Rush Limbaugh on The "Pope"

Not that I always agree with Rush Limbaugh, some of his rants are crazy, but I think he's correct on The "Pope", the man certainly has Marxist Political Agenda.

Rush Limbaugh "It's Now A Legit Question To Ask Is The "Pope" Catholic" duration 3 minutes 18 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Who Is The "Pope" Working For?" duration 2 minutes 41 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Has The "Pope" Ever Questioned Obama's Faith?" duration 3 minutes 50 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Why is The "Pope" Lecturing Us On Immigration?" duration 2 minutes 10 seconds:

Rush is always right when it comes to liberals and progressives. That's why they hate him with a passion. Rush uses their own words and actions to dismantle them.
Not that I always agree with Rush Limbaugh, some of his rants are crazy, but I think he's correct on The "Pope", the man certainly has Marxist Political Agenda.

Rush Limbaugh "It's Now A Legit Question To Ask Is The "Pope" Catholic" duration 3 minutes 18 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Who Is The "Pope" Working For?" duration 2 minutes 41 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Has The "Pope" Ever Questioned Obama's Faith?" duration 3 minutes 50 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Why is The "Pope" Lecturing Us On Immigration?" duration 2 minutes 10 seconds:

Rush is always right when it comes to liberals and progressives. That's why they hate him with a passion. Rush uses their own words and actions to dismantle them.

In the words of Andrew Wilkow, "we're right, they're wrong, the arguments on this program cannot be broken".
Not that I always agree with Rush Limbaugh, some of his rants are crazy, but I think he's correct on The "Pope", the man certainly has Marxist Political Agenda.

Rush Limbaugh "It's Now A Legit Question To Ask Is The "Pope" Catholic" duration 3 minutes 18 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Who Is The "Pope" Working For?" duration 2 minutes 41 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Has The "Pope" Ever Questioned Obama's Faith?" duration 3 minutes 50 seconds:

Rush Limbaugh "Why is The "Pope" Lecturing Us On Immigration?" duration 2 minutes 10 seconds:

Rush is always right when it comes to liberals and progressives. That's why they hate him with a passion. Rush uses their own words and actions to dismantle them.


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Rush uses their own words and actions to dismantle them.
Of course the pathological liar changes their words first and only then "dismantles" his own words that he has placed in their mouths.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.
So still no evidence or proof that Mary was holy and sinless, therefore garnering prayer from Christians?

I rest my case.
She's not holy, she's blessed. She was chosen by God to be the mother of his son, but that doesn't make her holy. There are only 3 things that are holy, the father the son and the holy spirit. No bible verse references her "holiness". Period. One of the ten commandments states to not worship anyone but God. It doesn't make Mary an exception to that.

Game set match.
She's not holy, she's blessed. She was chosen by God to be the mother of his son, but that doesn't make her holy. There are only 3 things that are holy, the father the son and the holy spirit. No bible verse references her "holiness". Period. One of the ten commandments states to not worship anyone but God. It doesn't make Mary an exception to that.

Game set match.
nobody worships mary. you should know that.
That Chef-Boyardee-looking papal pig's main prerogative is his muslim foot-fetish. I've wanted this turd to die of cancer ever since he defended the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Even though muslims are slowly genociding his fellow Christians in the ME, this insectile, invertebrate little tin god of the most corrupt church on Earth is all about crawling on his belly before Islam, because of his muslim foot fetish. Fuck the Catholicunt church with every quantum of my soul. Stinking, crooked, pederast filth of a religion - the only death-cult I detest more than Catholicism is Pisslam.
nobody worships mary. you should know that.

Really? Then why do Catholics say the hail mary? Why do they pray to Mary? I mean they even admit in this thread they do.
if you want to correct your misunderstanding of the catholic church you should probably make a thread in the religion forum. as we are in current events it's sufficient to say that you are wrong, catholics do not worship mary, and that even if they did it has nothing to do with rush limbaugh and the pope.
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The Pope is spewing the company line to the ignorant flock.
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The Pope is spewing the company line to the ignorant flock.
the company line? christianity?

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