they were "caught in act" of selectively or temporarily applying weightings to the vote results. The MOTIVE AND OPPORTUNITY was THERE for criminal activity.. There's no doubt..
A problem with your conspiracy there, chief.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. You're making up your conspiracy as you type, backed by jackshit.

AGAIN - you're chasing me in multiple threads when you have no fucking idea of how SmartMatic plays as a 3rd party app to ANY voting machine that does "fractional or weighted" vote counts. So just go read the beat-down here in the other thread..

German City Is CIA Remote Hacking Base: 28 States Sent Election Results There | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And Klobuchar, Warren and Wyden ALL FINGERED Dominion voting systems..
And the results of their queries were...? Nothing happened, right? Welcome to the real world.

What did I tell you the reason for that inaction was? NOBODY in DC will turn down getting access to a better "superpower"...

They won in 2018.. So why invest the time.. My bet is someone in DNC told them to pipe down.. "We MIGHT NEED that option in future elections".. You can not BUY that many voting systems with fatal exploitation potential built in without folks leaning on you..

Could be Repubs "tested it out" in insignificant races in 2018 and in 2020 the Dems got too greedy using that security loophole and might have gotten caught..

Guarantee you one thiing. Given how many times the Dems have TRIED to arrange a Coup on the Donald -- HE's NOT GONNA REFRAIN from using that NSA 702 system to domestically spy on WHO SENT THE "FIXES" to the election centers on election night..

One "DC superpower" can completely cancel the other... If ya don't understand this -- it's because you AVOIDED listening to Civil Libertarians about how that spy system has ALREADY BEEN TURNED INTO A POLITICAL WEAPON...

I knew you were nuts, but I didn't think you were that nuts. When did you first start believing the country was controlled by secret nefarious groups who control our elections even to the point of choosing crooked voting machines. If that were true, do you think that fat orange bastard didn't know about it? Why did he allow it?

Do you really think the source code hasn't been examined?

By WHO?? Are you aware the US GOVT has literally given Dominion "a seal of approval" to put on their website? WHO did the forensics on that approval? Why weren't they concerned that the machines FEATURED "weighted voting"? Did they realize that a 3rd party like SmartMatic could supply "Election Fraud" management S/ware for that machine? WITHOUT "cracking code" and simply by being approved by Dominion as a "3rd party program provider"????

Do you CARE at all that we seem to have a government that's dumber than a box of rocks on securing the vote???

I gotta ask who did you get that information from. Did you personally inspect the source code, or do you have credible reason to believe your source for this information examined the source code? What verifiable certifications can you point to that shows your source is accurate? Please be specific.

how come YOU DONT THIS and you're so opinionated? Dominion BRAGS about their machines supporting "weighted races".. Independent sources confirm that use "floating point" variables for vote totals instead of integers. It's in PLAIN SIGHT..

Then there is the Venezuelan "SmartMatic" third party S/Ware. This is the "dashboard" for UTILIZING that fractional vote in the Dominion machines. (there are other brands of voting machines in the world with weighted races also. Dictators LOVE THEM)

What else don't ya know? The tools are ALL THERE.. It's POSSIBLE that they were "caught in act" of selectively or temporarily applying weightings to the vote results. The MOTIVE AND OPPORTUNITY was THERE for criminal activity.. There's no doubt..
A problem with your conspiracy there, chief.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. You're making up your conspiracy as you type, backed by jackshit.

AGAIN - you're chasing me in multiple threads when you have no fucking idea of how SmartMatic plays as a 3rd party app to ANY voting machine that does "fractional or weighted" vote counts. So just go read the beat-down here in the other thread..

German City Is CIA Remote Hacking Base: 28 States Sent Election Results There | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting Smartmatic.

Smartmatic only provided technology and software to Los Angeles County in the 2020 election, the company told the AP. Its technology was not used in any battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan or North Carolina.

You .....are citing you. And your source sucks.

Show us the evidence that Smartmatic was on any system outside of Los Angeles County.....or concede the point that your conspiracy just popped.

Why can not all Americans agee that we can not have one person one vote without first addressing ALL of the situations where there is alleged fraud?

Probably has something to do with our assclown president that claims fraud in every election before even a single vote is cast.

He now lost SURPRIZE!!! he is refusing to conceed citing some not-specified fraud.

There is complete fraud dummy. Wake TF up!
What a pity you can't prove there is any.

I don't think any amount of proof would convince you because you believe the false narrative.


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