Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

It's all really scary but at the same time we have to know when to fight and when to back down. I just hope I never have to make that decision myself.

Do we just cave to any scumbag who uses nuclear blackmail to extort compliance of its expansionism? You really think he stops with Ukraine? He has said many times he want to retake the territories of the former Soviet Union. So when North Korea demands we give them California, we should do it cuz they have nukes?
The GOP is in the boat that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Trump prevented him from invading through strength. Biden allowed it through weakness. NOW we have to spend hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars of money we don't have to try to defend a democratic nation with rampant corruption but with a hundred million innocent civilians. The USA protects the innocent, it's what we do. We just wish we could have protected them WITHOUT having to do a proxy war with Russia.

Are you sure you are talking about Ukraine? They have ony 44 million in their entire population.
Yeah, you're probably right that we're probably still going to have our troops backup Ukraine. I don't remember much about WW1 and two I confess. All I remember from school is they happened but I don't remember why or what actually happened in them because I was stupid enough to sleep through it.
Please don't comment on things you know nothing about. That is the job of liberals!
Even if only half of them work, 3000 is more than enough to end life in America as we know it.

Life in America as we knew it basically already ended.

Do we just care to any scumbag who uses nuclear blackmail to extort compliance of its expansionism? You really think he stops with Ukraine? He has said many times he want to retake the territories of the former Soviet Union.

It all comes down that if the US becomes a target in whatever shape or form what will save the most lives.
You are aware that Russia has 6000 nuclear ICBM'S ready at a moments notice with our name on them, right?

Yeah, yeah, I lived and served during the "cold war" when all those were pointing at us.

Just go hide in your basement and let the rest of us get on with our lives instead of living in fear.
Yeah, yeah, I lived and served during the "cold war" when all those were pointing at us.

Just go hide in your basement and let the rest of us get on with our lives instead of living in fear.

I'm not living in fear at all. But Gorbachev was a much more rational human than Putin.

It scares me a hell of a lot more to know that an imbecile like Biden has the nuclear football.
Oh look, and it's Biden's "sponsors" the Iranians making the drones.

Anyone surprised?

But ... but... they're like a Giant Military N Stuff .... 2nd largest, according to the mythology. Some people think they really have 30,000 tanks, too, just never mind 27,000 of them are scrap metal sitting in a junkyard. The Germans alone have more tanks operable and in the field than Russia and Belarus combined.
Americans need to know that if it does happen, the ghouls fleeing cities like new York will be extremely dangerous.

Americans will have to protect their communities from them.

lol you playing too many role playing games. Zombie Apocalypse is a fantasy movie, not a documentary,

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