Ruh Roh Shaggy, the wall against the Wall is cracking, left wingers say...Why not build it?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 get DACA, there are left wingers who are now saying..."So.....we build the what...we get DACA..." And the solid wall of left wing resistance to the Wall is cracking....

WaPo Editorial Board To Democrats: Help Trump Build The Wall

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said she was willing to vote for protections for DACA recipients in exchange for a border wall. Yes, a liberal Democrat from the deep-blue state of California said she was willing to compromise with a man the left wing of America views as anathema. Well, add The Washington Post editorial board to the list of people who think Democrats take the deal and build the wall. Granted, they think the wall is a dumb idea and they take a swipe at Trump’s ‘Mexico will pay for it’ remarks, but add that this is an opportunity that doesn’t come across the Hill often:


First, it’s not like Trump is going to throw infrastructure or the opioid epidemic in the trash.

Second, take this op-ed for what it is; the liberal media admitting that this actually is not a bad idea.

It possibly explains the begrudging attitude of the piece. Yeah, maybe Trump isn’t the moron liberals make him out to be. Americans want border security; it’s one of the reasons why Trump is in the White House. Even CNN’s Fareed Zakaria have noted the Democratic Party’s left wing stance on immigration is just not where the country is—and the slate of murders committed by illegal aliens have only made defending the Left’s immigration position, the abject abandonment of enforcing any immigration laws, as unpalatable to most of the country, with the exception of San Francisco and the rest of California.

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