Rumble Refuses To Deplatform Russell Brand Like YouTube Did


This whole kerfuffle makes me think. . . I should pay more attention to him. . .

Must be ironic for Russell given that he is Gay and always has been . Deep State are making an example of him to keep all others in line . With similarities to the completely Fake put down of Alex Jones .

He's not Gay, just British.

The allegations are anonymous?
All they need is to report anonymous accusations in the news, and then the news reports the accusations as being based in fact.....then you have the wrapup smear Nancy Pelosi said she uses all of the time.
This is all that the fascists in the tech industry need to deplatform people and ban them from Twitter and other social media outlets.
Why do your few brain cells link being British with being Gay ? Tell us more about your unique insight but see if you can come to grips with the Topic and pass some reasonably related or relevant comment . Otherwise refrain from convincing us that you might be a cretin .

It's called a joke, dipshit.

Go out with a nickel and borrow a sense of humor.

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