Rush Limbaugh Claims Slutzkrieg Rant on Sandra Fluke was an Accident


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Claims Slutzkrieg Rant on Sandra Fluke was an Accident?

Whoda thunk-----whoda thunk a 3 day rant (3 frigging days) would be-----would be, just a slip of the
tongue-----slip of the tongue or slip into the realm of-----of political pissant?

Rush Limbaugh has come up with a new way of explaining his infamous assault on Sandra Fluke.

It was an accident.

During those three days, Limbaugh repeatedly called Fluke a slut and a prostitute, speculated that she had been sexually active in sixth grade and that she had so much sex she could barely walk, and suggested that she be forced to videotape herself having sex for Limbaugh's viewing pleasure.

Limbaugh's disgusting rant spawned a grassroots uprising of online activists such as the Flush Rush Facebook community and the #stoprush Twitter campaign. These activists monitor the show for content and ads and ask Limbaugh's advertisers to stop supporting his divisive rhetoric.
Now nearly a year and a half old and stronger than ever, the movement has cost Rush Limbaugh more than 2,600 advertisers and, most likely, his relationship with Cumulus Media--the nation's second largest owner and operator of radio stations.


... his own 'accidental' verbal assault on Sandra Fluke was blown out of proportion...

Fluke is a slut and a prostitute.

That took me all of three seconds, not three days.
Wait a sec, Rush haters actually hate Rush so much THE LISTEN to EL RUSHBO everyday? And they think that will hurt his ratings? :lol:

Rush has been numero uno of talk radio since they started tracking listener ship at Talkers, the industry bible.

AND he still is. Makes libs crazy and I love it.

Oh and the #2 Sean Hannity despite the bullshit libs were putting out that Cumulus was dropping him, the truth is Hannity dumped Cumulus.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Conservative talk Midday 14+ (that's in millions weekly)

List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Rush has been numero uno of talk radio since they started tracking listener ship at Talkers, the industry bible.

AND he still is. Makes libs crazy and I love it.

Oh and the #2 Sean Hannity despite the bullshit libs were putting out that Cumulus was dropping him, the truth is Hannity dumped Cumulus.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Conservative talk Midday 14+ (that's in millions weekly)

List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gee, 14 million down from 50 million since last November. That's a loss of over 70%

November 07, 2012
RUSH:* Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today?* Anybody?* Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here?* None of you?* I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.*
ed, are you denying the fact EL RUSHBO is the #1 radio talk show on Earth? I wonder if libs are dumber than I previously thought because Rush is very funny no matter what your political bias is. I suppose the humor goes over the heads of the angry libtards.
Rush averages about 14 million listeners per week. The nearest progressive has about 2.7 million listeners. You aren't going to shut him down with claims of sexism regarding some slut who can't keep track of all the condoms she needs. Why don't you angry lefties try focusing on other issues like the freaking government.
here's the thing with you two faced liberals-lefties-Democrats...anyone else, like you elected idiots or some radio or t.v commentator who leans LEFT-liberal can apologize or say they misspoke and you people say ok we forgive you move along...but with Rush or any Republican..they are to branded for life from you two faced haters

you have to have someone to hate or you just aren't happy people

we are sick of hearing you whine ABOUT this rich 30 year profession student named fluke...she had her fifteen now she can go away, she is NOBODY to the majority of American people
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Rush has been numero uno of talk radio since they started tracking listener ship at Talkers, the industry bible.

AND he still is. Makes libs crazy and I love it.

Oh and the #2 Sean Hannity despite the bullshit libs were putting out that Cumulus was dropping him, the truth is Hannity dumped Cumulus.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Conservative talk Midday 14+ (that's in millions weekly)

List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gee, 14 million down from 50 million since last November. That's a loss of over 70%

November 07, 2012
RUSH:* Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today?* Anybody?* Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here?* None of you?* I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.*

That would be his monthly average. :lol:

He's always ranged in the 13 to 14 million range weekly. For example according to Talkers in 2003 he had 13.5 million on average weekly.

In 2006 he had 14.5 million on average weekly. And he's stable in that range no matter how many liberals wish he would crash and burn.

Talk Radio

Rush has been numero uno of talk radio since they started tracking listener ship at Talkers, the industry bible.

AND he still is. Makes libs crazy and I love it.

Oh and the #2 Sean Hannity despite the bullshit libs were putting out that Cumulus was dropping him, the truth is Hannity dumped Cumulus.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Conservative talk Midday 14+ (that's in millions weekly)

List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gee, 14 million down from 50 million since last November. That's a loss of over 70%

November 07, 2012
RUSH:* Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today?* Anybody?* Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here?* None of you?* I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.*

That would be his monthly average. :lol:

He's always ranged in the 13 to 14 million range weekly. For example according to Talkers in 2003 he had 13.5 million on average weekly.

In 2006 he had 14.5 million on average weekly. And he's stable in that range no matter how many liberals wish he would crash and burn.

Talk Radio

Wrong, your MessiahRushie was claiming there were 50 million listening at that moment. He has claimed over 40 million PER DAY in the past. All his numbers are completely made up!

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.
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Why are the asskissers ignoring the actual subject of the OP?

lushbo lied.

And then he lied to cover his lie.

SSDD in lushbo land.

As for Sandra Fluke, lushbo lied about her and you fools bought his lie and have been repeating it ever since. Mind your own business.

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