Rudy: Trump now believes Obama is an American!

Only fools, bigots, racists, misogynists, Jihadists, fascists and single issue voters support Donald Trump.

And what kind of people support Hillary? And her party that thinks abortion is a health care?

"her party that thinks abortion is a health care?". Huh? The party, generally, thinks like I do, abortion should be rare and comply with the law (R v. W). That said, most Democrats believe abortion will be less frequent if the following becomes policy:
  • Age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensive health curriculum
  • Contraceptives provided as part of health insurance, freely available and protected by hipaa
  • Age appropriate ed. on domestic violence
  • Age appropriate costs to raise a child, and the males duty to provide.
Obama himself ADVERTISED he was born in Keyna. Did he lie to get that "diversity scholarship" he couldn't get on the merit of his academic achievements = political correctness trumping merit in the Democratic Party's PC obsession...

Obama had nothing to do with that.

Obama didn't write his own biography?


Obama would have written an Autobiography, I'm not overly surprised you wouldn't understand that distinction.
Obama himself ADVERTISED he was born in Keyna. Did he lie to get that "diversity scholarship" he couldn't get on the merit of his academic achievements = political correctness trumping merit in the Democratic Party's PC obsession...

Obama had nothing to do with that.

Obama didn't write his own biography?


Biographies are written by someone else.

Sure. And they got everything else accurate, except his birth place.


Amazing. Did they pick his college at random the same way they picked his birthplace?
"her party that thinks abortion is a health care?". Huh? The party, generally, thinks like I do, abortion should be rare and comply with the law (R v. W). That said, most Democrats believe abortion will be less frequent if the following becomes policy:
  • Age appropriate sex ed. as part of a comprehensive health curriculum
  • Contraceptives provided as part of health insurance, freely available and protected by hipaa
  • Age appropriate ed. on domestic violence
  • Age appropriate costs to raise a child, and the males duty to provide.

I do not doubt you are a person of good intentions. I am not questioning that.

But my religious views are not in line with your ideas on abortion or the limiting of abortion. Sorry.

In fact the whole gamut of sexual issues is abhorrent to me, especially how they are viewed by liberal and secular influences in this nation. I believe it is where we are judged most harshly by our Creator.

Beyond that ---- and the criminal deceitful ways of Barack and the Clintons aside --- I could list 10 other policy positions where I oppose the left in favor of the right.

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