Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

There were two parts to the smear campaign against Yovanovitch.

The first part was the scheme by Parnas and Fruman to smear Yovanovitch and get her removed- this got some traction with right wing press- who can't pass up a smear story but was largely under the radar screen, even after Giuliani was brought it.

The second part was once Trump and his Trumpskies knew she was going to testify- then the full Trump smear machine went into effect- with Trump himself smearing her, and his loyal Trumpskies parroting his smears.

But there has been absolutely no evidence to support these smears- but Trump knows he doesn't need evidence to smear an American- his followers just don't care- if Trump says it- they are obligated to believe everything he says.
Since when have Dims ever been above smearing people? That's their SOP.

LOL- considering that we are talking about a Republican smear job, and considering that your Dear Leader spends most of his days smearing people on Twitter- great example of you following your Dear Leaders lead.
So you don't deny that Dims smear people all the time.

I don't deny that Trump and his loyal lackeys- like you- spend most of their days smearing anyone and everyone who Trump considers a threat.
You don't deny that it's SOP for Dims.

I don't deny that your Dear Leader- the head of the Trump Party- is the king of smears and you, his loyal Trumpskies, spend most of your time smearing anyone you believe is a threat to your Dear Leader.
Since when have Dims ever been above smearing people? That's their SOP.

LOL- considering that we are talking about a Republican smear job, and considering that your Dear Leader spends most of his days smearing people on Twitter- great example of you following your Dear Leaders lead.
So you don't deny that Dims smear people all the time.

I don't deny that Trump and his loyal lackeys- like you- spend most of their days smearing anyone and everyone who Trump considers a threat.
You don't deny that it's SOP for Dims.

I don't deny that your Dear Leader- the head of the Trump Party- is the king of smears and you, his loyal Trumpskies, spend most of your time smearing anyone you believe is a threat to your Dear Leader.
They don't smear anyone. They tell the truth about the sleazy lying Dims.
I'm wondering why you would be asking me. How would I know what Rudy is doing?

It is amusing how far Donald Trump has buried himself in your brain though. I mean, to come onto a website and just bitch continually all day and every day about him . . . that says a lot. :D You don't even participate in any fun threads. You are an old angry fuddy duddy. Lol! Oh, and a bitch too!
One would hope you would know why you're posting on a thread towards which you can't contribute, ya dumb bitch.

To fill you in... Impeached Trump's personal attorney said once again he had a plethora of documentation that would sink Biden; but once again, he failed to produce shit.

Rudy promised his info 6 days ago. Parnas's lawyer released the recording of Trump's dinner -discussing Yovanovitch - 4 days ago. Rudy is probably a little nervous right now.
Yup. Who knows what Parnas has on Rudy.

Three things to keep in mind....

1) Parnas and Fruman were caught while trying to flee the U.S. with one-way tickets; meaning someone had to tip them off the feds were looking to arrest them.

2) Parnas is singing like a bird.

3) Like Impeached Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, Giuliani is under investigation.

In a world other than Trumplandia, Pompeo would have resigned by now, over his corrupt failure to protect Marie Yovanovitch from a smear campaign Pompeo knew to be based on falsehoods. Rudy, having bragged about getting Yovanovitch fired, should have lawsuits in his future.

Rudy didn't have the power to fire anybody. That's the call of the President and it's his call alone. You can't sue anybody.
Liar. All Rudy had to do was tell Impeached Trump she was bad mouthing him and that he should fire her and she would have been fired.
It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.

the hillary campaign and the DNC paid russians and a british spy to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump. Russia wanted hillary to win because they had her missing 30,000 emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever the wanted. The russians did not want Trump because they could not buy him or bribe him.

you fricken lib liars have it all backwards.

Yes. Russia wanted Clinton to win which is why they hacked the DNC and her campaign manager and released them publicly, immediately after Trump’s Access Hollywood tape was public.


the Russians had two goals in 2016

1. to help elect hillary since they owned her
2. to divide this country and get us screaming at each other like fools.

they accomplished 2. failed on 1,

The Russians helped Hillary by hacking her campaign manager's emails and getting them dumped on the Internet? :cuckoo:
There's no proof that the Russians hacked Podesta's email.
Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.

the hillary campaign and the DNC paid russians and a british spy to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump. Russia wanted hillary to win because they had her missing 30,000 emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever the wanted. The russians did not want Trump because they could not buy him or bribe him.

you fricken lib liars have it all backwards.
Lisr. They paid an American firm for opposition research.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The theory that she's innocent because she laundered the transaction through a sleazy law firm doesn't pass the laugh test. The law firm knew who was composing the dossier, and they undoubtedly told Hillary where it came from.
I said nothing about her law firm, fucking moron. :cuckoo:
We'll find out since Giuliani is currently under investigation. He can bunk with Michael Cohen.

