Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

Yeah but we will. I'm just currently on standby until Biden gives the orders.
We are already involved up to our ears - with Quid Pro trying to play both sides. Russia knows who funded Ukraine (with 10% going to the Big Guy).

Dudley is right, this is none of our business, but Biden was taking bribes from both sides, so we got sucked into it.

But we can't get judgmental, consider that Russia, Iran, and China are funding the Mexican drug cartels to wage war on us - so funding Ukraine is a reasonable response. What is not reasonable is that we have not used similar drones on the cartels to blow them to hell.
I don't know much about NATO but from what I've heard about them they're all a bunch of Nazis too.

No they aren't, that's just propaganda. Russia has more skinheads than Ukraine and the rest of Europe combined. We have Nazi here, too, so it's just a red herring argument. All countires have a degree of corruption; does than mean we all need to roll over and die? No.
lol they already have, which is why Putin is flinging pooh from his diapers and babbling about tossing nukes around.
Putin doesn't aimlessly babble like bozo Biden.
Putin is a very pragmatic individual who says what he means; and means what he says.
Putin recently stated, "I don't bluff".
Bozo Biden and the EU/NATO nitwits are foolish to ignore his words.
All you have to do is watch his speeches translated into english on youtube to find out what he actually said about nukes. Which is way different from what our fake media claims he said.
Warheads aren't ICBM's, much less functional ones.

You do realize Russian ICBMS can carry up to 10 warheads each, right?

Even if Putin only has 1000 functional ICBM'S, that is more than enough to end life in America as we know it. This doesn't even include the immediate economic and societal shut down that would happen if he used ONE weapon on our country.

If a virus with a 99% survival rate can bring this country to our knees, do you really think we need 1000 ICBMS?
Dumbass I've lived in Russia through the USSR desolution and Perestroyka years

What the fuck do you think you know that I don't about any of this?

A lot, obviously.

The USSR collapsed. The technologically advanced "republics" split away, leaving a rotting husk that at one point looked like it might bloom into a Western style nation - but then got a bad case of the Putins....
We are already involved up to our ears - with Quid Pro trying to play both sides. Russia knows who funded Ukraine (with 10% going to the Big Guy).
Idiot, 10% comment was about some Chinese deals. Hunter has had zero to do with Ukraine since before Joe became president.
You do realize Russian ICBMS can carry up to 10 warheads each, right?

Even if Putin only has 1000 functional ICBM'S, that is more than enough to end life in America as we know it. This doesn't even include the immediate economic and societal shut down that would happen if he used ONE weapon on our country.

If a virus with a 99% survival rate can bring this country to our knees, do you really think we need 1000 ICBMS?

They don't carry nearly as many as you think they do, You also assume they all work, while most people who know think most of them are junk, just like their '30,000 tanks'. Our forces are bigger, and far more important they are by far more accurate. and Putin knows it. He isn't going to launch anything but a wave of bullshit.
A lot, obviously.

The USSR collapsed. The technologically advanced "republics" split away, leaving a rotting husk that at one point looked like it might bloom into a Western style nation - but then got a bad case of the Putins....
You are clueless. the only technologically advanced part of USSR was Russia.

Or maybe you can point to Kazakh spacecrafts and jets?

Everything was done through Moscow sucking all USSR resources into big tech projects like nuclear weapons and air/space program.
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"Russia possesses a total of 5,977 nuclear warheads as of 2022[4], the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world"

How do you feel, you stupid dumbfuck?

You said: "You are aware that Russia has 6000 nuclear ICBM'S ready at a moments notice with our name on them, right?"

I feel pretty smart. You are obviously the dumbfuck!

"The Russian Strategic Rocket Forces have 286 ICBMs able to deliver 958 nuclear warheads: 46 silo-based R-36M2 (SS-18), 30 silo-based UR-100N (SS-19), 36 mobile RT-2PM "Topol" (SS-25), 60 silo-based RT-2UTTH "Topol M" (SS-27), 18 mobile RT-2UTTH "Topol M" (SS-27), 84 mobile RS-24 "Yars" (SS-29), and 12 silo-based RS-24 "Yars" (SS-29)."

Check my math, but I do not think 286 is anywhere near 6000, which is what you claimed they had.

Just FYI, we have 404 ICBMs which is more than the Russians.
You do realize Russian ICBMS can carry up to 10 warheads each, right?

Even if Putin only has 1000 functional ICBM'S, that is more than enough to end life in America as we know it. This doesn't even include the immediate economic and societal shut down that would happen if he used ONE weapon on our country.

If a virus with a 99% survival rate can bring this country to our knees, do you really think we need 1000 ICBMS?
That's still not close to accurate, dumbass!
Putin doesn't aimlessly babble like bozo Biden.
Putin is a very pragmatic individual who says what he means; and means what he says.
Putin recently stated, "I don't bluff".
Bozo Biden and the EU/NATO nitwits are foolish to ignore his words.
All you have to do is watch his speeches translated into english on youtube to find out what he actually said about nukes. Which is way different from what our fake media claims he said.

Russians always bluff.

Bluster is part of their national identity.
You do realize Russian ICBMS can carry up to 10 warheads each, right?

Even if Putin only has 1000 functional ICBM'S, that is more than enough to end life in America as we know it. This doesn't even include the immediate economic and societal shut down that would happen if he used ONE weapon on our country.

If a virus with a 99% survival rate can bring this country to our knees, do you really think we need 1000 ICBMS?

If those ICBM's actually worked. Oh, and then there is SDI - which despite the lies of the left in the 80's - does in fact work.
Idiot, 10% comment was about some Chinese deals. Hunter has had zero to do with Ukraine since before Joe became president.

Aw, does Anton haz a sadz?

Corruption is the fuel of the democrat party. No way in hell a billion dollars goes to Ukraine without MASSIVE embezzlement and kickbacks for the democrats.

Republicans get kickbacks by becoming CEO's of companies they helped while in office. democrats go for straight up cash....
If those ICBM's actually worked. Oh, and then there is SDI - which despite the lies of the left in the 80's - does in fact work.

But the question is, how many need to hit us to end our country? Let's say out of 1000 warheads on ICBMS half don't work. 500. Let's say of those, half get shot down by the Ageis missile defense system. That still means 250 nuclear warheads 50 times more powerful than Nagasaki would hit our country. That would also end life in this country as we know it. It would contaminate our water, food supply and kill half of our residents all in 30 minutes.

You wanna bank this countries future on guesses of how good our missile defense system is and how good Russia's stuff us? It doesn't take thousands to end our country. A dozen would pretty much bring us to our knees. 250 would end us.

Do I think a rational Putin would use nuclear weapons against us? No. But we're not dealing with a rational Putin.
You are clueless. the only technologically advanced part of USSR was Russia.

Or maybe you can point to Kazakh spacecrafts and jets?

Everything was done through Moscow sucking all USSR resources into big tech projects like nuclear weapons and air/space program.
  • Baikonur, a town close to the spaceport facility of the same name in Kazakhstan, which is rented and administered by Russia. Non-resident visitors will need pre-approval from the Russian authorities to visit both the town of Baikonur itself and the Cosmodrome. Note that said approval is completely separate from just having a Russian visa. Some tourism organisations in Kazakhstan provide services in organising trips to visit Baikonur and the museums contained there.}

You really are quite very ignorant...

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