Rush explained the alleged "Trickle Down" theory....if you earn it you get to keep it...

So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.
Conservatives claim that any program that helps the people is socialism. So social security is socialism, free public school education is socialism, healthcare is socialism
Yes, Rush advocates keeping your own and let the country go to pot. It's working out for him and the Right.

FDR, raised taxes, raised tarrifs, intefered in the running of private businesses and agriculture and spent money like never before....and never lifted us out of the depression...ever.....just look at the unemployment rate going into World War 2...there was no end to the depression...he made it 100 times worse.

Then how do you explain that after FDR imposed a 97% tax on the rich and created his "make-work" programs (WPA and CCC) the ultimate effect was those years between post-War '40s and late '70s were the most prosperous and productive in our history? And how do you explain why all of that ended in the '80s when Reagan commenced his deregulation of Wall Street and the banks, transforming the U.S. from a creditor nation to a debtor nation? Reagan did that, you know!

But I will try to quench the anger of right-wing water-carriers for the rich in recalling that Bill Clinton (President blow-job) did his share of damage by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act which enabled the banks to play poker with our money. So it wasn't only Reagan -- but he definitely set the precedent and opened the gates for the economic demons to pour in.

Take the time to watch the Inside Job video which is available FREE in my signature line. I'd be interested in reading your arguments to what you will learn there.

Then how do you explain that after FDR imposed a 97% tax on the rich and created his "make-work" programs (WPA and CCC)

And he never pulled us out of the depression....remember there was a depression in 1920, the government did nothing and it was over in a year....FDR raised taxes, and spent money, taking it from the very people who knew how to create jobs....what was the unemployment rate just before World War 2? All of his taxing and spending and we were still over 14% unemployment well into his depression.

As to how we had a prosperous is called destroying the industrial base of the rest of the world, Britain, France, Germany, and the rest of Europe. Are you saying we should do that again so we can survive a 97% tax rate.

Also...JFK cut taxes.....and raised massive amounts of revenue because of that.

Do you know who else has a 97% tax rate....slaves.....whose owner has trained them in a useful skill and allows the slave to keep a tiny part of what they earn for the master....look up slavery in the south and slaves who had training in a needed skill.....

At 50-50 the government becomes a partner in your life, at 97% the government is the master and you are the do you not see that?

And it didn't end with Reagan, jimmy carter ended it.....then Reagan came and cut taxes, just like JFK did and we had the Reagan boom....and the Reagan boom lasted until bill clinton, the serial rapist came into office. In 8 years he ended the Reagan boom......
So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.
Conservatives claim that any program that helps the people is socialism. So social security is socialism, free public school education is socialism, healthcare is socialism

Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.

No, capitalism works fine under the rule of law...not with politicians deciding who gets tax money and who gets order to protect their friends and punish their enemies. Reagan created a massive boom to the economy, the numbers don't guys lie, but the numbers are the numbers.....and of course you do the chicken and egg dance, as Reagan came into office he had to reverse the carter recession, when bill clinton, the serial rapist, came into office he ended the Reagan boom and left office with the country in a recession.....then you blame Bush.....
So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.
Conservatives claim that any program that helps the people is socialism. So social security is socialism, free public school education is socialism, healthcare is socialism

Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
Social Security has worked for 75 years and covered hundreds of millions of Americans

We are the greatest nation on earth and we can thank our public school system for it
So I guess since trickle down was such a failure you just change the definition?

Trickle down worked because it is how real life works...people who keep their money spend it more efficiently and wisely than corrupt politicians....

Why on earth do you guys want the people you bitch about to get more of your money?

Who is helping the "fat cats" get rich?...greedy, corrupt politicians.

Who do you say hate the poor? The very people who buy politicians...right?

So why on earth would you give these people, who protect and help the "fat cats" take your tax money?

What fucking sense does that make? Why are you afraid to keep the largest part of the money you make?
So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.
Conservatives claim that any program that helps the people is socialism. So social security is socialism, free public school education is socialism, healthcare is socialism

Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
Social Security has worked for 75 years and covered hundreds of millions of Americans

We are the greatest nation on earth and we can thank our public school system for it

Sell it to the other borg security is a ponze scheme and people would have made far more had they invested that money for themselves.....and when it will see...
It's Simple - There is no such thing as a Tax Cut, Only Spending Cuts Matter. "Tax Cuts" only cause deficits & prices to skyrocket taxing us much harder. Deficit spending & prices skyrocketed under Reptards & declined under Clinton & Obama. I will never vote for a tax cutting big spending Repubtard.

And that is a cuts are people actually keeping the money they earn......and the only real problem we have....government spends too much money.....
Well if the govt spends too much then the bloated military budget also gets cut correct? Nothing should be sacred from cuts correct?
So socialism is good then right?

The problem is when we say "socialism is good" the water-carriers for the rich cringe from the word because they've been brainwashed to believe socialism is a euphemism for communism, which simply isn't true. Communism is the opposite of capitalism. But the best form of capitalism is that which is regulated by some socialist controls -- which was the system that existed during the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the '40s to the '80s.

