Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World

Maybe you need to try figuring out what you want to say they say something intelligent without burping up gwbs and perrys' sperm so you can speak well.
The shit you smell comes from your own mouth.

The stupidity of your kind to ignore all the facts and figures that little man gwb, that you asswipes voted for, shows all over your faces.

Sploogy, despite the fact that you are the epitome of stupidity, you are not qualified to speak on the subject, nor any subject.

Your task is to stand and bleat "Ohhhh Bahhhh Bahhhh Bahhh Mahhh," and occasionally snack on your own feces. You lack the requisite intellect to actually discuss anything.
Is your graduation from junior high coming up or are you going to have to spend another year? Are their any other 16 year old kids in the 9th grade with you?

So BlindFool WASN'T alone downing that half-gallon of gin?

Give it up little man, we saw what some biker dudes did to the crybaby texass fucks.

Yeah, go down there and make fun of Texas, in front of a bunch of cowboys and see how far you get, dudette.

That is what it is like in texass

Remember you fucks gave us gwb.

Deny everything you wish it does show you and the right wing are the dumbest crowd to try and have a reasonable conversation with.
Damn straight!

Lol, yeah, and Obama is the best you can do? Well, the evidence proves otherwise...libtards are morons.

Lol, I and reflective Christian conservatives like me didn't even support BW Bush from the beginning. Being from Texas I knew what a crook he was.
Maybe you need to try figuring out what you want to say they say something intelligent without burping up gwbs and perrys' sperm so you can speak well.
The shit you smell comes from your own mouth.

What it is, is that you are a partisan hack. Because the retarded shit you spew promotes the party, and attacks the Capitalists, you get positive reinforcement from people like Camp and BlindFool; which is too bad.

It's too bad because you really are a stupid fuck, and as long as you get praise for your idiocy, you'll never truly grasp how much of a stupid fuck you are.
Hahaha. Nixon's illegal dealing (CREEP)were investigated because of the bungling burglars, but it wasn't the break in that convinced even Republicans to vote for impeachment, was it?

No, it was the REQUEST to use the IRS against political enemies. Nixon didn't even do it, the way Obama has. But Obama is a democrat, and democrats are above the law.
Nixon did worse you dope. He had an enemies list and wanted individuals on the list to be audited for no reason other than they were on his list. Anyone who said anything critical of him got on his list.
TD 11516498
Why don't you list the don't you list the improvements?

Obama didn't go all rightwing warmonger berserk when Crimea revolted against the rightwing berserks in Kiev and departed ways with Ukraine. Perhaps not an improvement except for Crimeans but thank god that McCain and Palin never made it to the White House when events like that occurred.
Nixon did worse you dope.

So a request by Nixon to have the IRS harass enemies is WORSE than Obama actually having Lois Lerner and the IRS harass enemies?

Uh, yeah...

He had an enemies list and wanted individuals on the list to be audited for no reason other than they were on his list. Anyone who said anything critical of him got on his list.


Fucking Obama DID have individuals on his list audited for no reason other than they were on his list. He ACTUALLY DID IT - but because the victims were Tea Party and the perpetrator is a democrat, thus above the law, you make excuses.

You fucking moron.
Why don't you list why you would agree that Kerry and Obama are a joke?

Yeah, why would anyone think that, sploogy?

The only joke is any idiot who takes this rightwing religious goon serious about anything he writes. From the OP link:

The US Congress passed another bill condemning Russia and Putin. Now that's pretty funny. The Clown from out of town and his minions are pretending to be rule makers in a world where they think they are king. They've constructed a "New World" Order" of money and power for the privileged few. The punks in public office continue to lie to themselves and their voters hoping Russia's power and wealth will magically vanish through propaganda, terrorism and sanctions. The US eagle can poop everywhere but the Bear can still do whatever it wants.

I am not speaking about the hard working conservative Americans who know there is a God in heaven. People who pray "Thy will be done" bowing in obedience to the Almighty. They carry the Word of God in their hearts. I am speaking about that brood of vipers in Washington who dare live in a city named after a great general, president and man of deep faith. The insanity comes from the politicians who sold their souls to the devil. Men and women who would never bow at Christ's Holy Sepulcher like Putin did more than once.

Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost"

Sick I tell ya. A sicko!
Nixon did worse you dope.

So a request by Nixon to have the IRS harass enemies is WORSE than Obama actually having Lois Lerner and the IRS harass enemies?

Uh, yeah...

He had an enemies list and wanted individuals on the list to be audited for no reason other than they were on his list. Anyone who said anything critical of him got on his list.


Fucking Obama DID have individuals on his list audited for no reason other than they were on his list. He ACTUALLY DID IT - but because the victims were Tea Party and the perpetrator is a democrat, thus above the law, you make excuses.

You fucking moron.
You are the one being a moron. Now you need to show an actual list put together by Obama and turned over to the IRS.
Prove it. Back up your claim with something besides some distorted commentary rw hater dupe blog.
You are the one being a moron. Now you need to show an actual list put together by Obama and turned over to the IRS.
Prove it. Back up your claim with something besides some distorted commentary rw hater dupe blog.

I'm a "moron" because I don't view a request to do something as worse than actually doing it?


Sorry, I can't even consider you sane.

Being a partisan hack is one thing, but you've spun completely out of orbit.
NF 11533692
The only joke is any idiot who takes this rightwing religious goon serious about anything he writes. From the OP link:

"I am not speaking about the hard working conservative Americans who know there is a God in heaven. People who pray "Thy will be done" bowing in obedience to the Almighty. They carry the Word of God in their hearts. I am speaking about that brood of vipers in Washington who dare live in a city named after a great general, president and man of deep faith. The insanity comes from the politicians who sold their souls to the devil. Men and women who would never bow at Christ's Holy Sepulcher like Putin did more than once."
Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost".

Yep, let's all become borned again white evangelicals like the child molesting home Bible schooling homophobic Dugger family and make the pilgrimage to bow at Christ's Holy Sepulcher like Putin did several times so we won't be a joke to the world to religious goons like this.
Hahaha. Nixon's illegal dealing (CREEP)were investigated because of the bungling burglars, but it wasn't the break in that convinced even Republicans to vote for impeachment, was it?

No, it was the REQUEST to use the IRS against political enemies. Nixon didn't even do it, the way Obama has. But Obama is a democrat, and democrats are above the law.

No, it was the tape recording of Nixon (hanging himself) that cause the Republicans on the committee to vote for impeachment. Unsubstantiated allegations against President Obama or Democrats in general don't really count. Another swing and a miss.

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