Rush Limbaugh on The "Pope"

Not that I always agree with Rush Limbaugh, some of his rants are crazy, but I think he's correct on The "Pope", the man certainly has Marxist Political Agenda.

Rush Limbaugh "It's Now A Legit Question To Ask Is The "Pope" Catholic" duration 3 minutes 18 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Who Is The "Pope" Working For?" duration 2 minutes 41 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Has The "Pope" Ever Questioned Obama's Faith?" duration 3 minutes 50 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Why is The "Pope" Lecturing Us On Immigration?" duration 2 minutes 10 seconds:

I wonder if Rush got advice from his 4th wife about whether he should question another man's religious convictions.

Rush is just a private citizen, the pope really ought to shut his dumbass up and attend to his pedophiles...
The pope is a fucking hypocrite

The Pope should shut up? Lol, uh, that's pretty much the opposite of his job.

Well, he sucks at his so called job...
Poor naive Pope Francis. Doesn't he realize that the only way to endear himself to the blind partisan is to only discuss abortion and queers getting married.
The leadership of Trump's own denomination, Presbyterian, has formally recognized a position on immigration very similar to the Pope's comments and opposite what Trump promotes. Trump has to find TV Beggar Preachers to get any support for his anti-Christian views.
The Pope, like Jesus is a liberal and that`s all you need to know. Why you`re bringing your graphic homo fantasies here is a mystery.

I don't believe the Pope, nor Jesus are Liberal.
For example - Liberals murder millions of unborn babies annually.
A conservative would never dream of such a thing.
Another example...
A Liberal - such as you, would suck another man's dick.
Highly unlikely the Pope, nor Jesus ever committed such a filthy act.
So kindly go fuck yourself.
I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.
Yes. But the problem is, many of their listeners take it as The Truth. They don't see the theater for what it is, an absolutist caricature.

The "Pope" announce The Donald isn't a Christian, so he judges who is or isn't a Christian according to Francis? He has no right to judge anyone on anything....actually he said himself that he doesn't:


I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.

Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

I'm baptised Roman Catholic, I left the Roman Church because of Francis, who I and many like me, we think he's a Heretic.

I then was Confirmed into the Eastern Orthodox Church....however as the Roman Church after 1,000 years has now decided to attempt to hoodwink Orthodox Christianity, I'm now thinking of abandoning ALL Organised Religion.

Which when one thinks about it is what God tells us to do, does he tells us to be involved in Organised Religion? No.
I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.

Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The fact he's seen as God on Earth is abomination in itself. The Bible says that there is NO God on Earth, and that no human man or for that matter woman is God's Spokesperson speaking on behalf of God.
I then was Confirmed into the Eastern Orthodox Church....however as the Roman Church after 1,000 years has now decided to attempt to hoodwink Orthodox Christianity, I'm now thinking of abandoning ALL Organised Religion.

Which when one thinks about it is what God tells us to do, does he tells us to be involved in Organised Religion? No.
Which is the best thing you can ever do for yourself. All religions are man's interpretation of who or what god is and mostly designed to control you.
I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.

Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The fact he's seen as God on Earth is abomination in itself. The Bible says that there is NO God on Earth, and that no human man or for that matter woman is God's Spokesperson speaking on behalf of God.
Catholic doctrine is that the church is more important than the bible.
The Pope, like Jesus is a liberal and that`s all you need to know. Why you`re bringing your graphic homo fantasies here is a mystery.

I don't believe the Pope, nor Jesus are Liberal.
For example - Liberals murder millions of unborn babies annually.
A conservative would never dream of such a thing.
Another example...
A Liberal - such as you, would suck another man's dick.
Highly unlikely the Pope, nor Jesus ever committed such a filthy act.
So kindly go fuck yourself.

a con like you sucks another man's dick, you just keep it hypocritically quiet while preaching how bad it is. pssst wipe the jizz form your chin before you talk, it's a dead giveaway.
I didn't listen, but if the Pope didn't question Pres. Obama (no never voted for him) I guess its because he didn't need too. After all President Obama extended an olive leaf to Iran and Cuba.

I disagree with the fence, it won't keep the bad guys out. The US is only as strong and wealthy as its neighbors are. We have to work together with the Mexican government.

Maybe Francis doesn't question Obama's religion because nobody knows what it is....he's said he's Christian and he's talked about his Muslim upbringing.

Considering Obama's other comments about standing with Islam et al and how everything he does only seems to HELP the Islamic Terrorists, then one must veer on side of Obama being closet Muslim, of the Radical variety.

No wonder he want to give America the Muslim filth pretending to be "refugees" that we're getting FORCED on us here in Europa.
I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.

Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The fact he's seen as God on Earth is abomination in itself. The Bible says that there is NO God on Earth, and that no human man or for that matter woman is God's Spokesperson speaking on behalf of God.
Catholic doctrine is that the church is more important than the bible.

I know and I've had trouble with the Roman Church pre-Francis, I was thinking of leaving previously. This entire thing very difficult as my entire family have been in the Roman Church for many, many, many Centuries.
I'm almost always on the same page as American conservatives, but when it comes to right-wing talkshow and radio hosts from America I just can't take anything they say seriously. It's just overly exaggerated theatre.

Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The fact he's seen as God on Earth is abomination in itself. The Bible says that there is NO God on Earth, and that no human man or for that matter woman is God's Spokesperson speaking on behalf of God.
Catholic doctrine is that the church is more important than the bible.

I know and I've had trouble with the Roman Church pre-Francis, I was thinking of leaving previously. This entire thing very difficult as my entire family have been in the Roman Church for many, many, many Centuries.
Part of the problem is it is not just religious but cultural, it's part of who you are. My mom went back to her Catholic roots in her old age. Old habits are hard to break.
I didn't listen, but if the Pope didn't question Pres. Obama (no never voted for him) I guess its because he didn't need too. After all President Obama extended an olive leaf to Iran and Cuba.

I disagree with the fence, it won't keep the bad guys out. The US is only as strong and wealthy as its neighbors are. We have to work together with the Mexican government.

Maybe Francis doesn't question Obama's religion because nobody knows what it is....he's said he's Christian and he's talked about his Muslim upbringing.

Considering Obama's other comments about standing with Islam et al and how everything he does only seems to HELP the Islamic Terrorists, then one must veer on side of Obama being closet Muslim, of the Radical variety.

No wonder he want to give America the Muslim filth pretending to be "refugees" that we're getting FORCED on us here in Europa.

Nowhere did Obama say he would stand with Muslims against the U.S.. I can quote many Bush quotes as well that were taken out of context
a con like you sucks another man's dick, you just keep it hypocritically quiet while preaching how bad it is. pssst wipe the jizz form your chin before you talk, it's a dead giveaway.

Sorry - dick sucking is an artform authored and practiced by Libberturds and people of your ilk.

Nope you cons just like doing it by tapping your feet in bathroom stalls. Again, you need kleenex to wipe your chin there hypocrite.

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