Rush calls to disband the GOP

It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
The debt has only went up... Poach all Rinos

why do you want to cut areas that aren't causing the debt? Go after areas that cuts, wars, and work to repair our healthcare system.

If not then you're not a serious party.
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Make your case about accountability and common sense draw backs in areas that need it. Make a logical case to the American people...Attacking everything and shutting everything down will make it 100 percent likely that you will lose.

You hardly can win now with the demographics.
If the donald is guilty of anything, its shutting down Rush. Rush had been the premier voice of the republican party since Reagan....he called the shots and anyone who dared to go rouge, Rush ended their careers....LOLOLOL. So in a way, its so refreshing to see Duck head Donald, shut this fat, racist, controlling idiot down and allowing the fools on the right to all wander blindly on who and were to go, since their leader is now on silent.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
It's a money game and corporate backers of either party don't want a reduction of the money being spent by Washington.
Spending has been reduced. It will be reduced further. Conservatives don't have the votes to force their agenda on the people. Republicans know the prolonged shutdown that would occur if conservatives tried to force their agenda would be blamed on Republicans, and they would lose the election (the previous shutdown was not long enough to have an effect on a 2014 election cycle that through gerrymandering and the number of Dem vs Rep Senate seats up for grabs favored Reps).

Push for your agenda now, you will lose.

Make your case now and through October and you might win.

Spending has been reduced? By how much, a buck 50?

Besides, I thought deficits don't matter, like Dick Cheney once said.

America has chosen its path. Higher taxation and spending, lower wages, a dwindling quality of life.

Soon we will all be speaking Arabic/Spanish.

And to think, the demise of the GOP would happen during a period of time with the worst democrat President in US history is in office.
Sounds like you're into self defeating prophecies. "We're doomed, oh no", when the deficit has been cut by 70% since 2009, largely through the efforts of the men you hate the most (Republican leadership), and you are in position to have a truly historic election victory. But, no. It' s wah wah I can't get 100% of what I want right now, so I'm taking my ball and going home
Bunch of loser crybabies, but you know better! I have no pity for you!

Buck up and win the election, quit crying.
Meh, I would have no problem with the GOP ceasing to exist. Perhaps something would occupy that power vacuum that I could actually vote for.

Your above statements might have merit if spending were the only issue at hand but, alas, that is but a small part of the overall picture. Sure, some spending has been cut (in the military at least) but virtually nothing has been done to end the growth of government power, end the cronyism that is so apparent, promote actual small government or protect freedom. They pay lip service to immigration reform but do absolutely NOTHING to address real change. They pay lip service reforming the tax code and regulatory structures while ensuring that the same systems remain in place with no real changes. I do not want everything. Hell I don't even want a little bit at this point. All I want is a general change of DIRECTION. Something that shows the republicans actually represent anything I stand for. And no, reduced spending is not something I stand for - I stand for a smaller more efficient government that lets people live their own lives. Reduced spending is an effect of that, not a root cause.

Instead the GOP is more concerned about gay marriage and abortions issues that are not tenable due to the SCOTUS (another area where actual progress would be rather easy to achieve but they torpedo their own platform).

You can cry for us all you want but in the end the republican party WILL change or lose - you cannot continue to ignore your supporters and still maintain a viable party.

On a side know, does anyone else find it truly hilarious that RUSH, of all people, calls for this even though he is one of the biggest shills for the republican party to ever infest a radio show. One listen to Rush during the Bush years should make that GLARINGLY obvious. He is playing to his audience, not actually advocating for something he agrees with. I GUARANTEE that as soon as the general comes up he will be shilling for whatever candidate is the nominee for the right - no matter what.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.
Certainly. I also think they have gotten some victories.

The point is that they are not getting any (or even trying to) victories that I would support. The republican party as a whole does not actually support ANYTHING that I stand for even though they pay a lot of lip service to many positions I take.
Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the Republican Party’

They might as well. No one would miss them.
What a bunch of whiny bastards. There is political stalemate. Expect the budget to continue the status quo. Get out and vote and see where the chips fall for 2017.

The ruse is up. There is only one party.

Fuck them all.
Not even close to true. The Republicans have the House. They have a small majority in the Senate, hence subject to filibuster. The Democrats have the Presidency.

Now, there is a major election in 1 year. The balance of power will change. There will be a chance to make big changes to public policy then.

Have the debate. Get it settled in the election.

Now is not the time to expect a revolutionary budget favoring one side's policies, when nobody knows what the outcome of the election will be.

The GOP has the House? What the hell for? What have they done other than play with themselves?

they have done plenty!! they funded amnesty, funded sanctuary cities and funded planned parenthood. reps favor chopping up babies!!
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.
Certainly. I also think they have gotten some victories.

The point is that they are not getting any (or even trying to) victories that I would support. The republican party as a whole does not actually support ANYTHING that I stand for even though they pay a lot of lip service to many positions I take.

Agreed. It's like they settled for all the secondary issues instead of the main ones which they gave to the Democrats. Then they can't figure out why people are now looking to non-professional politicians to represent us.

I think the GOP doesn't take their constituents seriously. I think what needs to happen is the Tea Party needs to form an actual party. Maybe if they had that threat hanging over their heads, we wouldn't have politicians giving us a band-aid for a severed leg.

True, we did get some things, but we lost more than we got. Net loss.
Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
The deficit is way, way down compared to 2009, is it not?

Fiscal 2009 budget included bailouts of the financial and auto companies and because of the economy, the government's income tanked. The reason the deficit is down has been the recovery of that tax income. Speaking realistically, for the last 15 years now we've been spending way more then what's being taken in, and the 2009 budget was simply obscene in that regard.

Washington continues to spend uncontrollably which is why the debt limit increases that have been common during the Bush/Obama presidencies. And listening to everybody at the Republican debate Tuesday night, unless the highly improbable happens and Rand Paul is elected, don't expect anything to change.

Limbaugh and the other media division pimps need to keep their listeners angry and animated.

This absolutist shit from them really hasn't helped anything.

You want better Congressional outcomes? Get more absolutists elected. Until then, that's the way it goes. You'll have to deal with the adults who understand that (a) cooperation is not capitulation, and (b) incremental victories would be better than none.
I disagree in general. Absolutists will not achieve anything but we are also not getting 'incremental' victories. We are not getting victories at all.
Don't you think the GOP could get some victories if it didn't act like two different, warring parties? They can't even cooperate with each other, let alone the Democrats.

So where's the middle ground at????

The Republicans promised us change if they got leadership of the Congress. We gave it to them. When that didn't work, they said they were held hostage by the Senate, and they need leadership of that too. We gave it to them. That didn't work, so now they are telling us they need the White House on top of everything else.

Look: when Democrats have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. What's the point of even trying if Democrats get their way no matter who's in charge?

I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.

didnt spending explode when reps had congress and president?
I didn't elect GOP leadership to look good. I didn't hire GOP leadership so they can solely focus on reelections. I hired them to do a job, and they're not doing it.
Well, the only answer can be to get more people you like, elected. The questions would then be (a) can you actually get them elected, and (b) would they be so conservative that they couldn't keep more moderate Republicans on their side in votes.
The budget vote is proof that there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.
They are working for the same goal and being controlled by the same people.
Hint...... Their goals are not in the best interest of the American peoople.

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