Rush calls to disband the GOP

Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.

Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.
Certainly. I also think they have gotten some victories.

The point is that they are not getting any (or even trying to) victories that I would support. The republican party as a whole does not actually support ANYTHING that I stand for even though they pay a lot of lip service to many positions I take.

Agreed. It's like they settled for all the secondary issues instead of the main ones which they gave to the Democrats. Then they can't figure out why people are now looking to non-professional politicians to represent us.

I think the GOP doesn't take their constituents seriously. I think what needs to happen is the Tea Party needs to form an actual party. Maybe if they had that threat hanging over their heads, we wouldn't have politicians giving us a band-aid for a severed leg.

True, we did get some things, but we lost more than we got. Net loss.

Ray, never fear. If the GOP nominee wins the Presidency, he becomes the head of the GOP. He/she chooses who runs it, what its priorities are, who is nominated for the Senate majority/minority leader, and has some influence on speaker of the house.

Now then, put Ted Cruz in as President, and after you stop laughing knowing exactly WHAT HE would do to them, calm down, have an adult beverage, then tell me what a great idea that is-)
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

By not fighting now, the GOP will most assuredly lose in 2016.
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

By not fighting now, the GOP will most assuredly lose in 2016.
Only if its base decides to be petulant, demanding children.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.

Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.
Ray is on to something. The problems for repubs in s a lack of intellect, imagination, and resourcefulness. A lack of smarts. Some of this may be leveraged to keeping the status quo, but a lot of,it is the absence of love of country. The question is begged, as Obama has so aptly proven, that the people most capable of getting elected are the most incapable of fixing problems.

I am sure everyone here has said at one time or another that let me b,president,for two weeks and,I will solve,the problem. I know I have solutions for a bunch of them. Simple,solutions. The new budget lets major oil companies sell oil overseas. Could someone please help explain how,that helps,the middle class? Can someone please explain to the millenials that they have been hosed by Obama and their lives will not be as good as ours because of unending debt that did not improve their lives one bit. The solutions are as scarce now as leadership, and while,the solutions are right in front,of us American leadership is nowhere to be found.

And the really sad part is that Americans hunger for,leadership. They want,to,put,their,shoulder,to the wheel if only someone would show them the way. All this talk about republican divisions won't stop the inertia, the process will roll on regardless of results. Until someone creates a persuasive imperative to save the country that requires a unified effort and leadership,up,to the task no matter what party we will continue to wallow in our own self centered bubbles.
As a conservative, I call for everyone to vote Dim or not vote at all.

Either you like the road we are on and vote Dim or you oppose it and have no voice in the GOP.

Great idea.Those idiots you've been voting for are just screwing you.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.

Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.

As long as you keep believing all that silly crap, you'll never regain anything. Come back to sanity, and you might be able to save your party. Probably too late anyway, but you might have a chance.
Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the Republican Party’

They might as well. No one would miss them.

Unless the anti-e
Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the Republican Party’

They might as well. No one would miss them.

Well, maybe the fat ass--loud mouth can figure out where he wants to make cuts at in this budget. Otherwise he can take himself and all the freaking idiots that listen to him and disband. They can then form their own party--called the Chimpanzee group.

The problem is: There are 10K baby boomers entering Social Security/Medicare on a daily basis, and this rate will continue for the next 12 to 13 years. Now if RUSH LIMBAUGH wants to cut military spending, Social Security & Medicare why doesn't he just open up his fat mouth and say so?

Nothing is going to be done about Obamacare, until Obama is out of the oval office. And you better dam well have a President and Congress that is willing to work across party lines to get something done. Otherwise it stays as it is. Republicans cannot repeal it unless they have SUPER majority in both houses, and a Republican President. That's how we got Obamacare, and that's the only way it will ever be repealed.

Taxpayer dollars do NOT go to fund abortions. Planned Parenthood is subsidized for health screenings for women of low income. And it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the below.


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So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.

Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.

As long as you keep believing all that silly crap, you'll never regain anything. Come back to sanity, and you might be able to save your party. Probably too late anyway, but you might have a chance.

As long as I believe what? That it's the job of the Congress to create laws, enact taxation, and decide on spending? Yes, that is what I believe, and so did the founders. In fact they wrote about it. It's called the US Constitution.

The President does have the right and power to refuse government spending created by the Congress. But because the Congress did not spend or create laws to the satisfaction of the President doesn't mean THEY are responsible for a government shut-down. The President or (depending on the case) the Senate is. Congress did their job. They did the job we hired them to do.

To make a scenario, let's say you had a job as a shipper and receiver at a company. You load and unload trucks or perhaps train cars. That's what you were hired to do. But after you do your job, a salesman or company official decided that the product you unloaded was not to their standards. Are you to blame for that? No. You did your job. You simply unloaded the freight that came into the docks. If they decide to ship the product back or otherwise refuse delivery, that's on them--not you.
How did the Democrats get the stimulus and Obamacare? By having the Presidency, the House, and a supermajority in the Senate. Once they lost the supermajority by one vote, they had to use reconciliation to get the done deal Obamacare actually through.

