Rudy On Glenn Beck Today

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Obama was probably the most corrupt president this country has ever seen. Dems are angry Trump is exposing them

Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
Obama was probably the most corrupt president this country has ever seen. Dems are angry Trump is exposing them

Holy Cow, Death Angel! I'm gonna faint!!! How are we gonna tell our poor little Demmie posters how corrupt their leaders are? We're gonna see Demmies doing enough spinnin' to start a major cyclone! No wonder they want to hurt Rudy. Laws of Mercy!
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
He's the former mayor of New York who stopped the highest murder rate in the world and changed the percentages to some of the lowest. He scared the poo outta even the most hardened criminals.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
He's the former mayor of New York who stopped the highest murder rate in the world and changed the percentages to some of the lowest. He scared the poo outta even the most hardened criminals.
That was Rudy then. Rudy 2019 is a dirty whore.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?
If everybody is corrupt (politicians, judges, FBI, CIA, media...) where the hell do we go from here?

Even if Rudy has the evidence...about the only place he can take it is to the people.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?

Rudy, the Whistleblower
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?
Rudy put mafia bosses in jail.. He was a Southern District federal attorney.. He has his shit in a group... and you ignorant fucks are going to wear it..
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.

We will see what happens. Have patience.
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.
LOL.. The documents he has are SWORN affidavits.... Your an idiot as the chain of evidence is intact and provable...
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.

We will see what happens. Have patience.
Nothing is what you will see. All this bullshit is attempted distraction and will disappear like a fart in the wind as soon as it is no longer needed to cloud the issues. Just like all those other times.
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.

We will see what happens. Have patience.
Thank you for your voice of reason, Hossfly. Our little partisan Demmies will not understand it until Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are either behind bars or will hightail it for nowhere land. May justice end this criminality in high places in the United States of America for once and for all. Comey letting Clinton off from her lies was nothing but conspiracy, and may it be treated as such when it goes to high court. I don't think two hoity-toities who use the justice system to scratch each other's back is acceptable, and America is not a place in which oligarchs may rule as they please. I think that's why they want communism/socialism, because the identicalness of the systems makes them prey to oligarchs. In communist countries, KGB on ups are pretty safe from public scrutiny unless they murder the country's premier or his successor or both, at which time they will become assassin targets or the new leaders. That's the main reason I purely hate communism. It is corrupt power for the ensnaring of it. I see Pelosi and her congressional minions pushing for it, Chuck Schumer seems to have the bug, and the endless roll of Democrats in Congress and the Senate going on friendly infotainment speakers of the new media power branch there to augment their power with the power of the press. It's gone far enough. If they will not observe honorable journalism, they need to be sent to a chicken yard for cleanup time, not harping for communism on America's mass media sites.

Thanks again, Hossfly. You are one of the wisest of all. :thup:
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.

We will see what happens. Have patience.
Nothing is what you will see. All this bullshit is attempted distraction and will disappear like a fart in the wind as soon as it is no longer needed to cloud the issues. Just like all those other times.
When the people of the country see who's got more than a finger in the honey pot taking away their social security forced savings, trust me, buster, it ain't gonna be pretty what happens to these corrupt criminals who wear good guy clothes so you won't notice them picking the taxpayer's pockets every second of every minute of every hour of the day, 24/7/365.

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