File this with the little yellow coward’s claims that Mueller would get Trump, Trump will be arrested, removed, blah, blah, blah. By the way ignorant one, Comey was TOLD by the New York field office that if he DIDN’T look into the classified info found on Weiner’s laptop from Hillary that they would go public with what they found. Funny how Dims keep ignoring that fact......

Are you ever not an imbecile? I never said Mueller would get Impeached Trump. I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report and would accept it no matter what he found. And I did, posting how Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of collusion.

Amazing how every Dim here NEVER thought Mueller would get Trump. Even though that’s all we heard for over 2 years. Noting how little yellow coward avoids his LIE about Comey. Keep coming, slapping you never gets old.
So your answer to my question is a resounding-- hell no! :lol:

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
Not this Liberal. I always said I would wait for the report to come out to render a judgement; and I did. And when the report came out, I said he's not guilty.

You would be the imbecile swinging a dildo around. Note you STILL avoid your blatant LIE about Comey and his “investigation”. Like the coward you are.


Your arm never tires, huh? :lmao:
Rudy Guliani is a "snake" like Trump's crime syndicate and family. He should have a treasure trove of Trump's crime documents, tweets, texts and emails. <---- Where are those?

Rudi Giuliani acknowledged being aware of his father's criminal activity which makes him an accomplice to his father's crimes.

Criminals would have been happy to have the support of an insider like Rudi Giuliani.

Giuliani Acknowledges Knowing Of His Father's Criminal Activity

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.

the hillary campaign and the DNC paid russians and a british spy to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump. Russia wanted hillary to win because they had her missing 30,000 emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever the wanted. The russians did not want Trump because they could not buy him or bribe him.

you fricken lib liars have it all backwards.
Lisr. They paid an American firm for opposition research.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The theory that she's innocent because she laundered the transaction through a sleazy law firm doesn't pass the laugh test. The law firm knew who was composing the dossier, and they undoubtedly told Hillary where it came from.
I said nothing about her law firm, fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Then you admit she's not innocent.
The (then) President of Ukraine didn't like her. According to him, she constantly tried to interfere with his decisions. Same thing with Trump. Rudy was looking into the Biden situation, and she was interfering with that as well. It's no secrete in Washington circles that she and Joe were pretty close.

There was no corrupt intent of anything.

I was asking for evidence.

Clearly that was a big ask to a Trumpsky.

What evidence are you looking for, to what I stated? It's all over the internet reported by several outlets. That's why he got rid of her.

He got rid of her because of smear campaign orchestrated by two criminals.

I am looking for actual citations by an actual source- rather than you just repeating Trump propaganda smears.

Of course they come from Trump or Rudy. WTF else are they going to come from? There are no laws against smear campaigns. It's called freedom of speech, perhaps you heard of it??

Actually there are laws against smear campaigns- haven't you heard of libel laws?

So you agree that these are just unsubstantiated smears with no evidence to support them.

Yes, there are laws like that, they are settled in lawsuits. To be honest, I don't care about smears or name calling. It doesn't have any interest for me in politics. How many times has Biden and the other commies called Trump a racist? You can dish it out but can't take it.

The main point however is that Trump is perfectly within his power to get rid of an ambassador who is causing problems. That's the only thing of concern here.
It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.

the hillary campaign and the DNC paid russians and a british spy to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump. Russia wanted hillary to win because they had her missing 30,000 emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever the wanted. The russians did not want Trump because they could not buy him or bribe him.

you fricken lib liars have it all backwards.
Lisr. They paid an American firm for opposition research.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The theory that she's innocent because she laundered the transaction through a sleazy law firm doesn't pass the laugh test. The law firm knew who was composing the dossier, and they undoubtedly told Hillary where it came from.
I said nothing about her law firm, fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Then you admit she's not innocent.
Uh, no. Fucking moron. :cuckoo:
the hillary campaign and the DNC paid russians and a british spy to create a fake dossier of lies about Trump. Russia wanted hillary to win because they had her missing 30,000 emails and could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever the wanted. The russians did not want Trump because they could not buy him or bribe him.

you fricken lib liars have it all backwards.
Lisr. They paid an American firm for opposition research.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The theory that she's innocent because she laundered the transaction through a sleazy law firm doesn't pass the laugh test. The law firm knew who was composing the dossier, and they undoubtedly told Hillary where it came from.
I said nothing about her law firm, fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Then you admit she's not innocent.
Uh, no. Fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Uh, yes, fucking moron.
I was asking for evidence.

