Rush calls to disband the GOP

It's hilarious to hear the libbies on this forum complain and caterwaul about neocons, when we don't have a single victory to our name.

But they will always need someone to blame.

It would be interesting to see the GOP dissolve and leave them with no one to blame for a decreasing standard of living and continued economic failures and military failures. But then, they would then probably target "blue dog" democrats as the problem.

Human beings instinctively need something to fight. It's just how we are wired. Everyone has a savior, and everyone has a devil. We then go pick sides and fight to the death.

The thought of peace on earth is so alien to us, the mere possibility of it might destroy us.
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.
Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.
Not even close... SS/medicare/medicaid have put this country in hole that we can never get out of.
The defence spending is quite small compaired to these socialist entitlement programs that should have been addressed decades ago. Unfortunately the damage is already been done there is no way to pay 120+ trillion dollars due to unfunded liabilities, on top of 20+ trillion of national debt...
Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.

No, our debt comes from entitlement programs designed to keep the sheeple (you) quiet so that the elite can pass the laws they want to control every aspect of your life.
Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.

That's cute. All of Social Security and 60% of Medicare are funded by a dedicated tax, the payroll tax.

Start over.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.

No, our debt comes from entitlement programs designed to keep the sheeple (you) quiet so that the elite can pass the laws they want to control every aspect of your life.

Reagan escalated the Cold War and didn't pay for it.
Bush Sr. invaded Iraq and didn't pay for it.
Bush Jr. got us into TWO wars and didn't pay for them.

Every war prior to that was paid for all or mostly by tax increases. That is how you keep your budgets in line.

Pay for your wars.
Talk about out of context statements. Rush never said "disband the republican party" it's the Blaze interpretation of how Rush illustrated the result of compromise with democrats. If you listen to Rush long enough you find that he uses absurdity to illustrate absurdity.
Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
The vast majority of our country's debt/Unfunded liabilities is from our socialist entitlement programs, nothing else even comes close...
Not addressing these = no seriousness at all

Our debt comes from not paying for wars.
LOL, By 2030 100% of tax revenue will go to ss, medicare, etc.
If there's one thing Paul Ryan is right about it's this. Our greatest security threat.
As a conservative, I call for everyone to vote Dim or not vote at all.

Either you like the road we are on and vote Dim or you oppose it and have no voice in the GOP.

Voting democrat would clear the chute of distasteful republicans.
As a conservative, I call for everyone to vote Dim or not vote at all.

Either you like the road we are on and vote Dim or you oppose it and have no voice in the GOP.

Voting democrat would clear the chute of distasteful republicans.
Ridiculous. But go ahead. Throw the election because you didn't get what you wanted before the election, when power was evenly divided.
I hear what he's saying. And it's already happening. Paul Ryan just opened the floodgates for a mass exodus. Many Republicans now realize it's a One Party-Rule scam. They're exiting the Party in droves. Ryan just handed the White House to the Democrats.

Ryan's just a Big Government Globalist Democrat posing as a Republican. The NWO Globalist Elites finally pulled off their Coup d'etat here in America. They have complete control now. What are Americans gonna do about that? Stay tuned...
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.
I hear what he's saying. And it's already happening. Paul Ryan just opened the floodgates for a mass exodus. Many Republicans now realize it's a One Party-Rule scam. They're exiting the Party in droves. Ryan just handed the White House to the Democrats.

Ryan's just a Big Government Globalist Democrat posing as a Republican. The NWO Globalist Elites finally pulled off their Coup d'etat here in America. They have complete control now. What are Americans gonna do about that? Stay tuned...
What a load of crap. You guys are petulant children with a craving for instant gratification due to the 24 hour news cycle. That's the only explanation.

Paul Ryan is a conservative. And if you make the case for yourself well enough, and win the presidency, you are going to be able to make big changes in America.

You are at the cusp and you are about to throw it away all because you couldn't get what you wanted early enough.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.

didnt spending explode when reps had congress and president?
Spending explodes whenever 1 party owns both Congress and presidency.

However spending exploded under Reagan when Dems dominated Congress!!

The best mixture seems to be dem president, mixed--rep majority Senate, Republican dominated House. But the Republicans are refusing to do their jobs now and letting Dems run wild like teenagers on Spring Break.

They must not realize they will get fired if they do not hold to conservative principles? They do?

Now you understand Democratic optimism--"Do-nothing" Republican politicians need a spanking.

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