Rump to sue media for giving voice to women

CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Well malice would be a walk in the park, especially with the NYT which has already broken federal law publishing his tax forms.

Completely irrelevant here.

You've never been in a courtroom I take it.

I believe his lawyers could tie it in easily to a defamation suit. I would think it would be up to the defense to prove absence of malice which at this stage with the NYT would be a bitch to prove.

You don't get it do you.

Rump would have the burden to prove the Times (in this case) published the accounts given by these women out of malice --- rather than out of the simple fact that they made the accusations.

And it doesn't even get that far, because a libel suit depends on the newspapers actually making the claim. Which does not apply here anyway, since all they did was report what the various women SAID. And the fact that they said that is not in dispute. They did. And there's not a god damned thing in the world Rump can do about that.

That's why he has everybody who works for him sign away their rights to criticize him --- so he can control that narrative. These women ----- he cannot control. Poor baby. :eusa_boohoo:

In other words Rump has no case. He's in his usual element --- full of shit. He won't sue them because he CAN'T.

Which I find............ fucking hilarious.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

Last edited:
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Well malice would be a walk in the park, especially with the NYT which has already broken federal law publishing his tax forms.

Completely irrelevant here.

You've never been in a courtroom I take it.

I believe his lawyers could tie it in easily to a defamation suit. I would think it would be up to the defense to prove absence of malice which at this stage with the NYT would be a bitch to prove.

You don't get it do you.

Rump would have the burden to prove the Times (in this case) published the accounts given by these women out of malice --- rather than out of the simple fact that they made the accusations.

And it doesn't even get that far, because a libel suit depends on the newspapers actually making the claim. Which does not apply here anyway, since all they did was report what the various women SAID. And the fact that they said that is not in dispute. They did. And there's not a god damned thing in the world Rump can do about that.

That's why he has everybody who works for him sign away their rights to criticize him --- so he can control that narrative. These women ----- he cannot control. Poor baby. :eusa_boohoo:

In other words Rump has no case. He's in his usual element --- full of shit. He won't sue them because he CAN'T.

Which I find............ fucking hilarious.

No Pogo. If the statements they gave can be proven false, that the statements given caused harm, that the New York Times didn't adequately research the statement AND can prove that it was made with malice BINGO it's a winner. It's a high standard that is set. But it can be achieved.

I'm really interested in the Rolling Stone case over a Rape on Campus. Here's a situation where I think Rolling Stone is in deep shit. You have a false story by a young woman, it caused harm, wasn't researched properly and it was malicious. I think she's going to get $$$$$$$$$. It's the Dean that is suing I believe. Not sure about the Fraternity if they are suing as well.

You can't just publish something someone says and get off scott free. It's not the way it works. But it's a high standard that the plaintiff has to reach.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”
There are more.

Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story

Then, in December 2005, around the time Trump had his now infamous conversation with Billy Bush, I traveled to Mar-a-Lago to interview the couple for a first-wedding-anniversary feature story.

Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had to see.

We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.

Now, I’m a tall, strapping girl who grew up wrestling two giant brothers. I even once sparred with Mike Tyson. It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself.

The butler informed us that Melania would be down momentarily, and it was time to resume the interview.
Trump is a really creepy pervert. Can't believe he isn't in prison.


New York Daily News Calls Out Donald Trump's 'Perv Scandal'

Yeah he said that but --- before he said that he asked the 10-year-old if she was "going up the escalator".

That's not a metaphor of some kind --- literally going up the escalator.
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Trump has a powerful case.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

does 'going up the escalator' mean something sexual I've never heard of?
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

does 'going up the escalator' mean something sexual I've never heard of?
It means reaching up and touching a woman from behind, touching her in an intimate way.

NYPD: Man grabs woman's butt while riding subway escalator in ...
Aug 10, 2016 - The 31-year-old victim was riding up the escalator with her 13-year-old son at ... 6 when the suspect grabbed her butt from behind, according to the NYPD. ... Put them in jail and let them watch hours of videos on not to touch women ! ...

