Rush Limbaugh: Don't Let Bogus Polls Depress You

Anyone with the least bit of sense can see how badly the polls are skewed in favor of Democrats. Poll and poll samples more Democrats and Independents that voting records show are registered in each of the states.

Of course that is going to skew the polls and is clearly an effort by the Lame Street Media to back Barry Hussein for re-election.

I, for one, do not understand the media's bias in this area. Newspaper after newspaper and magazine after magazine have shrinking subscriborships and are losing ad income. They should see all around them people being laid off or having their hours shortened. Was their liberal brainwashing in their journalism classes so thorough they cannot see the truth about what is happening in this country?


Every Poll?
Every day?

If poll after poll after poll says more people are reporting as Democrats

Guess what?

More people are reporting as Democrats

I would understand that if Obama were a good president. But since he's doing a very poor job it makes no sense that there are more people reporting as democrats now than before.

You're taking a hard look at reality. Dems sell a jaded phony narrative to increasingly amoral and petulant people.
Every Poll?
Every day?

If poll after poll after poll says more people are reporting as Democrats

Guess what?

More people are reporting as Democrats

I would understand that if Obama were a good president. But since he's doing a very poor job it makes no sense that there are more people reporting as democrats now than before.

You're taking a hard look at reality. Dems sell a jaded phony narrative to increasingly amoral and petulant people.

You're an idiot if you don't know the difference between party identification and who people are planning to vote for.
Still waiting to hear why private polling firms would benefit from showing Obama in the lead "incorrectly" according to cons.
Every Poll?
Every day?

If poll after poll after poll says more people are reporting as Democrats

Guess what?

More people are reporting as Democrats

I would understand that if Obama were a good president. But since he's doing a very poor job it makes no sense that there are more people reporting as democrats now than before.

Did FoxNews teach you that?

Like it or not, Obama is leading in the polls. Romney is turning off the voters and his campaign has never caught fire

No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.
I would understand that if Obama were a good president. But since he's doing a very poor job it makes no sense that there are more people reporting as democrats now than before.

Did FoxNews teach you that?

Like it or not, Obama is leading in the polls. Romney is turning off the voters and his campaign has never caught fire

No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.

In reality, our President has accomplished quite a bit in four years. If you weren't in denial, you would recognize it

Stopped a Depression
Passed Obamacare
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed financial reform
Ended DADT
Ended the war in Iraq
ratified the START treaty
Killed bin Laden along with dozens of other terrorist leaders

Can you name a President who accomplished more in their first four years?
Did FoxNews teach you that?

Like it or not, Obama is leading in the polls. Romney is turning off the voters and his campaign has never caught fire

No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.

In reality, our President has accomplished quite a bit in four years. If you weren't in denial, you would recognize it

Stopped a Depression
Passed Obamacare
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed financial reform
Ended DADT
Ended the war in Iraq
ratified the START treaty
Killed bin Laden along with dozens of other terrorist leaders

Can you name a President who accomplished more in their first four years?

yeah, those things are HELPING people find jobs AND feed their families...
my gawd
I would understand that if Obama were a good president. But since he's doing a very poor job it makes no sense that there are more people reporting as democrats now than before.

Did FoxNews teach you that?

Like it or not, Obama is leading in the polls. Romney is turning off the voters and his campaign has never caught fire

No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.

Right wingers have a problem with Ed Norton? guys are touchy these days
Did FoxNews teach you that?

Like it or not, Obama is leading in the polls. Romney is turning off the voters and his campaign has never caught fire

No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.

Right wingers have a problem with Ed Norton? guys are touchy these days

This fucking fool was conned by Rush Limbaugh. He's too stupid to understand the difference between party identification and who people actually vote for in federal races. He misses the axiom that most politics are local, and usually don't mirror the national party agenda. He feels like an idiot, and now it looks like you're making him cry.

