Rush Limbaugh on The "Pope"

I never understood the Catholics to say "holy Mary." Nowhere in the bible does it say Mary is holy, she's blessed, but not holy. The only holy "things" are the trinity, father, son and holy spirit. That's it. Mary ain't in there.
Show it to me in the bible. Where does it say Mary is holy? In fact, one of the ten commandments is not to pray to anyone but God. Mary is not god, so why pray to Mary?

Fucking idiots on here who think they can keep up with me. Ain't gonna happen, Bubba. I used to lead a bible study class. I've got half the book memorized.
Its the sorry ass media that gave us Donald Trump.....every time this guy opens his damn mouth, the media picks up on it and plays the shit all damn day long, like enough of the Dump!!
As a non-Catholic, I respect the Pope and understand the admiration folks have for him, but have never felt he is God on Earth. The Church's tenets on several issues are not for me. I have no dog in this fight as a non-Catholic who dislikes the thought of Trump in the oval office.

The fact he's seen as God on Earth is abomination in itself. The Bible says that there is NO God on Earth, and that no human man or for that matter woman is God's Spokesperson speaking on behalf of God.
Catholic doctrine is that the church is more important than the bible.

I know and I've had trouble with the Roman Church pre-Francis, I was thinking of leaving previously. This entire thing very difficult as my entire family have been in the Roman Church for many, many, many Centuries.
Part of the problem is it is not just religious but cultural, it's part of who you are. My mom went back to her Catholic roots in her old age. Old habits are hard to break.

Yes Cultural and part of my family.

I knew your Mama would be Roman Catholic, Bayern VERY Catholic. Österreich also VERY Catholic, especially Salzburg, Oberösterreich - Upper Austria.

You know, Our Lady is THE most important to us, she is who we pray to die heilige Jungfrau Maria, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I still say three Hail Mary's before I go to bed and I always will. This has nothing to do with the Roman Church, Our Lady belongs to no Organised Religion, but belongs within us.
Show it to me in the bible. Where does it say Mary is holy? In fact, one of the ten commandments is not to pray to anyone but God. Mary is not god, so why pray to Mary?

Another idiot (above) who has learned all he needs to know about Catholicism from some spook on You Tube.
Ignorance is bliss.
Any other probing observations on the religion founded by Christ?
Or, are you going to dispute that as well, dipshit.
Show it to me in the bible. Where does it say Mary is holy? In fact, one of the ten commandments is not to pray to anyone but God. Mary is not god, so why pray to Mary?

I'm sorry but this is very disrespectful, Our Lady IS Holy, she is the Mother of Jesus The Messiah.
Unable to show me in the bible where Mary is holy, huh? I didn't learn about Catholicism from youtube, I was a Catholic for 25 years moron. I saw their stupid ways with my own eyes and when asking them to back up their butt fuck stupid religious claims, they can never do it.

Shes not holy, she's blessed. Show me where it say Mary was without sin. By all means, point it out in the bible. Chapter and verse, please.

You can't. In fact, the bible never says Mary is anyone but an ordinary citizen that God chose to use in an extraordinary way.

What does the Bible say about the virgin Mary?

Mary recognized that she needed the Savior. The Bible never says that Mary was anyone but an ordinary human whom God chose to use in an extraordinary way. Yes, Mary was a righteous woman and favored (graced) by God (Luke 1:27-28). At the same time, Mary was a sinful human being who needed Jesus Christ as her Savior, just like everyone else (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 6:23; 1 John 1:8).
I love all these libtards defending the pope until he starts talking about the evils of abortion...then every libtard will be back to hating on catholics like they have since roe v wade. bunch of hypocrites
Unable to show me in the bible where Mary is holy, huh? I didn't learn about Catholicism from youtube, I was a Catholic for 25 years moron. I saw their stupid ways with my own eyes and when asking them to back up their butt fuck stupid religious claims, they can never do it.

Shes not holy, she's blessed. Show me where it say Mary was without sin. By all means, point it out in the bible. Chapter and verse, please.

As she is of The Holy Family, she is Holy, it's not rocket science.
She is not "in the holy family." She was a sinner. Period.

You catholics are whackjobs. You just make shit up.

What does the Bible say about the virgin Mary?

Mary recognized that she needed the Savior. The Bible never says that Mary was anyone but an ordinary human whom God chose to use in an extraordinary way. Yes, Mary was a righteous woman and favored (graced) by God (Luke 1:27-28). At the same time, Mary was a sinful human being who needed Jesus Christ as her Savior, just like everyone else (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 6:23; 1 John 1:8).

Romans 3:23 states ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It doesn't say all but Mary.
I love all these libtards defending the pope until he starts talking about the evils of abortion...then every libtard will be back to hating on catholics like they have since roe v wade. bunch of hypocrites

I love all these CONS that defend the pope until he starts talking about open borders, but when he talks about abortion then every retarded con will be back to liking the pope like they have done since roe v wade. bunch of fucking hypocrites cons are.
The Pope, like Jesus is a liberal and that`s all you need to know. Why you`re bringing your graphic homo fantasies here is a mystery.

I don't believe the Pope, nor Jesus are Liberal.
For example - Liberals murder millions of unborn babies annually.
A conservative would never dream of such a thing.
Another example...
A Liberal - such as you, would suck another man's dick.
Highly unlikely the Pope, nor Jesus ever committed such a filthy act.
So kindly go fuck yourself.

a con like you sucks another man's dick, you just keep it hypocritically quiet while preaching how bad it is. pssst wipe the jizz form your chin before you talk, it's a dead giveaway.
You, in all your personas here, seem to be obsessed with a particular sex act employed by both sexes, and is none of your business. You seem to protest a bit too much though. You fling it as an insult, but your mind seems never far away from thinking about it. Hmmmmm

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