Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

I just did, moron.
Answer the question.

Fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah..the question..what possible bearing this would have on this report..I don't know...I doubt that any Libs voted for Trump. So?

Any comment on the now proven fact..that Russia tried to influence our election on the direct orders of Putin? That Putin wished Trump to win...and used espionage to attempt to ensure it?
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.

H3e can't handle the answer, lol. Who cares who they wanted to win. As long as they can't vote, it makes no difference, does it!

At no place does it say Trump colluded with them to get their assistance. That is all that matters. But I betcha if you ask the Ruskies now, they would swap Trump for Hilly in a second-)

You're a little behind, aren't ya?
So how many weak minded Liberals do you know that voted for Trump?
Thought so.
It wasn't about getting voters to switch votes.

It was about attrition.

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations - Fox News

That was enough to change the outcome.


You're welcome, comrade!
Fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah..the question..what possible bearing this would have on this report..I don't know...I doubt that any Libs voted for Trump. So?

Any comment on the now proven fact..that Russia tried to influence our election on the direct orders of Putin? That Putin wished Trump to win...and used espionage to attempt to ensure it?
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.

H3e can't handle the answer, lol. Who cares who they wanted to win. As long as they can't vote, it makes no difference, does it!

At no place does it say Trump colluded with them to get their assistance. That is all that matters. But I betcha if you ask the Ruskies now, they would swap Trump for Hilly in a second-)

You're a little behind, aren't ya?

So how many weak minded Liberals do you know that voted for Trump?
Thought so.
It wasn't about getting voters to switch votes.

It was about attrition.

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations - Fox News

That was enough to change the outcome.


You're welcome, comrade!

So how many weak minded Liberals do you know that voted for Trump?
Thought so.
It wasn't about getting voters to switch votes.

It was about attrition.

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations - Fox News

That was enough to change the outcome.


You're welcome, comrade!

So now it's all Comey's fault. LMAO Putin didn't have anything to do with Comeys actions.


You know what folks. Who you gonna believe, these people, or myself and the messiah-)

Fail on the first question.
What was Trump’s and Sander’s platform on Business Visas?

Really? We're going to do this one by one? This is proof positive that you're not going to come up anywhere near 95%.

Business visas,

3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

Not quite the same as Sanders, eh?

So, I rattle off a bunch of topics just so we don't have to do this one off item at a time thing and you completely ignore it. They are not in agreement on 95% of things, Sanders voting record appears to be bolting away from Trump. Why make this 95% claim and not even come close to backing it up? Why do it?

You're a fraud.
Face it, like the typical Liberal you have the attention span of a flea.

300 BVs for 3 months.
In other words, 2nd fail.

What’s their positions on infrastructure?

Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?
Really? We're going to do this one by one? This is proof positive that you're not going to come up anywhere near 95%.

Business visas,

3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

Not quite the same as Sanders, eh?

So, I rattle off a bunch of topics just so we don't have to do this one off item at a time thing and you completely ignore it. They are not in agreement on 95% of things, Sanders voting record appears to be bolting away from Trump. Why make this 95% claim and not even come close to backing it up? Why do it?

You're a fraud.
Face it, like the typical Liberal you have the attention span of a flea.

300 BVs for 3 months.
In other words, 2nd fail.

What’s their positions on infrastructure?

Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
So how many weak minded Liberals do you know that voted for Trump?
Thought so.
It wasn't about getting voters to switch votes.

It was about attrition.

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations - Fox News

That was enough to change the outcome.


You're welcome, comrade!
As opposed to 99% of the media lying about Trump 24/7?
Your stupidity never fails to amuse me.

Whoa, look up, you just might catch a glimpse of the thread you just responded to.
Face it, like the typical Liberal you have the attention span of a flea.

300 BVs for 3 months.
In other words, 2nd fail.

What’s their positions on infrastructure?

Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
Are you on drugs?
99% of the Liberals on USMB have been screaming for 1 year for Open Borders.
Damn, you're fucking blind to your ideological bullshit.
Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
Are you on drugs?
99% of the Liberals on USMB have been screaming for 1 year for Open Borders.
Damn, you're fucking blind to your ideological bullshit.

Who? Prove it. I think you'll lie about anything and you certainly should stay away from using percentages, doesn't work out for you.
Face it, like the typical Liberal you have the attention span of a flea.

300 BVs for 3 months.
In other words, 2nd fail.

What’s their positions on infrastructure?

Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
I already told you Sander's plan for Border Control.
The concept is the same.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
Are you on drugs?
99% of the Liberals on USMB have been screaming for 1 year for Open Borders.
Damn, you're fucking blind to your ideological bullshit.

Who? Prove it.
I don't spend my time here saving Links to the posts of mentally disturbed Liberals.
If I did, I would run out of disk space in an hour.
Infrastructure? What candidate didn't like infrastructure? That's not even a serious question. When are you going to prove that Sanders and Trump were aligned? I wish you'd quit wasting time. Try google.
Not one Republican, save Trump, is for infrastructure.
Damn, you’re as informed ad a bowl of farina.

Border control?

Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
I already told you Sander's plan for Border Control.
The concept is the same.

No it's not. You have that wall issue. Clinton was also for border control, everyone is for controlling the border numbnuts.
Pretty much nobody shits on infrastrucutre, they may do nothing about it (Trump) but they never crap on it.

Border control? You mean a wall? You already know the answer to that.

You do know that 11.4% is less than 95%, right?
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.
Are you on drugs?
99% of the Liberals on USMB have been screaming for 1 year for Open Borders.
Damn, you're fucking blind to your ideological bullshit.

Who? Prove it.
I don't spend my time here saving Links to the posts of mentally disturbed Liberals.
If I did, I would run out of disk space in an hour.

Great, I guess you have some searching to do. If 99% of liberals on this board have been calling for open borders like you claim then it should be a piece of cake. Wouldn't want to catch you lying again.
So they preferred Trump. BFD.
Think this is the first time that Russia/Soviet Union preferred one presidential candidate over the other ?
So they preferred Trump. BFD.
Think this is the first time that Russia/Soviet Union preferred one presidential candidate over the other ?

Preferred, acted on and when that candidate won did absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening again.

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