FDR and Eisenhower fostered that system and Reagan, scripted puppet of the super-rich, sabotaged it by gradually removing those socialistic regulations which made the system possible. Yet the glorified movie actor (that great pretender) remains the hero of millions of Americans who were happily bamboozled by him and refuse to examine and believe the facts surrounding the Reagan presidency.
Conservatives claim that any program that helps the people is socialism. So social security is socialism, free public school education is socialism, healthcare is socialism

Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
Social Security has worked for 75 years and covered hundreds of millions of Americans

We are the greatest nation on earth and we can thank our public school system for it

Sell it to the other borg security is a ponze scheme and people would have made far more had they invested that money for themselves.....and when it will see...
Republicans have predicted the collapse of Social Security for 75 years now.......any day now...any day

FDR, raised taxes, raised tarrifs, intefered in the running of private businesses and agriculture and spent money like never before....and never lifted us out of the depression...ever.....just look at the unemployment rate going into World War 2...there was no end to the depression...he made it 100 times worse.

Then how do you explain that after FDR imposed a 97% tax on the rich and created his "make-work" programs (WPA and CCC) the ultimate effect was those years between post-War '40s and late '70s were the most prosperous and productive in our history? And how do you explain why all of that ended in the '80s when Reagan commenced his deregulation of Wall Street and the banks, transforming the U.S. from a creditor nation to a debtor nation? Reagan did that, you know!

But I will try to quench the anger of right-wing water-carriers for the rich in recalling that Bill Clinton (President blow-job) did his share of damage by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act which enabled the banks to play poker with our money. So it wasn't only Reagan -- but he definitely set the precedent and opened the gates for the economic demons to pour in.

Take the time to watch the Inside Job video which is available FREE in my signature line. I'd be interested in reading your arguments to what you will learn there.

Then how do you explain that after FDR imposed a 97% tax on the rich and created his "make-work" programs (WPA and CCC)

And he never pulled us out of the depression....remember there was a depression in 1920, the government did nothing and it was over in a year....FDR raised taxes, and spent money, taking it from the very people who knew how to create jobs....what was the unemployment rate just before World War 2? All of his taxing and spending and we were still over 14% unemployment well into his depression.

As to how we had a prosperous is called destroying the industrial base of the rest of the world, Britain, France, Germany, and the rest of Europe. Are you saying we should do that again so we can survive a 97% tax rate.

Also...JFK cut taxes.....and raised massive amounts of revenue because of that.

Do you know who else has a 97% tax rate....slaves.....whose owner has trained them in a useful skill and allows the slave to keep a tiny part of what they earn for the master....look up slavery in the south and slaves who had training in a needed skill.....

At 50-50 the government becomes a partner in your life, at 97% the government is the master and you are the do you not see that?

And it didn't end with Reagan, jimmy carter ended it.....then Reagan came and cut taxes, just like JFK did and we had the Reagan boom....and the Reagan boom lasted until bill clinton, the serial rapist came into office. In 8 years he ended the Reagan boom......
Did you know that even the Capital Right fails to understand that it was the virtual Communism of our Wartime Economy that pulled us out of the Great Depression.
It's Simple - There is no such thing as a Tax Cut, Only Spending Cuts Matter. "Tax Cuts" only cause deficits & prices to skyrocket taxing us much harder. Deficit spending & prices skyrocketed under Reptards & declined under Clinton & Obama. I will never vote for a tax cutting big spending Repubtard.

And that is a cuts are people actually keeping the money they earn......and the only real problem we have....government spends too much money.....

Wrong Idiot! - Wealth is stolen as deficits increase from tax cuts instead of spending cuts. The US dollar is backed by the credit of the US government. Drowning government in a bathtub of debt just destroy the dollar & skyrockets inflation.
And he never pulled us out of the depression....remember there was a depression in 1920, the government did nothing and it was over in a year.
These minor economic "depressions," more commonly called recessions, are a normal, predictable, cyclical occurrences, typically lasting between six months to a year and they still take place now and then, the major difference being existing socialistic regulations cause them to be felt more by the rich than by the ordinary and the poor. So don't confuse these minor adjustments with the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and lasted for ten full years.

By the time FDR was first elected in 1932 the damage to the economy had reached a level which caused many knowledgeable observers to project little to no hope of recovery. FDR tried many different approaches, none of which worked. He made some serious mistakes before finally deciding to follow John Maynard Keynes advice. It took awhile to get the economic engine firing on all cylinders -- but it worked. Little by little the millions of unemployed Americans, including my own father, were earning paychecks, spending money, which created a demand for products, which created businesses.

While the 97% income tax profoundly offended the rich it didn't affect their affluent lifestyles in the least. It just made them a little less rich. Instead of having $100million in the bank, their holdings were reduced to a measly $75million.

How goddam cruel!
Republicans have predicted the collapse of Social Security for 75 years now.......any day now...any day

Republicans tried to bankrupt SS by borrowing it all for war & tax cuts. They tried to drown the US dollar in the bathtub of debt to destroy SS & Government. They always try to raid pension funds.