Clearly that was a big ask to a Trumpsky.

What evidence are you looking for, to what I stated? It's all over the internet reported by several outlets. That's why he got rid of her.

He got rid of her because of smear campaign orchestrated by two criminals.

I am looking for actual citations by an actual source- rather than you just repeating Trump propaganda smears.

Of course they come from Trump or Rudy. WTF else are they going to come from? There are no laws against smear campaigns. It's called freedom of speech, perhaps you heard of it??

Actually there are laws against smear campaigns- haven't you heard of libel laws?

So you agree that these are just unsubstantiated smears with no evidence to support them.

Yes, there are laws like that, they are settled in lawsuits. To be honest, I don't care about smears or name calling. It doesn't have any interest for me in politics. How many times has Biden and the other commies called Trump a racist? You can dish it out but can't take it.

The main point however is that Trump is perfectly within his power to get rid of an ambassador who is causing problems. That's the only thing of concern here.

Trump absolutely has the right to remove any ambassador.
What we have seen here is that removal was part of the bigger scheme to secretly demand that Ukraine interfere with the 2020 election.

And that is the only thing of concern here.

Back to the OP- has Rudy taken time off from smearing Trump's enemies to release this dirt he promised to release on Friday?
LOL- considering that we are talking about a Republican smear job, and considering that your Dear Leader spends most of his days smearing people on Twitter- great example of you following your Dear Leaders lead.
So you don't deny that Dims smear people all the time.

I don't deny that Trump and his loyal lackeys- like you- spend most of their days smearing anyone and everyone who Trump considers a threat.
You don't deny that it's SOP for Dims.

I don't deny that your Dear Leader- the head of the Trump Party- is the king of smears and you, his loyal Trumpskies, spend most of your time smearing anyone you believe is a threat to your Dear Leader.
They don't smear anyone. They tell the truth about the sleazy lying Dims.

LOL I don't know whether you are gullible/stupid enough to believe that- or you are just as much of lying asshole as your Dear Leader.

Your Dear Leader spends most of his public time lying and smearing his perceived opponents- whether that is a dead John McCain, a teenage girl he disagrees with or smearing the Biden's. That is his 'legacy'.
What evidence are you looking for, to what I stated? It's all over the internet reported by several outlets. That's why he got rid of her.

He got rid of her because of smear campaign orchestrated by two criminals.

I am looking for actual citations by an actual source- rather than you just repeating Trump propaganda smears.

Of course they come from Trump or Rudy. WTF else are they going to come from? There are no laws against smear campaigns. It's called freedom of speech, perhaps you heard of it??

Actually there are laws against smear campaigns- haven't you heard of libel laws?

So you agree that these are just unsubstantiated smears with no evidence to support them.

Yes, there are laws like that, they are settled in lawsuits. To be honest, I don't care about smears or name calling. It doesn't have any interest for me in politics. How many times has Biden and the other commies called Trump a racist? You can dish it out but can't take it.

The main point however is that Trump is perfectly within his power to get rid of an ambassador who is causing problems. That's the only thing of concern here.

Trump absolutely has the right to remove any ambassador.
What we have seen here is that removal was part of the bigger scheme to secretly demand that Ukraine interfere with the 2020 election.

And that is the only thing of concern here.

Back to the OP- has Rudy taken time off from smearing Trump's enemies to release this dirt he promised to release on Friday?

Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???
Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???

by having his personal attorney dole out any "information" over time to the press instead of giving it to the DOJ for them to act upon.

Oh wait....Rudy was lying about that! I forgot!
He got rid of her because of smear campaign orchestrated by two criminals.

I am looking for actual citations by an actual source- rather than you just repeating Trump propaganda smears.

Of course they come from Trump or Rudy. WTF else are they going to come from? There are no laws against smear campaigns. It's called freedom of speech, perhaps you heard of it??

Actually there are laws against smear campaigns- haven't you heard of libel laws?

So you agree that these are just unsubstantiated smears with no evidence to support them.

Yes, there are laws like that, they are settled in lawsuits. To be honest, I don't care about smears or name calling. It doesn't have any interest for me in politics. How many times has Biden and the other commies called Trump a racist? You can dish it out but can't take it.