Trump ought to be locked up. He's the one who needs to be in jail. Pervert.
Donald Trump threatens to sue NYT amid blizzard of sexual assault allegations – live


"On an extraordinary day even by 2016 standards, a raft of allegations emerged about Trump’s behaviour towards women, teenage girls – and a 10-year-old."

"The latest Trump tape to be retrieved from the archives was unearthed by CBS news, which found a 1992 video of the businessman making inappropriate comments about a 10-year-old girl:"

In an Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in 10 years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

The video, released Wednesday evening, was shot at Trump Tower.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the girls if she’s “going up the escalator”. When the girl replies, “yeah”, Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”

does 'going up the escalator' mean something sexual I've never heard of?
It means reaching up and touching a woman from behind, touching her in an intimate way.

NYPD: Man grabs woman's butt while riding subway escalator in ...
Aug 10, 2016 - The 31-year-old victim was riding up the escalator with her 13-year-old son at ... 6 when the suspect grabbed her butt from behind, according to the NYPD. ... Put them in jail and let them watch hours of videos on not to touch women ! ...

Trump ought to be locked up. He's the one who needs to be in jail. Pervert.


CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

Trump has a powerful case.

LOL Baloney.
"Defamation" is a catch-all term for any statement that hurts someone's reputation. Written defamation is called "libel," and spoken defamation is called "slander." Defamation is not a crime, but it is a "tort" (a civil wrong, rather than a criminal wrong).
Trump has legal standing for a civil suit against Times.
After 30 years these women decide to speak out just weeks before the election? Give me a break. Dirty tricks from Crooked Hillary again. The public can see through this.
After 30 years these women decide to speak out just weeks before the election? Give me a break. Dirty tricks from Crooked Hillary again. The public can see through this.
Either that or they heard Sexual Predator Trump lie about it only being talk and not deeds.
CNN Money:
>> Lawyers for Donald Trump are "drafting" lawsuits against The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post, hours after those newspapers published separate reports in which women claimed Trump had touched them inappropriately.

Two high-ranking Trump campaign sources confirmed to CNNMoney that a lawsuit against the Times was in the works, but has not been filed. One source said the campaign was also drafting a lawsuit against the Post.

.... The Times story features two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who say that Trump made inappropriate physical advances. The Post story features a woman named Mindy McGillivray who says she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 23. CNN has not been able to independently confirm their accounts.<<​

Get that? His Cheeto-ness wants to sue ---- or wants us to believe he will sue ---- two newspapers for reporting what three women said. As if he can make them sit down and shut up through the court system.

Get that? He's actually trying to use the United States judicial system as his pimp.

Rump's actually pretending to be so stupid as to take the position that the newspapers themselves are alleging these gropings, as opposed to simply reporting that three women recounted them, which is indisputable.

It calls to mind (once again) his assault on the First Amendment during the campaign:

And yet, in his Bubble of Doublethink, Orange Crash actually attributes one of his favorite adjectives to the journalist doing her job, getting his side of the story --- "disgusting". An adjective that the women on the other end of such assaults have far more credibility using to describe Rump's actions....

>> When Times reporter Megan Twohey interviewed Trump by phone on Tuesday night, "he threatened to sue us if we published these allegations," Twohey told CNNMoney. She quoted Trump as saying that "none of this ever took place" and calling her "a disgusting human being." <<​

Twohey also received a legal letter from a Trump attorney on Wednesday afternoon.​

But for a moment imagine if Rump actually followed through with the ruse of pretending he was actually suing for libel. This is where it gets interesting.

>> If the Trump campaign does proceed with lawsuits, it will give both the Times and the Post the opportunity to pursue discovery and request information on Trump's entire sexual history, because Trump would have the burden of proving falsity and actual malice.<<

Place yer bets.

I get it now Pogo. Thanks for that scathing expose. I will now be voting for Hillary. I have no choice in light of your we'll reasoned, and scathing post.

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