98% of Republicans in congress signed a pledge to destroy the US dollar, SS & explode inflation taxation.
Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
If you understood how a Ponzi scheme works you wouldn't embarrass yourself by admitting you've been taken in by a brazen lie propagated by the likes of P.J. O'Rourke -- who is an articulate bar-room bullshit artist who successfully covers the tracks of his propaganda efforts with humor, almost all of which is un-funny.
Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
If you understood how a Ponzi scheme works you wouldn't embarrass yourself by admitting you've been taken in by a brazen lie propagated by the likes of P.J. O'Rourke -- who is an articulate bar-room bullshit artist who successfully covers the tracks of his propaganda efforts with humor, almost all of which is un-funny.

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Only shameless trolls and government toadies claim otherwise.
Today on Rush he went through hilary cliinton and her lies about "Trickle Down" economics. His explanation was very short and simple......if you earn the money, you get to keep the money and spend it the way you want, and you don't have to give it to Washington D.C. to spend it instead of you......

Very simple, very true, and that is what made this country great.

We don't "give" corporations, or the "rich" or any other class money when we keep taxes low......the government simply doesn't take that money and waste, steal or lose it. The people who make it save it in banks, spend it on their families or give it to charity....and that is the best way to keep an economy going.

The worst way to run an the money to greedy, corrupt politicians, who tax, spend, borrow and spend....then tax some more, and then they take that money to buy votes, increase their power or reward their friends.

We don't have a tax revenue problem...we have a tax waste, fraud and abuse problem....

Two problems with that assessment. The first problem is this assumption that when everyone keeps more they will somehow spend it or put it to good use in a way that helps the economy. The second bad assumption is that money that goes to the government is wasted. What all too many don't understand is that most money that goes to the government ends up back in the hands of the private sector, but it's actually being put to use and pushed back through the economy many times. If taxes are cut too low, that money never makes it back to the private sector and the economy grinds to a halt. This is one of the main reasons Wall Street always performs much better when a Democrat is in the White House. Now, there can be too much of a good thing, but cutting taxes and cutting spending to put more money in the hands of the wealthy does not work.

1) Who cares what they do with their money? It is their money. that is your first bad assumption..that you are required to do anything with the money you earn. I could care less if you took all the money you earned, put it in a barbecue grill and set it on fire. You earned it, you keep it, you spend it any way you want. that is called freedom.

2) Yes...government wastes money, they steal money, they use money to increase their own power and to keep you poor. A classic example. A school district in Wisconsin or Minnesota bought 5 million dollars worth of computers with tax dollars to use with their students. They got lost. They sat in a warehouse for years before 1) Anyone realized they were missing, and 2) anyone thought to go look for them. That was 5 million unproductive those computers were bought from the private sector...but they did nothing to generate value, they were wasted. And no one was held accountable.

In a private business if you misplace 5 million dollars in computers you are fired, or go to jail....they use those computers to actually generate more money....they use those computers to create wealth, and to create jobs.

Government has no requirement to be fact the incentives are the reverse....don't make waves, don't stick your neck out and don't worry about being held to account for screw ups.

So no, government is not the place to put your hard earned money.....

If taxes are cut too low, that money never makes it back to the private sector and the economy grinds to a halt.

Please. Look at what you just posted. Think about what you just posted. do you see how wrong that thought process is.

If you cut taxes too low....the money stays with the people who earned it. Let me repeat that. If you cut taxes "too low" the money stays with the people who earned it and still goes into the economy and in fact goes into the economy more efficiently and productively than if you give it to the government. The government takes any tax money you give it, the policiticians take their cut, and then spend it on their friends and themselves. The government is inefficient, and cannot spend your money more wisely or more in your interest than you do.

Please, think about what you just posted. Why do you want to send money to Washington, just so they can send back a small portion of it to your community?

If you want live with no government, you will have to find somewhere else to do it. As a society, we have already decided that government and the services it provides our society with are important. I have no problem with those who believe government is a bit too big and would like to see the size of it reduced, but you seem to be on some other planet where government is not even necessary. As for your suggestion that government cannot spend your money more effectively than you, it depends on what they are spending it on. People cannot effectively get together to build and maintain roads and infrastructure. That is just one example. The problem with people like you is that you are living in some fantasy world rather than the real world.

If you want to discuss how the government should not be so big or how it could be improved with less spending, then do so, but quit bothering us with silly arguments that government should not exist, or making it sound that way.
Yes. They are.......and what are the problems we security is a ponze scheme, public education does not educate our children and you are about to learn (As P.J. O'Rourke famously said) how expensive free healthcare is......
If you understood how a Ponzi scheme works you wouldn't embarrass yourself by admitting you've been taken in by a brazen lie propagated by the likes of P.J. O'Rourke -- who is an articulate bar-room bullshit artist who successfully covers the tracks of his propaganda efforts with humor, almost all of which is un-funny.

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Only shameless trolls and government toadies claim otherwise.

Well that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are clueless.

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