The main point however is that Trump is perfectly within his power to get rid of an ambassador who is causing problems. That's the only thing of concern here.

Trump absolutely has the right to remove any ambassador.
What we have seen here is that removal was part of the bigger scheme to secretly demand that Ukraine interfere with the 2020 election.

And that is the only thing of concern here.

Back to the OP- has Rudy taken time off from smearing Trump's enemies to release this dirt he promised to release on Friday?

Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???

Have you been living under a rock for the last 2 months?

Trump has never looked at what the Biden's actually did.
Trump did fire the ambassador that Giuliani and his two criminal associates had indicated were in the way of their anti-Biden campaign.
Trump did make a secret phone call to the President of Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival- and his son.
Trump did have his personal attorney secretly demand that the President of the Ukraine personally announce an investigation into his political rival.
Trump has never made an official, written request to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens- no official paper trail.
Of course they come from Trump or Rudy. WTF else are they going to come from? There are no laws against smear campaigns. It's called freedom of speech, perhaps you heard of it??

Actually there are laws against smear campaigns- haven't you heard of libel laws?

So you agree that these are just unsubstantiated smears with no evidence to support them.

Yes, there are laws like that, they are settled in lawsuits. To be honest, I don't care about smears or name calling. It doesn't have any interest for me in politics. How many times has Biden and the other commies called Trump a racist? You can dish it out but can't take it.

The main point however is that Trump is perfectly within his power to get rid of an ambassador who is causing problems. That's the only thing of concern here.

Trump absolutely has the right to remove any ambassador.
What we have seen here is that removal was part of the bigger scheme to secretly demand that Ukraine interfere with the 2020 election.

And that is the only thing of concern here.

Back to the OP- has Rudy taken time off from smearing Trump's enemies to release this dirt he promised to release on Friday?

Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???

Have you been living under a rock for the last 2 months?

Trump has never looked at what the Biden's actually did.
Trump did fire the ambassador that Giuliani and his two criminal associates had indicated were in the way of their anti-Biden campaign.
Trump did make a secret phone call to the President of Ukraine asking him to investigate his political rival- and his son.
Trump did have his personal attorney secretly demand that the President of the Ukraine personally announce an investigation into his political rival.
Trump has never made an official, written request to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens- no official paper trail.

Have I been living under a rock? You talk about all these secretive things going on, yet somehow, you know about them. Do you have friends in Ukraine or something???

Yes, Trump was looking into what the Biden's were up to. Nothing wrong or illegal about it. He (as CEO) has that authority.
Oh, so now it's interfering in the election? Do you people make this stuff up as you go along?

Please explain how Trump was going to interfere in the election by looking for what the Biden's ACTUALLY DID???

by having his personal attorney dole out any "information" over time to the press instead of giving it to the DOJ for them to act upon.

Oh wait....Rudy was lying about that! I forgot!

I don't know what that iron wall is in your heads on the left, but Biden was not his political rival; he still isn't. Nobody will know who Trump's contender will be until summer--THIS SUMMER!
So you don't deny that Dims smear people all the time.

I don't deny that Trump and his loyal lackeys- like you- spend most of their days smearing anyone and everyone who Trump considers a threat.
You don't deny that it's SOP for Dims.

I don't deny that your Dear Leader- the head of the Trump Party- is the king of smears and you, his loyal Trumpskies, spend most of your time smearing anyone you believe is a threat to your Dear Leader.
They don't smear anyone. They tell the truth about the sleazy lying Dims.

LOL I don't know whether you are gullible/stupid enough to believe that- or you are just as much of lying asshole as your Dear Leader.

Your Dear Leader spends most of his public time lying and smearing his perceived opponents- whether that is a dead John McCain, a teenage girl he disagrees with or smearing the Biden's. That is his 'legacy'.
McCain was a douchebag. He smear Trump almost daily.

The mentally disturbed global worming kook? He did nothing more than tell truth about her.

The Bidens are the biggest sleaziest douchebags in the public eye.
Lisr. They paid an American firm for opposition research.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The theory that she's innocent because she laundered the transaction through a sleazy law firm doesn't pass the laugh test. The law firm knew who was composing the dossier, and they undoubtedly told Hillary where it came from.
I said nothing about her law firm, fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Then you admit she's not innocent.
Uh, no. Fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Uh, yes, fucking moron.

Fucking moron be like, yuh-huh!

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