Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

But ... but... they're like a Giant Military N Stuff .... 2nd largest, according to the mythology. Some people think they really have 30,000 tanks, too, just never mind 27,000 of them are scrap metal sitting in a junkyard. The Germans alone have more tanks operable and in the field than Russia and Belarus combined.
There is dumb, then there's dumber, yet you're not one of them, You're a moron.
Dumbass, what part of "rented and administered by Russia" do you not get?

You're too stupid for words. EVERYTHING in the USSR was administered by Russia. These closed "science cities" were scattered about the empire. They recruited those who were the best and the brightest - a better plan than ours - which took the most corrupt and stupidest and made him president...

You DIRECTLY impugned Kazakhstan - when it turns out one of the prominent science centers was there..

What is "Stupid Fuck" in Russian? AntonToo?
lol they already have, which is why Putin is flinging pooh from his diapers and babbling about tossing nukes around.
Jackass, it was your CNN or some equally crappy newshole reporter who faked Putin uttering that nuclear bull, then got outraged by Putin's imaginary words and assholes like you took over and spread the horrific "news" among the idiot half of America. Now FJB is scared shitlees we've got WW-III on our hands.
Jackass, it was your CNN or some equally crappy newshole reporter who faked Putin uttering that nuclear bull, then got outraged by Putin's imaginary words and assholes like you took over and spread the horrific "news" among the idiot half of America. Now FJB is scared shitlees we've got WW-III on our hands.
Wait, are you saying Putin DIDN'T threaten to us nukes? :doubt:
Yes, I do.

I don't speak Russian, but I'm pretty sure that the English term "dumb fuck" is pronounced in Russian as "AntonToo."

I like that you smack Anton around, but seriously - this kind of Russian troll shit just makes you a pariah to everyone.

Here is Communist China's State media with direct video;

With the number of nuclear warheads that Russia is sportin' and a dictator that is stressed out with the appearance
of losing, it could turn into a very nasty global conflict.

Nobody is going to stand by Putin and get themselves killed over the idiot. They will sell him stuff, but they aren't gping to fall ontheir swords for that gangster. not even his own pet oligarchs. The whole point of stealing billions is living to enjoy it.
Of course he is because he's being told to. The government is currently holding alliances with a lot of communist countries right now and that's another thing that I'm worried about for a possible start to World War III.

Well then how did that get started.

Exactly! Like I said before though, I just seriously hope and pray to God that that doesn't happen.

Ukraine pissed off a lot of far right wingers by electing a Jew as President, or whatever the title is there, and of course Black Rock and State Street were heavily invested in Russia and are losing over $120 billion, so naturally the GOP spin doctors need to pull something out of their asses. Don't be fooled they're as stupid and partisan as Democrats, they just have BDS versus TDS, only many GOP types have both.
EVERYTHING in the USSR was administered by Russia.

You DIRECTLY impugned Kazakhstan - when it turns out one of the prominent science centers was there..

Dummy, it's a RUSSIAN science center.

Kazakhstan has more immediate needs of it's populace than blowing their limited resources on space programs and jet developement.
Yes, they conquered these other countries.

Poland, the Baltics, Hungary, the Cheks, these were the brain trust in the Soviet empire.

In fact the Soviets starved most of the other countries in their empire in order to prop up East Germany and Poland's economies in a futile attempt at pretending they were model Soviet cultures.
Nobody is going to stand by Putin and get themselves killed over the idiot. They will sell him stuff, but they aren't gping to fall ontheir swords for that gangster. not even his own pet oligarchs. The whole point of stealing billions is living to enjoy it.
Without a doubt, the odds are in your favor. But the question was about a WWIII. We had a long term cold war with Russia, even if their economy sucks,
they have the nukes. They could send one to Ukraine and that could start the process. I doubt China would get involved with Russia, but who knows what
goes on in that country? Opportunists?
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We are already involved up to our ears - with Quid Pro trying to play both sides. Russia knows who funded Ukraine (with 10% going to the Big Guy).

Dudley is right, this is none of our business, but Biden was taking bribes from both sides, so we got sucked into it.

But we can't get judgmental, consider that Russia, Iran, and China are funding the Mexican drug cartels to wage war on us - so funding Ukraine is a reasonable response. What is not reasonable is that we have not used similar drones on the cartels to blow them to hell.

At what point do you and most realize that the far left Dimm's and Joey are waging war against America!!
When you and your families get nuclear skelatized into dust??
Dummy, it's a RUSSIAN science center.

Kazakhstan has more immediate needs of it's populace than blowing their limited resources on space programs and jet developement.
Moron, it was using Kazakh slaves as the scientists.

That's why the centers weren't all in Moscow - in fact only one was...

The slaves wanted to be close to their families.
I don't speak Russian, but I'm pretty sure that the English term "dumb fuck" is pronounced in Russian as "AntonToo."

I like that you smack Anton around, but seriously - this kind of Russian troll shit just makes you a pariah to everyone.

Here is Communist China's State media with direct video;

He's an ass alright but what's China media got to do with what you linked me with and do I care if some dipshits don't agree with what I think?
Take a listen on YouTube to Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter, "The Duran", "The New Atlas", Gonzalo Lira, "Redacted", iEarlGrey or Эрлгрей, "Garland Nixon", smoothieX12. They are Americans or English who think a bit differently than the mainstream media you're used to.
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