That's how it works. But you want to pass conservative reforms that are as big a deal as Obamacare (such as doing away with Obamacare) with much less power than what Democrats had. And when you don't get it, you get angry at your own party leaders and you oust them.

That is insanity. But go ahead. Be insane. See if you get different results.

Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.

As long as you keep believing all that silly crap, you'll never regain anything. Come back to sanity, and you might be able to save your party. Probably too late anyway, but you might have a chance.

As long as I believe what? That it's the job of the Congress to create laws, enact taxation, and decide on spending? Yes, that is what I believe, and so did the founders. In fact they wrote about it. It's called the US Constitution.

The President does have the right and power to refuse government spending created by the Congress. But because the Congress did not spend or create laws to the satisfaction of the President doesn't mean THEY are responsible for a government shut-down. The President or (depending on the case) the Senate is. Congress did their job. They did the job we hired them to do.

To make a scenario, let's say you had a job as a shipper and receiver at a company. You load and unload trucks or perhaps train cars. That's what you were hired to do. But after you do your job, a salesman or company official decided that the product you unloaded was not to their standards. Are you to blame for that? No. You did your job. You simply unloaded the freight that came into the docks. If they decide to ship the product back or otherwise refuse delivery, that's on them--not you.

Like I said, as long as you keep believing that goofy crap, you'll never regain anything. While you are at it, find out what an analogy is. What ever that was wasn't an analogy.
Yes you oust them. That's what employers do to employees that don't perform to satisfaction.

Defunding things like Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities is not nearly as big as Obama Care. Commie Care was a government takeover of 1/6 th our economy. These cuts would not nearly meet that level.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.

As long as you keep believing all that silly crap, you'll never regain anything. Come back to sanity, and you might be able to save your party. Probably too late anyway, but you might have a chance.

As long as I believe what? That it's the job of the Congress to create laws, enact taxation, and decide on spending? Yes, that is what I believe, and so did the founders. In fact they wrote about it. It's called the US Constitution.

The President does have the right and power to refuse government spending created by the Congress. But because the Congress did not spend or create laws to the satisfaction of the President doesn't mean THEY are responsible for a government shut-down. The President or (depending on the case) the Senate is. Congress did their job. They did the job we hired them to do.

To make a scenario, let's say you had a job as a shipper and receiver at a company. You load and unload trucks or perhaps train cars. That's what you were hired to do. But after you do your job, a salesman or company official decided that the product you unloaded was not to their standards. Are you to blame for that? No. You did your job. You simply unloaded the freight that came into the docks. If they decide to ship the product back or otherwise refuse delivery, that's on them--not you.

Like I said, as long as you keep believing that goofy crap, you'll never regain anything. While you are at it, find out what an analogy is. What ever that was wasn't an analogy.

That's why I didn't call it an "analogy" public school student.
Defunding planned parenthood is not something that any pro choice politician will vote for. It's small in dollars, but it is huge in policy, because it would essentially remove the option of abortion for many women. So no, you weren't going to get that without shutting down the government for months.

So let the government shut down. So what? When has it affected the Republicans negatively before? They got reelected........

What you are saying here is that Republicans can't get their agenda accomplished unless we hold leadership in all thee sectors of government. I don't know about that. The Democrats did pretty good with this spending bill only having the White House. In fact they did much better than the majorities.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would not eliminate the abortion option for many women. If that was the result, then the GOP could confidently go in front of the public and say" SEE! We told you these funds were going for abortions. PP said that not one tax dollar went for them!!!"

That's how you turn a negative into a positive: truth. Just like Republican would need to inform the public that they did not shut down the government--DumBama did. He refused to sign a budget that Congress created and Senate approved of. After all, that's why we hired these people; to create budgets, taxation and spending.

As long as you keep believing all that silly crap, you'll never regain anything. Come back to sanity, and you might be able to save your party. Probably too late anyway, but you might have a chance.

As long as I believe what? That it's the job of the Congress to create laws, enact taxation, and decide on spending? Yes, that is what I believe, and so did the founders. In fact they wrote about it. It's called the US Constitution.

The President does have the right and power to refuse government spending created by the Congress. But because the Congress did not spend or create laws to the satisfaction of the President doesn't mean THEY are responsible for a government shut-down. The President or (depending on the case) the Senate is. Congress did their job. They did the job we hired them to do.

To make a scenario, let's say you had a job as a shipper and receiver at a company. You load and unload trucks or perhaps train cars. That's what you were hired to do. But after you do your job, a salesman or company official decided that the product you unloaded was not to their standards. Are you to blame for that? No. You did your job. You simply unloaded the freight that came into the docks. If they decide to ship the product back or otherwise refuse delivery, that's on them--not you.

Like I said, as long as you keep believing that goofy crap, you'll never regain anything. While you are at it, find out what an analogy is. What ever that was wasn't an analogy.

That's why I didn't call it an "analogy" public school student.

Good. What exactly would you call something like that?

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