BTW, love Ed Norton and just about everything else Art Carney did.
No one needs to watch Fox News to see Obama is doing a very poor job. Everyone who has eyes is able to see - the king is naked and it doesn't look any good. Your avatar seems to be a provocation to right wingers, like if you were saying all of them are simpleton and uneducated rednecks. But hey I'll give you a hint, look at yourself first. YOU look simpleton. In another thread you said you were politically moderate and a registered republican. But you are always emphatically defending Obama and his policies and you refuse to see the plain simple reality that the US is not any better now than it was 4 years ago. Or perhaps you may say that it's all a lie, that in reality everything is wonderful and only Fox News is wrong. Man, talk about being a simpleton.

Right wingers have a problem with Ed Norton? guys are touchy these days

This fucking fool was conned by Rush Limbaugh. He's too stupid to understand the difference between party identification and who people actually vote for in federal races. He misses the axiom that most politics are local, and usually don't mirror the national party agenda He feels like an idiot, and now it looks like you're making him cry.

BTW, love Ed Norton and just about everything else Art Carney did.

Are you confusing me with someone else or just putting words in my mouth?
Right wingers have a problem with Ed Norton? guys are touchy these days

This fucking fool was conned by Rush Limbaugh. He's too stupid to understand the difference between party identification and who people actually vote for in federal races. He misses the axiom that most politics are local, and usually don't mirror the national party agenda He feels like an idiot, and now it looks like you're making him cry.

BTW, love Ed Norton and just about everything else Art Carney did.

Are you confusing me with someone else or just putting words in my mouth?

Not at all. You distinguished yourself by not understanding the difference between voter self-identification and who they intend to vote for. That makes you and Rush blathering idiots.
Right wingers have a problem with Ed Norton? guys are touchy these days

This fucking fool was conned by Rush Limbaugh. He's too stupid to understand the difference between party identification and who people actually vote for in federal races. He misses the axiom that most politics are local, and usually don't mirror the national party agenda He feels like an idiot, and now it looks like you're making him cry.

BTW, love Ed Norton and just about everything else Art Carney did.

Are you confusing me with someone else or just putting words in my mouth?

How are you intimidated by Ed Norton of all people?
This fucking fool was conned by Rush Limbaugh. He's too stupid to understand the difference between party identification and who people actually vote for in federal races. He misses the axiom that most politics are local, and usually don't mirror the national party agenda He feels like an idiot, and now it looks like you're making him cry.

BTW, love Ed Norton and just about everything else Art Carney did.

Are you confusing me with someone else or just putting words in my mouth?

How are you intimidated by Ed Norton of all people?

Good thing you didn't dress him up in that Racoon Lodge uniform, else Joshuatree would think it was part of sending wingnuts to reeducation camps.
RUSH: Folks, there are a couple of polls out there today that are just outrageous. One is the CBS/New York Times poll. The other is the Washington Post poll. I'm telling you: They are irresponsible. They are designed to do exactly what I have warned you to be vigilant about, and that is to depress you and suppress your vote. These two polls today are designed to convince everybody this election is over. And Jan Crawford at CBS looks at one of these...

Don't Let Bogus Polls Depress You - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Political Animal - Let’s Lie To Ourselves!
RUSH: Folks, there are a couple of polls out there today that are just outrageous. One is the CBS/New York Times poll. The other is the Washington Post poll. I'm telling you: They are irresponsible. They are designed to do exactly what I have warned you to be vigilant about, and that is to depress you and suppress your vote. These two polls today are designed to convince everybody this election is over. And Jan Crawford at CBS looks at one of these...

Don't Let Bogus Polls Depress You - The Rush Limbaugh Show

This is coming from the King of Bogus...
Either the GOP reforms as a 21st century party, or the far right will make it an insignificant successor to the Federalists and the Whigs.

I believe you're correct, if the GOP is beaten badly this cycle, the Democrats will believe they have won, but in fact, it will be a moderate Republican who takes the opportunity and the risk by appealing to fiscal conservative and socially liberal citizens. He or she will either save the GOP from the extreme elements who now control it or move on and follow a third party course - a course which many citizens are ripe to embrace.

If the Democrats are smart and don't overreach again, they too will move to the center on fiscal policy, continue to support liberal causes, maintain a strong military and a strong Dept of State.

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